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BDs for sale already!!!


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i cant believe HMV Manchester have started selling Blu-Ray Discs when i dont believe there are any players out there!!!


has anyone else saw these discs for sale yet-or any players???


seems to me that Sony are trying to get people used to seeing them, not badly priced though-17.99 each.

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It's to make people buy a PS3


probably true, but both the PS3 and BD players look sooo 80s and MASSIVE!!! its what cupboards were made for really.


i really belive its so people start to recognise BD and start to associate it with high def DVDs-i mean where the fuck are the HD-DVDs?!?!?!

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Yeah, Blu-ray players so far a so amazingly ugly.


reminds me of the PS3 BD controller (which uses Bluetooth! wtf?!?! whats wrong with infrared?!) which you can see in the PS3 thread ;) all 80s and bleurgh! Sony need some new hardware designers.

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Infrared sucks, it's annoying on the 360 because I have to stick my arm out around the disc drive when it's out to close the thing when I lay on my bed. (it's at an angle to the 360, i just twist my tv round using my foot to watch in bed.)


Blu-ray has been out a little while now, mainly in Sony laptops. The price for films are pretty much the same price as normal DVDs (check play.com and such). So much for this "expensive discness" that was going around. It was just pricks hyping negative as usual.

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Just think in 10+ years time, this will all start off again. They say Blu Ray can hold up to 200GB with the sextuple layer, but that is nothing because I read that some company (Can't think of the name at the top of my head) was already into making a 1TB disc.


It's never ending technology advancements but I guess at the end of the day we love it all really.

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BD-Rs and BD-REs (Why did they change "RW" to "RE". RE stands for Rewritable, but did Sony fail to notice that "Recordable" starts with "Re"?) have been on sale for quite a while.


Still on the subject of the name, the official name is "Blu-Ray Disc", meaning people speaking proper English have to spell Disk wrong all the time. Also, surely BR-RW would be a much, much better name.


Also, compared to DVD's they are very expensive, for retailers anyway.


1 DVD - 10p ish

1 Blu-Ray - £15 ish


Is Blu-Ray really 150 times better than DVD?


Oh, and CD/DVD cases are around 1p each for retailers, so including one of those won't make much difference.

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BD-Rs and BD-REs (Why did they change "RW" to "RE". RE stands for Rewritable, but did Sony fail to notice that "Recordable" starts with "Re"?) have been on sale for quite a while.


Still on the subject of the name, the official name is "Blu-Ray Disc", meaning people speaking proper English have to spell Disk wrong all the time. Also, surely BR-RW would be a much, much better name.


Also, compared to DVD's they are very expensive, for retailers anyway.


1 DVD - 10p ish

1 Blu-Ray - £15 ish


Is Blu-Ray really 150 times better than DVD?



But it is always like that when technology first comes out. I remember when I first started buying DVDs. A pack of 10 DVD-Rs would cost me about £15, now I can get a pack of 50 for that much.

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Still on the subject of the name, the official name is "Blu-Ray Disc", meaning people speaking proper English have to spell Disk wrong all the time.


Seriously? Disc is actually meant to be spelt disk? All my life I've tried to spell everything according to proper english and yet now I find I've been living a lie. :shakehead

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It depends on the thing. Hard Drive is called a Hard Disk while a CD is called a Compact Disc.


According to Dictionary.com






<storage, spelling> British spelling of "disk", normally

only used for "compact disc".





The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2005 Denis Howe

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Yea, "official" names for items vary:


- Floppy disk

- Hard disk

- Compact disc

- MiniDisc


- Disk (mathematical term for the inside of a circle)

- Accretion disc

- Protoplanetary disk



So, really, the spelling is quite messed up.

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Good good, I was worried for a second. Someone should really sort this disc/disk controversy up.


Once we all get 1gbit internet connections, we'll stop having physical mediums. Simple as.


Hmmm, I doubt it somehow, as anyone who has had a hard drive break with all their music, photos and videos on will testify. Plus hard copies of things is so much cooler to look at, nothing like a big pile of cd's and box of vinyl.

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