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TUROK - XBox 360


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remember the last Turok game where som sad losers actually changed their name to Turok as some publicity stunt.. ahem.. I think ill change my name to Jet Set Willy or Excite Truck..

But yes the cerebral bore is missed.. boy we had a laugh about that.. that sound it makes... ha ha ha

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Wow, that's a beautiful looking game. I thought Turok would possibly die with Acclaim. I hope this goes back to the days of the very first Turok game, that at the time was a wonderful showcase for the N64 and I loved it, it really blew my mind at the time.


I didn't care for Turok 2, it was far too choppy and there was so much slowdown it was horrid. I never played the third. However I did pick up it up for the 'Cube, but sadly I found it to be a little lacking.


As the series progressed I didn't like the developers' insistance on using really wacky guns. I liked the rifles and shotguns of the first. Fighting extinxct monsters with real life guns appeals to me.

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As the series progressed I didn't like the developers' insistance on using really wacky guns. I liked the rifles and shotguns of the first. Fighting extinxct monsters with real life guns appeals to me.


Nobody badmouths the cerebral bore and gets away with it.

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I think I'm gonna end up getting a 360 >_<


With the power of the 360 & PS3 a lot of gameplay aspects that I've always thought about this gen can come to life.

Tis unfortunate they'll never be as awesome as some weird stuff I've thoguht about :wink:


I think I might even end up gettin all 3 consoles this gen; though the PS3 will have to wait quite a few years yet :heh:

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if this game turns out good i think i'll be getting a 360, it seems to have a pretty good selection of games and its price is similar to Wii (Xbox 360 Premium + 3 games, 2 controllers is the same price as a Wii with 3 games and 2 controllers on Gameplay.co.uk)

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