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My First Signature


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Thanks Shorty.


ok here it is. sig.jpg


still needs ALOT of work obv but i need to know how to get backgrounds on there and such.


Please tell me how to improve on things :D


You started by the end, first is background then stock pics and fonts. Altough it looks rather nice in it's simplicity.

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An easy way to put a backgroun on would be to find a program like photoshop or gimp (free), and put the background as one layer and then what you have at the moment as another. then play around with the settings so they merge.


Anyway, i like your sig without the background. put a border around it and it'll be good to go. If you move toad closer to the triforce, then the triforce will look more central. Anyway, I should really do something with my sig. havent figured out what yet.

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If your using gimp, if you colour selcet the background of the images (white), and then press something like ctrl+k basically delete or cut it It should then become trasparent. then add some type of feathering to make the images edgs less jaggy. Theres probably much better/easier ways but im a gimp n00b.

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