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Guest Stefkov
Being the lover of dubbed that I am (Fuck you all!) I gave that a little shufty.


What the fuck is that show? It's too...what the hell? Y'know?

It's a really good anime. Just a slice of life, follows the daily lives of the 4 in the trailer.

I just watched it, they even changed the logo...



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Being the lover of dubbed that I am (Fuck you all!) I gave that a little shufty.


What the fuck is that show? It's too...what the hell? Y'know?


It is a good show! :D


If your going to watch it, it's one show you shouldn't watch Dubbed as to me it really doesn't work. I watched some of the dubbed on Youtube and it didn't feel right. :)


Can watching subbed anime be classed as Japanese Revision?!?! ^_^


Yes! Definately :heh: : peace:



Oh Dear! :blank:


This could go wrong...

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I never really liked Akira anyway. I can see why it was a big deal at the time, massively over-budget, first anime movie to capture western attention, lots of night time stuff and bike action. Just... wasn't for me.

I think what it did well was nightime animation, it's one of the first instances of it being pulled off successfully. I also thought some of the hallucination and telekinesis scenes were clever. I didn't actually like it much though, partly because it's so nonsensical - I prefer the manga, where things are actually explained. (and that is also innovative, though in different ways)


Still, it's not exactly my favourite type of show.

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Guest Stefkov

Give him a slap.

Then slap him again.

Then slap him a third time.


Bokurano is getting interesting. I kinda spoiled it for myself reading the wiki page of it, I wanted to see if it was really worth it. It's pretty good though. Some deep stuff in there.

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