Stocka Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Graphics do not SOLELY make a game great, I agree, but I can't help but feel that it was wrong for Nintendo to neglect a significant improvement on visuals. Yes the wiimote is interesting and all, and will surely be incredibly fun, but after seeing some footage of PS3 games today I feel that it is ridiculous to say immensely improved graphics do not evolve video games. I'm not comfortable with the fact that its basically GC graphics again for a few years. After seeing this for example (White Knight Story - PS3) : ...I have to say to myself, "how could I and others NOT want Zelda/RPGs on Wii to look like that?" Visuals are a massive part of gaming and create the whole experience. Games can be great without great visuals, yes, like WarioWare, but how can you say Resident Evil 4 for example would be just as good with ..Sega Saturn like graphics. Take Shenmue for instance, my favourite game. What makes me love it so much is the story and the interaction that is created and presented beautifully using awesome graphics and sound making the whole experience so immersive. Visuals are a major part of the balance. End of my rant. I might of gone a bit over the top as a result of being quite tired and just watching tons of PS3 videos, but please discuss
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 myster0n said: Et tu, Stocka? Julius Caesar? "but how can you say Resident Evil 4 for example would be just as good with ..Sega Saturn like graphics." Well, that's quite a jump. When we say graphics don't matter, many of us don't want our games to look hideous. I think many of us would prefer that the game 'felt' next-gen, rather than just look it. With the Wii, many of us are expecting sufficient graphics, and there will be the occassional game that will blow us out of the water (there always is, no matter how weak the console). But, as long as the graphics are not well below par, and as long as they accomodate the experience, then there should be no problem. Yeah, the PS3's showing off some nice games. But, it comes at a price. Plus, a nice expensive tv to fully show off these nice games. Can we all afford this? Hell no.
Mundi Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Deja vu...... This thread will soon plunge into the conversations: Person A: Blah blah technical stuff bumb mapping xbox360 ps3 dev stuff Person B: bla blah proggresive stuff dev kit GC Person A and B will be making the same argument just in other words for 2 pages then enters the smart guy, person C! Person C: blah blah blah prggresive blah blah blah dev kit blah blah technical stuff blah blah blah hard to develop ps3 yatty yatty yatta, early de v kit wii technical stuff. *link to some techincal site* this site shows blah blah blah techinncal stuff that dev kit better then blah blah HD unimportant blah blah proggresive scan just needed blah blah blah, can´t force new technology yatty yatta this way is better blah blah blah. and so on and so on until you just scroll down the page.
thomaschung Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Yes this again, and sure it should be a very hot topic. fact is - with the power of the Wii, I think Nintendo will, I'm afraid push a lot of their core fan base away on to one of the other two consoles. Sure they will still buy a Wii just to satify their zelda, mario, metroid needs etc. But once they make that jump, then they may not be such big Nintendo fans anymore because they will experience a lot of other great games. I am one such gamer, dedicated to Nintendo since owning the N64 but I will be very tempted by the xbox360 and ps3 simply because great 3rd parties games will be better on them. This whole new control is great, but not necessarily that great on certain games that we will choose it over the better looking version. Afterall there wasn't all that wrong with the traditional control method most of us have been used to for years. I'm sure it won't be that big of a problem for Nintendo as they will attract a wider, broader audience and achieve their sales. But Wii will be more for casual gamers than hardcore gamers. I kinda expected graphics to be twice that of Zelda, Resi 4 etc. but nothing we've seen have indicated anything better than the Cube and Xbox
Mercyful Fate Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 It's not like the Wii will have uber crappy gfx. The graphics will improve by time, the first PS2 games ddn't look THAT good and now they look pretty damn good. Just look at recent crap such as Killzone, god of war etc.. beautiful gfx. So far I can't say that I'm displeased with Wii's graphicsl improvement since I know that it'll be the weakest of the 3 competitors in that department but I'm happy with what I've seen in games that I'm really interested in. Such as Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Red Steel, Zelda:TP, Excite Truck etc.. I totally understand your feelings - and your rant, but I bet that when you're sitting there in your cough with the Wii-mote in your hands and fires up a game for the first time, that you will feel that the gameplay is the most important thing.
Shino Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 I just want to say that there is a middle term, don't eat what Nintendo's PR regurgitate everytime, but don't be shallow to the point of being taken by a couple of PS3 videos. There is pros and cons in everything and make your mind in a logical, non-biased way. That is all
Dilli Gee Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Fierce_LiNk said: Yeah, the PS3's showing off some nice games. But, it comes at a price. Plus, a nice expensive tv to fully show off these nice games. Can we all afford this? Hell no. I'm sure the PS3 looks just fine in SD most. And as for the price, remember it's got a brand new shiny Blu-ray player with it, that does raise the price a bit. As for this White Knight Story, I'm impressed. Very impressed. I guess this is the PS3's Elder Scrolls IV. But Heavenly Sword still kicks total arse (and is actually the title I'm most anticipating); it's PoP on steroids.
