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Guest Stefkov
Looks really awesome! A dream for every Naruto fan. But I have some doubts, it looks beautiful and complete but the village seemed a bit empty in quests. I will research more.
it's still a work in progress.

There will be more quests to do, definitely.

It says in the bottom right, work in progress :heh:

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Hehe, yeah I know but still... I guess I just want it to be perfect, it would be awesome if it was open ended, so you could either become Hokage, or join the Akatsuki, or be a lengendary lone wolf ninja.


Meh, if I can have random brawls with the ninjas on the village I'll be happy.

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Guest Stefkov

It follows the anime, up to episode 80. So you cant do anything you mentioned but they are some good ideas.

Imagine a MMORPG Naruto. Able to choose your own looks, choose what clan you're in like the Uchiha clan or any other one.

Choose what country you want to be from etc...



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It follows the anime, up to episode 80. So you cant do anything you mentioned but they are some good ideas.

Imagine a MMORPG Naruto. Able to choose your own looks, choose what clan you're in like the Uchiha clan or any other one.

Choose what country you want to be from etc...



Wouldn't you be liek... dead?

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Guest Stefkov
Wouldn't you be liek... dead?

Well I was thinking more like all the clans we're alive, able to choose any clan you wanted to be.

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Well I was thinking more like all the clans we're alive, able to choose any clan you wanted to be.


They could do it during the 3rd Ninja War (when the 4th was alive), it would be awesome.


If Naruto gets more popular to Dragonball heights then I reckoon they would make it especially as they have done a DBZ one.

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Naruto is incredibly popular over here, considering it hasn't aired in any channel. Some times when I'm in the bus I hear people talk about it, or in uni, or in malls, I have even seen schools presentations using the characters, in a class where every students watches it.

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A lot of my friends at Uni were into anime. And I got a few of them on to Naruto. Even a girl :D It's weird but I find that it's once you hit the 20+ agegroup, you find more people willing to watch anime, even though most of it was aimed at kids younger than them. I think it's down to being able to admit that you like something animated, and not worry about how 'cool' and 'accepted' it is in general society.

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I introduced some of my friends to anime, I regret this as I now kind of depise it for reasons unknown.


I was big into it then I decided it was really lame, and I don't know why.


The worst part was when two of my friends drew anime for their final pieces in their Art exam. Drawing anime is what talentless people do poorly. There are of course, exceptions, but the majority of anime fan art is horrendous. Watching it is fine.


I have tried to watch some, Death Note is excellent but I don't have the perserverance to carry a series through, especially with the ridiculous lengths some series end up with.

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A lot of my friends at Uni were into anime. And I got a few of them on to Naruto. Even a girl :D It's weird but I find that it's once you hit the 20+ agegroup, you find more people willing to watch anime, even though most of it was aimed at kids younger than them. I think it's down to being able to admit that you like something animated, and not worry about how 'cool' and 'accepted' it is in general society.


I agree, if i was like the rest of my school i wouldn't be watching anime or posting on a nintendo forum. I don't care about being cool otherwise id be like them another generic person in our society. If i like something i'm not going to hide it just to be accepted. :D



Better than "cartoon porn", which is what most people call anime at my school... :heh:


That is unlucky, i'm glad no one sees it that way in my school, i get enough weird looks already.... :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

I was looking through the librarry at my college and stumbled upon a Manga book. In it there was the likes of Astro boy and loads of others.

I was flicking through and there were some pretty nasty things, some funny pictures etc.

Then when my 'friends' see it they think of it as anime, and generalise all anime to this sick perverted stuff that was in this book.


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I have tried to watch some, Death Note is excellent but I don't have the perserverance to carry a series through, especially with the ridiculous lengths some series end up with.
Death Note is going to end in 4 more episodes' time, at 37. It's a shame you've been let down by anime, I can reccomend some other awesome short series, Trigun, Evangelion, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. And others that weren't really short, but didn't drag on forever either, like Eureka Seven (50 episodes). You should try and get back into it :D
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Watching Naruto on my new big TV is so awesome :D I can't wait for Shippuuden 17! I don't even care if it's rubbish, I just want to enjoy it HUEG! ^^


Edit: Awesome! I just got Ouendan 2 yesterday without really knowing the track list, and stumbled across a familiar tune, Home Made Kazoku's "Shonen Heart", the second (I think) Eureka Seven OP :D

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Edit: Awesome! I just got Ouendan 2 yesterday without really knowing the track list, and stumbled across a familiar tune, Home Made Kazoku's "Shonen Heart", the second (I think) Eureka Seven OP :D



That alone has made me want the game now.I stil haven't watched last weeks Naruto or DeathNote.I might just wait till Deathnote is done (I go on holiday and miss the last episode or 2) and I don't wanna wait impatiently to see the ending.

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