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Nintendo need to sort out this ignorance ARGH!!!!


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It is just a white DVD player.

Those two people are geniuses and this is a shite thread.


Stopp telling Nintendo how to do their job, if they cock up they wont have one. They are accountable to their sales, marketing, accounts and actions over the Christmas period.




jeez chill out, was just saying what i'd heard. thought this board was for discussing what we thought about the Wii, thats what I'm doing just giving an impression of what I think, as well as snap shots (small snap shots) of the publics perception of Wii and why I think it might be, I'm not telling Nintendo how to do thier jobs just what I'd like to see them to do, theres a slight difference.




Also one other reaction I forgot to write in my intial thread starter cos I'd forgotten about it owing to my rambling about the other things was a teenage boy pronouncing Wii as "Why"?!!!!

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me and a few other people are sick to death of Nintendorks attitude


In my GAME store there is no advertising and only a few pre-orders have been made, probebly because of the lack of advertising by nintendo, but i suppose when it gets closser to the release date more people will become aware of it.

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maybe you should have explained the wii to that girl and her father


I would have done was with another customer. did look back to see if they were still there to ask if they needed any help, but alas they were gone.




My gripe was with the thread title and your attitude mostly.


I don't care what people think in shops.. if they think Nintendo make DVD players chances are they haven't ever played games before.


I think it is down to the dispaly material more, the fact that the girl and her dad were browsing around in the games section, makes me think that between them they must have played games, or atleast have some knowledge.

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Right Im just gonna stop, cos seems this thread has just turned into me having to defend myself for just saying what had happened and that nintendo need to try and sort it out is they want the Wii to appeal to the wider market.




DCK, just re-read ur post were you having a go at me or just making a general observation using the proverbial "you"

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It's the proverbial you.


I can understand where you're coming from but you seem to take it as a personal offence. I mean, what do movie fans think of people whot hate Pulp Fiction? What do photographers think of you buying a random camera because it says Sony on the back? Is that ignorance? No, you simply don't know, and that's a common thing. It's not as if this is such a major issue, there are a lot of people who do like the idea.

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My gripe was with the thread title and your attitude mostly.


I don't care what people think in shops.. if they think Nintendo make DVD players chances are they haven't ever played games before.


Well most of us care what people think. If the Wii doesn't sell, that's bad for Nintendo, and bad for Nintendo fans, who want Nintendo to be a success, because then it will continue to make home consoles!

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I actually find Nintendork rather amusing, also i agree with a lot of his views.


Seriously, it's just under 2 months, there's plenty of time for them to start advertising. If they did do a public event, who would go? People like us, people who already have their pre orders down, and have been following for a long time.


Once the marketing gets going, people will be interested, i ahd a mate who didnt want one, now he thinks it looks really cool, after looking up about it on the web, ads etc will gnerate interest and knowledge but it doesn't really need to start until next month.

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It's a white DVD player with a bunch of extra chips, and without MPEG2 decoder.


I guess that kind of thing even happens in Japan. I hope people's opinion about the Wii get's a lot better when they start knowing people that knows people that knows people that have played some friend's Wii.

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It's the proverbial you.


I can understand where you're coming from but you seem to take it as a personal offence. I mean, what do movie fans think of people whot hate Pulp Fiction? What do photographers think of you buying a random camera because it says Sony on the back? Is that ignorance? No, you simply don't know, and that's a common thing. It's not as if this is such a major issue, there are a lot of people who do like the idea.


ok cheers sorry for misinterpreting!

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Guest Stefkov
Also one other reaction I forgot to write in my intial thread starter cos I'd forgotten about it owing to my rambling about the other things was a teenage boy pronouncing Wii as "Why"?!!!!

Thats happened to me quite a few times. People are saying it as Why, and some as Why-i. Then i say its Wii, the proper way, and theyre liek really that sounds shit.

Oh the oh so broad minds of our european youth.

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I think one of the good things about it here in Norway is that people tend to pronounce it "Vi", which is the exact same as the norwegian word for "We". (The 'V' being due to the fact that we don't use 'W' in norwegian.) So people see the connection more, due to the language. And also, there's no other way to pronounce 'i' in norwegian then the way it's intended in "Wii", so there's no mishaps like that. Generally I think norwegian people are much more comfortable with the name of it.. Obviously many people pronounce with a 'W' rather than a 'V', but that's mainly people who are familiar with the system.

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Supposadely GAME shops are going mental over the Wii? I read on another forum that this person went into GAME and literally the employees were picking up the phone saying 'we suggest you preorder a Nintendo Wii now' and posters were everywhere and everyone was talking about it.


I went into Comet in Colchester yesterday on this retail park (The new-look PC world is great by the way if anyone cares, lol).


NOTHING was in there...at all. NOTHING.


I went and looked at the LCD'S and suddenly the screen went White...i thought...mmmm....then to my surprise a massive 'WII' came up on every single screen in the shop, and '2006' afterwards.


That wasn't all though, i went past a couple aged 50-60 at the time and the women said 'whats that?' to her husband, to my surprise he replied 'A new games machine'.


Somethings working....it's up to NOE to keep people in the know, and sadly we all know NOE are really quite poor for doing this, we'll see....

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I think one of the good things about it here in Norway is that people tend to pronounce it "Vi", which is the exact same as the norwegian word for "We". (The 'V' being due to the fact that we don't use 'W' in norwegian.) So people see the connection more, due to the language. And also, there's no other way to pronounce 'i' in norwegian then the way it's intended in "Wii", so there's no mishaps like that. Generally I think norwegian people are much more comfortable with the name of it.. Obviously many people pronounce with a 'W' rather than a 'V', but that's mainly people who are familiar with the system.


hmmm thats interesting for a word that Nintendo picked for it's universal world wide appeal. Although I suppose it makes sense also that some languages wouldn't have a W, much like we don't have alot of the letters that make up some other languages.

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me and a few other people are sick to death of Nintendorks attitude


In my GAME store there is no advertising and only a few pre-orders have been made, probebly because of the lack of advertising by nintendo, but i suppose when it gets closser to the release date more people will become aware of it.


i think i'm a few other people : peace:


wow people were aparently lined up at one in the morning for my local eb :shock:


(i preordered in zellers) :yay: (see thread wii preorder scams for more info on zeller's "package")

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I think the big advertisement Nintendo have got on the Toys 'r' us in Times Square is pretty genius, it will easily be seen by thousands of people.


And I like Nintendork, he isn't afraid to voice his opinion and he isn't a sheep like some people I suspect....

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I think one of the good things about it here in Norway is that people tend to pronounce it "Vi", which is the exact same as the norwegian word for "We". (The 'V' being due to the fact that we don't use 'W' in norwegian.)



Genius!!!!:bouncy: :p

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