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Nintendo, Wasting Opportunities? Just what are they doing??


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OK then, have you ever seen PC World advertise their latest laptop special offer before you can actually buy it?


Darthbane, he isnt being ignorant, he's just stating an opinion. But Patch, the Wii isnt a special offer, the Wii is a console. Are you saying advertising shouldnt start until it has came out? That would be a very good marketing plan, you want it known and experienced before the launch day, it worked for DS, it will work for wii.


Saying that, Wii advertising will begin next month, well it should. As for demo units, most shops wont bother. Lack of space wont really be suited for games that require motion.


you dont need much space to play the likes of wii bowling, tennis or golf. Wii boxing and baseball on the otherhand could pose a problem.


Now now, let's keep things civilised shall we?


All I'm trying to do is provide a precedent for which to compare Nintendo's situation. If you can provide me with a similar non-VG example where pre-release marketing occurred and, more to the point, was successful (though this is hard to prove) then yes, Nintendo could be said to be short-sighted.


Point taken about the laptops. How about this then:

Have you seen any adverts for Windows Vista yet? There are only a handful of companies making OSes, and Vista is supposed to be released Q4 2006.



agreed about keeping things civil. sorry If I offended.


However you seem adamant that nintendo do no need to (any time soon) establish awareness of the wii with the general public. And by the public I mean joey consumer and not the likes of you and I who are aware of it and who frequent gaming sites.

My initial qualm was with the fact that nintendo sponsored a video gaming event, and in the section 'the future of video gaming' there was no mention or preview of the wii at all.I thought that was a dumb and irresponsible move. If you disagree, I would like to hear your reasons why.

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Yes but from what a few public members know about the Wii is that you have full movement, whats the fun in wii sports if you just make slight motion? Thats no fun.


you really dont need to make exaggerated movements with the wii. At the recent UK press event, nintendo went out of their way to reassure this by not only setting up wii pods, but mock bedroom setups where a wii was there and you could play the likes of wii sports while lying on a couch.

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agreed about keeping things civil. sorry If I offended.

However you seem adamant that nintendo do no need to (any time soon) establish awareness of the wii with the general public. And by the public I mean joey consumer and not the likes of you and I who are aware of it and who frequent gaming sites.

My initial qualm was with the fact that nintendo sponsored a video gaming event, and in the section 'the future of video gaming' there was no mention or preview of the wii at all.I thought that was a dumb and irresponsible move. If you disagree, I would like to hear your reasons why.


No worries. :)

I'm merely playing devil's advocate, sorry if I gave the impression otherwise. See my last recently-edited post on page 1.


I really don't know enough about marketing to say with confidence whether or not Nintendo should or should not be advertising the Wii right now.


My personal belief is that word-of-mouth is far more powerful than marketing, and that no amount of marketing would have helped Gamecube sales. Just my opinion.


As for the video gaming event, it does seem odd that they would shy away from such an obvious chance to spotlight the Wii, and I don't agree or disagree with you.

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Most people i talk to have no clue what the Wii is actually capable of.


One lad just thought you played it with the remote and had no idea that the Wiimote sensed movement, his opinion of it was that it sounded crap but he just didn't think of the possibilites and the immersion that Wii is capable of :hmm:


Another lad just had no faith in Nintendo. He is happy playing games with a standard ps2 pad. He needs to experience how good it is ASAP!



It's hard for me to contemplate how these people have no excitment for the Wii. The only Wii pre-orders our store (Argos) have taken so far are for staff members (4 of them), and these are guaranteed launch day available consoles...... the general public and casual gamers seem to have no idea! makes me mad :angry: Nintendo europe have some work to do.

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I'm a primary school teacher, and none of the children in my Year 5 class knew what the Wii was when I mentioned it to them a few weeks ago. Nintendo needs to get its act together, and fast. A few little signs in GAME branches isn't enough.

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you really dont need to make exaggerated movements with the wii. At the recent UK press event, nintendo went out of their way to reassure this by not only setting up wii pods, but mock bedroom setups where a wii was there and you could play the likes of wii sports while lying on a couch.


Yes I know, hence why I said 'What the public knows'. Any ways another thing I said to take in account 'Whats the fun to Wii sports without full movement?' because you loose the fun if you just flick your wrist on your own, you want to feel immersed.

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I think Nintendo should start advertising round about the time when the kids toys get advertised on TV...I mean...even I want one of those babys that drink and wet themselves after seeing the adverts 13248923 times! That's when Christmas officially starts for me.

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The initial batch of Wii's will be gobbled up by people who were going to buy one regardless of advertising. These people will then go on to demonstrate their Wii's to friends and family.

So yeah, the early adoptors will be Nintendos best marketing tool. Supporting the Wii with killer apps on a regular basis would be swell too.


*the new Elebits trailer should be in every retail demo reel

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Guest Stefkov

I really want to go to that Game On thing. There was a feature on Newsround on it a while ago, little guy didnt know anyhing...bless lol.

Ninty are doing good with the DS advertising. I've seen at least 5 of those signs things at bus stops or just standing there, with DS adverts. One with a black woman playing on a pink ds lite, one a white guy playing a white dslite.

Channel 4 is sponsered by DS, seriously what more do you want? Interactive Wii's while waiting for a bus? Sure they oculd put some billboards advertisiing the Wii, but the Ps3 is being advertised a lot because Sony sponser the Championship or something, whatch any of those mathces and you'll see a board wiith either playstation 3 or psp advertising on it.

I don't think Nintendo can get into that kind of market. They just need some Tv space and a couple of billboards in busy places, which they already have.

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Mental, I thought they just used the little one for playing Mega Drive.


Anyway.. to draw this thread to a close: who has a degree in either business, media, marketing or economics?


Anyone? No, so shaddap.


*thread dies*


erm, as it happens I have a 1st degree in marketing, media and communications

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