Haden Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Graphics are important. But Processing power isn't nessicarly important. Give me Killer 7 over Perfect Dark Zero. Eternal Darkness over REmake. (I know a lot of people won't agree with me on the 2nd one.) But the point I am trying to make is graphics are important but its about style to of course style and power mixing is when it really goes mental. Res 4 Ocarina Halo etc.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Dilli Gee said: I'm sure the PS3 looks just fine in SD most. And as for the price, remember it's got a brand new shiny Blu-ray player with it, that does raise the price a bit. Indeed, it has. But, how many of us are actually that interested in the Blu-ray player, anyway? At least Microsoft did the smart thing and shipped (will ship) the HD-dvd drive seperately. (well, smart thing for us who didn't want that feature. Its a good thing for sony to ship with the player, as they're forcing it on us)
Calibur Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 thomaschung said: I kinda expected graphics to be twice that of Zelda, Resi 4 etc. but nothing we've seen have indicated anything better than the Cube and Xbox *Looks at Twilight Princess, Smash Bros. Red Steel, Prime 3 and Excite Truck screens*
Shino Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 After watching "Blue eyes white dragon" movie, I must say it looks boring, and I'm pretty sure the Wii will be capable of those graphics. (Is anyone else getting bored with this kind of game? Anime charecter fighting fire monsters in stylized Rpg Bullcrap?)
Dilli Gee Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 I know graphics aren't everything, but you'd think Nintendo would create a system with a little bit more potential in that department. Wii seems really lazy on that front. No wonder so many developers are jumping on the Wii wagon, all they need to do is port over the Xbox version of their games and change the controls. It's cheap to port. But that's not a "revolution" at all. If the Wii had Xbox 360 graphics, nobody here would ever say "graphics aren't important", because they would never need to. And the Wii is coming out a whole year after the Xbox 360. You'd think for £180 they could afford graphics as powerful as the Xbox 360, if not better, but they haven't even tried. I personally think it's to do with Nintendo not wanting to lose any money from the system itself, that's why it's a "souped-up" GameCube.
thomaschung Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 i haven't even seen the ps3 videos, but i know as we all do that they will look amazing. i don't dislike the Wii and everying it and Nintendo are trying to achieve, but i do believe they could have pushed the graphical abilties of the Wii further so the gap is not so wide. we talk about these being early days and later games will improve, yet we already see how great the ps3 games look, imagine in 5 or 6 years time. honestly the Wii will seriously be out of date where as the ps3 will be only half way going from strength to strength. Could this be an all too familiar story - in 2 years the ps3 will be considered affordable, the Wii will be under £100 and cast into the corner of the shop with the DS and considered as a toy for kids. I think Nintendo will need to think of a Wii-2 upgrade the Wii's powers by 3 or 4 years max. Shorter life span than the Cube. Things are different on the DS, where graphics are not as important for many reasons.
Dilli Gee Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Fierce_LiNk said: Indeed, it has. But, how many of us are actually that interested in the Blu-ray player, anyway? At least Microsoft did the smart thing and shipped (will ship) the HD-dvd drive seperately. I'm not sure that's the case entirely. If HD-DVD kicks off, it's likely the next version of Xbox 360 will have it built in. But the normal external drive should be out soon, as they're releasing a 1080p update for Xbox 360 soon (on Live). Shino said: After watching "Blue eyes white dragon" movie, I must say it looks boring, and I'm pretty sure the Wii will be capable of those graphics. (Is anyone else getting bored with this kind of game? Anime charecter fighting fire monsters in stylized Rpg Bullcrap?) They're incredibly popular in Japan, just like FIFA is in the UK. As TGS is a Japanese event, they'll obviously play on that factor more than others. As for Blue eyes white dragon, I did a Google check and it's not a video game, it's a Yu-Gi-Oh trading card. I've assumed you meant Blue Dragon, and Wii will probably eventually have graphics like that as standard, but by then Xbox 360 will be miles ahead. And Blue Dragon is a relatively small production, of only a few dozen people. I think it's also a Japan exclusive. Calibur said: *Looks at Twilight Princess, Smash Bros. Red Steel, Prime 3 and Excite Truck screens* Twilight Princess isn't really a Wii title. And out of all of those, MP3 and Red Steel are the only stellar differences between generations. Burnout Revenge on Xbox is pretty much the same graphically as Excite Truck.
