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North Korea Test Nuclear Weapon


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North Korea's claim that it has successfully tested a nuclear weapon has sparked international condemnation.


The White House called for a swift response from the UN Security Council, calling Pyongyang's move "provocative".


Japan and South Korea also condemned the test and even Pyongyang's closest ally China expressed its "resolute opposition", calling the move "brazen".


North Korean state media said the underground test had brought "happiness to our people".


The test, which South Korean media said took place in Gilju in Hamgyong province at 1036 (0136 GMT), has still to be confirmed.


But both the US and Japan said they had detected seismic waves. Russia said it was "100% certain" a nuclear test had occurred.


The size of the bomb is uncertain. South Korean reports put it as low as 550 tons of destructive power but Russia said it was between five and 15 kilotons. The Hiroshima bomb of 1945 was 12.5-15 kilotons.


The BBC's diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says North Korea's claimed test does not necessarily mean it has a fully-fledged nuclear bomb or warhead that it can deliver to a target.


The US led calls for a swift UN response. White House spokesman Tony Snow said: "We expect the UN Security Council to take immediate actions to respond to this unprovoked act."




UN atomic agency head Mohamed ElBaradei said the reported test was a grave threat to world security.


Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is in Seoul for a meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, called the claimed test "unpardonable" and urged the council to take "undaunted" action.


The region was "entering a new, dangerous nuclear age", he said.


He said Japan and the US would step up co-operation on the missile defence system they began after a North Korean missile test in 1998.


President Roh said the claimed test had created a "severe situation" that threatened stability in the region. He said Seoul would react "sternly and calmly".


The South Korean military - which has been put on a heightened state of alert - had the capability to cope with any North Korean provocation, he said.


Seoul also suspended a scheduled aid shipment of concrete to North Korea, the state news agency reported.


The North has relied on international help to feed its 23 million people for more than a decade and there are concerns the latest move could further compromise its ability to feed its most vulnerable people.


In an unusually strong statement against its ally, China said the claimed test "defied the universal opposition of international society".


The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Beijing says China's statement is an indication of how strongly it is angered by North Korea's action, although Beijing will still be loath to support tougher sanctions against Pyongyang.


'Historic event'


When it announced the test, the North's KCNA media agency described it as an "historic event that brought happiness to our military and people".


It said the test would maintain "peace and stability" in the region and was "a great leap forward in the building of a great prosperous, powerful socialist nation".


The development comes three days after the UN Security Council agreed on a formal statement urging North Korea to cancel any planned nuclear test and return to disarmament talks.


Pyongyang pulled out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003 and has refused for a year to attend talks aimed at ending its nuclear ambitions.


North Korea's official media has long warned that the US was preparing to attack and developing a nuclear capability was the only way to prevent this


The UN Security Council imposed an embargo on the import and export of missile-related materials in July after North Korea test-fired several missiles.


If confirmed, the test would make North Korea the ninth country known to have nuclear weapons.






Scary stuff here, as both Russia and America said they heard seismic shocks its pretty much been confirmed. Here's hoping that they cant fit any onto a missile.

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Guest Jordan
This is a problem. I don't envy the man who has to make a decision on how to react. Is war with North Korea inevitable?


The North Korean army is the second biggest in the world in terms of man power... You'de need quite a sizeable army to beat it.


So a decision wouldn't be taken lightly.

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This is a problem. I don't envy the man who has to make a decision on how to react. Is war with North Korea inevitable?


No, the problem is that North Korea are saying that they have successfully created a nuke, but countrie's like America don't think that they can be trusted with it.


The whole thing is crap if you ask me, for a start, why does George Bush get to deicde who can have a nuke and who can't? And why should anyone be allowed to have them? Who says that America is allowed one? etc etc.

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Given how 'succesful' North Koreas recent rocket tests where I dont think its very likely they will have a functioning nuke any time soon. However of course the fact they made the explosion is a worry. It will be down to China as they are one of the few countries that still has trade links with North Korea. Pressure by China will hopefully cause the Koreans to stop.

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this is bad news indeed. north korea has one of the most powerfull armies in the world (if not the most powerfull) add a nuc into the equation and it spells out war to me. why have a massive army and the fire power behind it if you aren't going to use it? look at america. they needed a war to justify their army and look what happened.


if korea and america want to blow each other up that is fine by me but we are the ones who get caught in the cross fire.

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Not really...



1. People's Republic of China

2. United States

3. India

4. North Korea


Fourth... :-/


Even so, they're 4th. The Indian's wont have a good airforce or navy like the USA do, I doubt they'll even have guns other than standard AK-47s. Most of them are probably conscripts too.

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they maybe forth in terms of size but disciplin (sp?) and willingness to fight to the death. i dont think there is an army in the world that has both the man power and the blind faith ( bar religiouse extremeism ) that N.Korea does.


and if they have nuc's i would be very surprised if they only fight with sticks and stones.

