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Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t


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You can't be serious Dilli Gee. Graphics interest you in a game on first sight only, you don't buy purely on graphics. Never.


I would not but I wouldn't buy a game with excellent gameplay (how you define that I don't know) and bad grahpics neither.



Great gameplay + bad graphics = mediocre game

Great graphics + boring gameplay = mediocre game

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Same as above. Unless the Barbie game had actual good gameplay and story, I would consider buying it.


But if it's a Barbie game with fantastic graphics and excellent gameplay, then I would rent it or buy it (for my sister ;)) .


Graphics can be a factor in buying a game sure, but really Dilli Gee, I don't believe you bought those games because of the graphics alone.

It's not so much I bought them just for the graphics, more like they're the nicest looking (good rated) titles on the system, and it made me want to buy them more.


When I got my N64 in 1999/2000, I had a choice from a couple of games. I got Zelda for the gameplay, and Pilotwings basically because it looked impressive with the scenery and stuff.


With Rogue Leader, I wanted a game that would "test" my cube out, so I chose a bundle with the game. Otherwise I would have got Wave Racer.


As for Resi 4, I read it had "ground-breaking" graphics and good controls, so I got it. I was also told it was "action" rather than "horror". I couldn't care less about the storyline, it didn't have much to do with the other RE games.


I bought the remake of the original too, for similar reasons (of course that was flat out survival horror).

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I said in another thread (cant remember which :p) graphics do come into account but i would rather a game had a good stroyline and game play rather than graphics.


For example, Grandia 2's graphics literally hurt to look at when I first played it but, I still found the game enjoyable and is now one of my favourites.


I agree with ShadowV7 and DCK. I would never buy a game just because it had good graphics.

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Great gameplay + bad graphics = mediocre game

Great graphics + boring gameplay = mediocre game


I do a heavy amount of maths in my degree, and I have to say that both of these equations are completely wrong!

It is the gameplay that matters! Graphics should have nothing to do with it!


Try playing a game like 'Secret of Mana' or 'Chrono Trigger'. The graphics in this game would be considered 'bad', but I still rate them as the best games I have ever played. And in saying that, I am more than likely to play these games again over Starfox Adventures.


Have you never played Kirbys Ghost Trap???

Amazing game! Very simple though.

Make the comparison between Mario64 and Mario Sunshine.


But in saying all of this, I'm going to make myself out to be a hypocrite and say that I do like pretty graphics!


I guess my main point is, that gameplay is essential.

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I do a heavy amount of maths in my degree, and I have to say that both of these equations are completely wrong!

It is the gameplay that matters! Graphics should have nothing to do with it!


Try playing a game like 'Secret of Mana' or 'Chrono Trigger'. The graphics in this game would be considered 'bad', but I still rate them as the best games I have ever played. And in saying that, I am more than likely to play these games again over Starfox Adventures.


Have you never played Kirbys Ghost Trap???

Amazing game! Very simple though.

Make the comparison between Mario64 and Mario Sunshine.


But in saying all of this, I'm going to make myself out to be a hypocrite and say that I do like pretty graphics!


I guess my main point is, that gameplay is essential.

STFU! Trigger is beautiful! :p

No actually it really is. Even though it is limited to 2d sprites the art direction is wonderful. Sure some of the fancy "3d" effects (used for some spells) are simple geometric figures... I was going somewhere.... meh it's beautiful! :D

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I don't feel like reading through all of this shit, but I will post my opinion on this matter. Graphics now, won't ever look bad in the future, will you ever go back and play MGS3 or RE4 and say "Damn, I can't believe I thought these graphics were once good..."


Next generation graphics fail to impress me today, it just seems like that there just upping the polygons, I'm sorry but Zelda Twilite Princess looks more beautiful than 80% of "next gen" games, and its a gamecube game graphically. With Wii technology and up, the graphical horse power is enough to display the visual beauty of a game, but at this point, its more of the artistic point and how you handle that technology.

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Great gameplay + bad graphics = mediocre game

Great graphics + boring gameplay = mediocre game


What you seriously failed to include in your equation is that, great gameplay stand the test of time. Those games can and will be played for years to come, a couple of my friends who isn't really that much into games just bought a SNES and a couple of games, they've just completed the almost every level in Super Mario World and they think it's a blast. And now they've just bought Super Mario Allstars. Is it becouse the games have good graphics? No, not quite. It's just becouse they have great gameplay.

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I dont get it.

The game starts with an aerial pan of the forest, then you see the characters come into frame, and everyone thought it was FMV. But then you realise you can actually move the characters around and you then are gobsmacked because what you thought was FMV is actual in-game graphics.


The gameplay looks awesome too, very FF.