Kaeporagaebora Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Alright, here's my take on the whole thing. Listen closely, because this is the last time I will comment on Wii's graphics. Really. It seems like alot of you forget something. Nintendo is a video game company. They're not here to make you happy, they're here to take your money. It's just simple economics. They want to make money, so they'll sell you a product. Nintendo makes good games so people will buy them. Not so they can please a bunch of rabid fanboys. Not to appease the critics. To make money. It's simple. They're a company, got it? Moving on, because they want to make money, they had to change their strategy. A head to head competition with Sony and MS is just retarded, especially after the Cube. So now they're targeting non-gamers. Nintendo is hoping that non gamers won't say. "Hey, the PS3 looks better. I should fork over all the extra money." Nintendo hopes they'll say "Hey, that Wii thing is cheaper! And it hardly looks like a video game. Maybe I should give it a try..." That is their buisness strategy. Do you get it? They don't give two shits about hardcore gamers. They're trying to attract a new audience, to make money. They think they can make money this way. Got it? Alright, I'm done. That's all you'll ever hear from me.
Cleveland_Jr Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Haden said: Graphics are important. But Processing power isn't nessicarly important. Give me Killer 7 over Perfect Dark Zero. Eternal Darkness over REmake. (I know a lot of people won't agree with me on the 2nd one.) But the point I am trying to make is graphics are important but its about style to of course style and power mixing is when it really goes mental. Res 4 Ocarina Halo etc. QFT. Graphics are important, but when I say graphics I don't mean realism, I mean art style. Twilight princess has a brilliant manga feel to it, wind waker was a beautiful game. Thats what makes the graphics of those games immersive. I think the argument is more about the developers than the wii itself. The wii has enough power to warrant wonderful graphical styles for games, but it appears that some developers haven't bothered to make the game look as pretty as it could. Yes, we all know the wii would be far better if it had ps3 graphics as well as the innovative controls...but for now its either one or the other, and I choose controls.
Shino Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Dilli Gee said: They're incredibly popular in Japan, just like FIFA is in the UK. As TGS is a Japanese event, they'll obviously play on that factor more than others. As for Blue eyes white dragon, I did a Google check and it's not a video game, it's a Yu-Gi-Oh trading card. I've assumed you meant Blue Dragon, and Wii will probably eventually have graphics like that as standard, but by then Xbox 360 will be miles ahead. And Blue Dragon is a relatively small production, of only a few dozen people. I think it's also a Japan exclusive. I was refering to the White Knight Story game, and that, in my ill and dwarfed brain, appeard to have some similarities with "blue eyes white dragon" (which I took from here). Yes, I'm an idiot.
thomaschung Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Kaeporagaebora said: Alright, here's my take on the whole thing. Listen closely, because this is the last time I will comment on Wii's graphics. Really. It seems like alot of you forget something. Nintendo is a video game company. They're not here to make you happy, they're here to take your money. It's just simple economics. They want to make money, so they'll sell you a product. Nintendo makes good games so people will buy them. Not so they can please a bunch of rabid fanboys. Not to appease the critics. To make money. It's simple. They're a company, got it? Do you get it? They don't give two shits about hardcore gamers. They're trying to attract a new audience, to make money. They think they can make money this way. Got it? Alright, I'm done. That's all you'll ever hear from me. This is where you are completely wrong. That is a very limited view on what they are doing. Yes they are a company that wants to make a profit, but far and away more than that they are a company that want to bring the fun factor back into videogames. They are the ones doing all the innovating, and they do want to keep their loyal fans happy. They believe in games should be fun and they want to reach out to as many people as possible not just to make money but for the future of the industry as a whole. If Nintendo were to hear your views about them and what they are doing they shoot you down without a second. They have not changed strategies (as you say) to avoid the competition. What you think they can't stand toe to toe with them? Nintendo has been around for the longest time and I believe all their major consoles have been successful and made a profit for them. The've gone in another direction to innovate and expand the industry. Your economics don't add up. Of course they want us to be happy else we will take are hard earned cash elsewhere. We the customers keep them going, part of the reason they are still here is because of their loyal fanbase. Aren't Nintendo the only ones with a loyalty scheme? If you don't want to comment further on the subject, don't. No one is asking you to so don't feel obliged.
Dilli Gee Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Then no. There's no way Wii could have graphics like that. I don't think it's physically possible.
SpinesN Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Give me a second age of SNES and I will be happy
Matias Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 who said the Wii doesn't have great graphics? itso does! Look at Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda!!
Shino Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 Matias said: who said the Wii doesn't have great graphics? itso does! Look at Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda!! For some reason they don't see them as games with good graphics.
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