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look at that list 1 more time. yes take a closer look. see how figures can be made to look in any way they want.


maths 101


add active troops to reserve troops and relist. who is number 1 now?


EDIT: America & china are only on top because they are fighting at the moment. half of their army are on the otherside of the world. who are N.korea fighting ATM?

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EDIT: America & china are only on top because they are fighting at the moment. half of their army are on the otherside of the world. who are N.korea fighting ATM?


In the southern border with South Korea, the most militarized place on the planet, and by only looking at numbers, It's impossible for North Korea with a pop. of 23 million to ever have a larger military than China or US.


You say they're motivated? I find it hard, seeing that they're people have no rights, health care, or even food and water.

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if they had a delivery system, which is what they were testing a few months ago, they could attck anyone they wanted. and they are brainwashed to think that the way they are living is good. also if they dont die in battle they will be killed for deserting. so it is better to fight an survive than not fight and die at the hands of a firing squad.

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if they had a delivery system, which is what they were testing a few months ago, they could attck anyone they wanted.


Which failed miserably.


and they are brainwashed to think that the way they are living is good. also if they dont die in battle they will be killed for deserting. so it is better to fight an survive than not fight and die at the hands of a firing squad.


That kind of brainwashing has never worked in the past, it won't work now.

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Which failed miserably.




That kind of brainwashing has never worked in the past, it won't work now.


Um. The Nazi state? True it was eventually an out-and-out failure, but there was a while there when everything looked bleak for personal freedoms and the right to not be blonde.


I think the main worry is what kind of devastation this could potentially cause and what the wider world ramifications will be.


Do we nuke them? Frankly, nuclear weapons are a deterrant more than a weapon. The thought of them and the terrible impact that they may have is enough to pull people up short.


However, an idiot with the opportunity to cause that kind of devastation is a dangerous idiot indeed. While the same may be said of George Bush, now is not the time to point fingers at the big, bad Americans and how naughty they are. Instead let's focus on the potential implication of a new nuclear power emerging in a world already heavily destabilised.


And spare a thought for the poor South Koreans. They are a decent, nice people that don't deserve this. Save the finger pointing for afterwards, let's sort out the problems first.

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if korea and america want to blow each other up that is fine by me but we are the ones who get caught in the cross fire.


:wtf: hold on marey were no were in the the cross fire, google your self a map. america and korea can bomb the crap out of each other for all i care were no were in the midle of fire as long as blair can be gaged.:bowdown:


america wouldnt be calling on the un to act quckly if they had left them to deal with afganistan as now they dont realy weild any kind of power so bush should just wait in line like the rest of us.


QUOTE if they had a delivery system, which is what they were testing a few months ago, they could attck anyone they wanted. and they are brainwashed to think that the way they are living is good. also if they dont die in battle they will be killed for deserting. so it is better to fight an survive than not fight and die at the hands of a firing squad.:wtf:


what like ice land i dont think so. the same could be said about the western world that were all brainwashed to think that are way is better and the democratic sytem is the only way to live life. witch america is still proving it dosent work in all parts of the earth.


I THINK GOOD ON THEM. it wsent that long ago that england drew up plans to replace their many nucular active submarines with some nice new shiney war heads. NUCULAR WAR HEADS. then instead of making more effort to use renewable fule they drew up plans for yet more NUCLARE POWER PLANTS. MMMMMMMMMMMMM doesnt seem faire for us or america to tell the world to stop going nuculare when were steaming ahead with are next gen wepons as nuclulare power could help the koreans sustain them selves and after all all we want on this planet is security. even if that doese mean snuglein up next to your war head at night.

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i cant argue about the nuclear power side of things i say let everyone have nuclear power plants if they want. If anything goes wrong they have to sort it out.


but nuclear bombs? i think everyone should have them disarmed and destroyed. no nukes for anyone. but turning round and saying "good on them we did so they should too" is not good. america bombed hiroshima should korea do the same?

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Im still failing to see a motive to launch a nuclear attack though, even if they could.


a mad man dose not need a motive you little detective you. nor dose a sane man for that matter. but you are kind of right their is no real motive for them to attack any one.


lets considder this all the fighting with israle palistine and now lebbonon.

iran providing cash for israle to get smashed and inbaris america. america providing israel with funds to do their dirty work just like saddam all over again. china stepping up on the world podium and havin more say with america as it has been lending masses of funds to the great usa even tho their human rights is outragouse with a blind eye provided by the rest of us. usa wants iran to stop but their not showing any sign of retreat. now lets throw korea in to all this


:laughing: things are looking bad for america if more powers with nuclulare capability are against them and their polacies. like you all no americas army is scaterd all over the world leavin the home land quite vunrable.


korea dont need a motive the rest of the world does bring on the china as the next supper power thats what i say:horse:

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