What you seriously failed to include in your equation is that, great gameplay stand the test of time. Those games can and will be played for years to come, a couple of my friends who isn't really that much into games just bought a SNES and a couple of games, they've just completed the almost every level in Super Mario World and they think it's a blast. And now they've just bought Super Mario Allstars. Is it becouse the games have good graphics? No, not quite. It's just becouse they have great gameplay.

The games you listed are 2D graphics. They couldn't really get any better, at least on the 2D plane.


3D graphics can however, and titles like SM64 and even the original Zelda have awesome gameplay, but haven't stood the test of time as smoothly. Even on the DS (that's why many DS games are 2D rather than 3D).


Next generation graphics fail to impress me today, it just seems like that there just upping the polygons, I'm sorry but Zelda Twilite Princess looks more beautiful than 80% of "next gen" games, and its a gamecube game graphically.

Please name a few actual next generation titles that are worst graphically than Zelda TP, I honestly would like to know.

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Rez, Electroplankton, Myst, Gran Turismo, Jet Set Radio.


I could think of more probably.. all of these were originally purchased for graphics alone.. I didn't care if the music was shit.. or if it controlled badly or had no story. It looked phat.


But as I have matured and money is more important in games I think game design is the primary emphasis of good graphics.. not the hardware.


*goes back to the Secret of Monkey Island*

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That's bullshit. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and whatever N64 or PSX or even Dreamcast game is mediocre because their graphics suck?


Why do play games at all? You play games for the fun in playing right? Not so you can gaze at the beauty of the graphics?

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That's bullshit. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and whatever N64 or PSX or even Dreamcast game is mediocre because their graphics suck?


Why do play games at all? You play games for the fun in playing right? Not so you can gaze at the beauty of the graphics?


hahahah, what a silly statement


The graphics were bloody awesome at the time.

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I play games for the fun, graphics are not the main thing I look for, but they can add a lot to a game. A game doesn't need to have a powerfull system to look nice, take wind waker, it looks amazing, and I am yet to see a game which I think the graphics look as good as it.

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The games you listed are 2D graphics. They couldn't really get any better, at least on the 2D plane.


3D graphics can however, and titles like SM64 and even the original Zelda have awesome gameplay, but haven't stood the test of time as smoothly. Even on the DS (that's why many DS games are 2D rather than 3D).


IMO, the main reason that many N64 games haven't stood the test of time as smoothly as some SNES titles is that the framerate is low. But yeah, I compare N64 with NES, and Gamecube with SNES, the Gamecube and SNES games usually have much more polish, less jerky framerates etc. But on that comment about the graphics really can't get any better on Super Mario World & Allstars, it's just that those graphics are simple and colourful, not trying to be realistic etc and the framerate is smooth. Are you telling me that for example Legend of Mana don't have better graphics than Super Mario World?

(but sure, you have to take in account for what they where aiming for with the graphics, and the SMW graphics where supposed to be like that, still, there are 2D games that look much better IMO)


I also have a theory about that 2D games (as in gameplay, not in graphics, so Ikaruga and New Super Mario Brothers counts in this case as 2D games) that they easier stand the test of time, partly becouse the instant wow-factor doesn't seem as important in 2D games as in 3D games (ie, big 3D views etc, or playing Halo for the first time becouse it seemed like a big world etc, that fades faster than thight gameplay, as in for example Street Fighter 2).

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Graphics are important in some games.


I think the Call Of Duty and Resident Evil series for example needs surperior graphics just to get that emotion across. The more realistic it looks the more immersed you are?


I mean...anything to make the game look as though your actually there and it's really happening is a bonus?


Some games don't need superior graphics though...I mean Smash Bros and Mario Party can still be 'fun' without superior graphics..there not exactly realistic games are they? So peoples minds aren't thinking about the way it looks.


Perhaps the more realistic and 'serious' the game is, the better the graphics should be?


My opinion of course, no-one else.

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It looks like breasts.

Anyway. I aggree with Owen. I mean mario kart doesnt have the best graphics in the world, but playing multiplayer at break and lunch in college with friends is a laugh, its great fun. Even tetris was great fun! look at those grapics, yeah bad example, but it goes to show graphics dont count for much in some games.

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Graphics are important in some games.


I think the Call Of Duty and Resident Evil series for example needs surperior graphics just to get that emotion across. The more realistic it looks the more immersed you are?


I mean...anything to make the game look as though your actually there and it's really happening is a bonus?


Some games don't need superior graphics though...I mean Smash Bros and Mario Party can still be 'fun' without superior graphics..there not exactly realistic games are they? So peoples minds aren't thinking about the way it looks.


Perhaps the more realistic and 'serious' the game is, the better the graphics should be?


My opinion of course, no-one else.


I agree; however, after a while, that affect wears off, the Wii has perfectly adequet graphical power to get that sort of thing across; having the same game on PS3 with better graphics wouldn't make THAT much difference to the immersion.

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