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Isn't escaflowne a little complicated in the story department? Can't remember as I didn't finish watching it and need to watch it again.


It's not telletubbies, but it's not complicated either and Prodigy isn't retarded or anything :P

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As for Naruto, perhaps I'll buy a couple of volumes before I straight away get entire seasons, just in case.

PS if you get the anime please watch it uncut, in Japanese, with subtitles. Otherwise you're watching a butchered series (at least for the first 60 or so eps)

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Pretty much everyone here loved that series :heh: if you go back through the thread to around the time the series aired in Japan you'll see we were all raving over it too.


Thats because it's confusing, funny and AWESOME, i love mikuru!

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But I think you guys are insane in recommending Evangelion or Death Note to a beginner. As much as I love those 2 series, giving that to someone who almost never saw any anime is the same as giving F-Zero GX to my grandma in the very hard difficulty.


I only recommended Evangelion because it was popular. It seems like there's a lot of non-anime fans who like the series. But I honestly don't know what would be classed as 'good' for beginners.


The first anime I saw was FMA. Maybe that is the sort a beginner ought to watch. But I really don't know anything like that...looks like you lot do, though.


Pretty much everyone here loved that series :heh: if you go back through the thread to around the time the series aired in Japan you'll see we were all raving over it too.


I tried looking back to find when that was, but I gave up. Perhaps j00 could link me to a certain page, please. :smile:

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Soul Eater I barely understand anything in this anime! After 5 episodes, is it supposed to be this way? I mean in other shounen types of anime like bleach and naruto, you have your questions but that's because of the plot. Not things such as why these people CAN turn into weapons and why they WANT to turn into weapons. I am confused as to what is going on.


And then in episode 5

So sid is now a zombie? Wtf happened to him? Is this anime intentionally leaving out important bits so I have to read the manga or will I get my answers eventually?


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Soul Eater I barely understand anything in this anime! After 5 episodes, is it supposed to be this way? I mean in other shounen types of anime like bleach and naruto, you have your questions but that's because of the plot. Not things such as why these people CAN turn into weapons and why they WANT to turn into weapons. I am confused as to what is going on.


And then in episode 5

So sid is now a zombie? Wtf happened to him? Is this anime intentionally leaving out important bits so I have to read the manga or will I get my answers eventually?


Basically, Maka and soul are partners, not lovers, like, friends working together, they catch bad guys and soul eats their souls, the reason he does this is to become a 'Death' weapon, a death weapon is the ultimate thing a weapon can be, spirit sempai << maka's dad is one, you'll see more of him in the coming episodes.


As to why only certain ones can turn into weapons, it's explained in the manga, so you'll see why sort of in like 15 episodes.


And Sid was turned into a zombie by stein.


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I tried looking back to find when that was, but I gave up. Perhaps j00 could link me to a certain page, please. :smile:
Ehh, if you search this thread for "suzumiya" then skip to the oldest pages, you'll see what I was on about :heh: (and that's just the instances where people spelt the name right)
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Ehh, if you search this thread for "suzumiya" then skip to the oldest pages, you'll see what I was on about :heh: (and that's just the instances where people spelt the name right)


Did that, and fair enough. Now I see...


Hmm, makes me want to watch it again. But I'm watching Clannad atm...

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Basically, Maka and soul are partners, not lovers, like, friends working together, they catch bad guys and soul eats their souls, the reason he does this is to become a 'Death' weapon, a death weapon is the ultimate thing a weapon can be, spirit sempai << maka's dad is one, you'll see more of him in the coming episodes.


As to why only certain ones can turn into weapons, it's explained in the manga, so you'll see why sort of in like 15 episodes.


And Sid was turned into a zombie by stein.


But WHY did he turn sid into a zombie?! Isn't that illegal?! Why is he not locked for what could naturally be considered a crime?! And why do these people want to become weapons. Using a weapon is cool but being a weapon...hmm


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Sid's death was basically an experiment for Stein, like the bird in episode 6, it was all so stein could gain knowledge


yes he is completely bonkers, as for the weapons, i don't really know...but i would say becoming shinigami's weapon is reason enough? as for why they turn into them and some don't i honestly don't know, and i'm upto date with the manga


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I wish I could watch Clannad for the first time again. :D


Enjoy it while it lasts, you'll feel angry, alone and bitter when it's over. :(

Dude, Clannad season 2! It'll be so awesome, I much prefer it to the stuff covered in season 1.


Holy fucking Christ! I just watched an episode of Clannad, and it was just an amazing episode! :o


I can't describe how it was, but it was just...I hadn't seen anything like that!

Which episode?

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Ah, you haven't been spoiled by Kanon, which kind of took the wind out of Fuko's sails. I reckon the best episodes of Clannad are the last few, but some of the earlier ones are pretty good too.


Is that so? They must be some good episodes then. I was sat through that episode with my mouth open, just staring at the screen like somebody hypnotised.


Actually, that never really happens to me when I watch non-anime shows or films. I'm just not as mesmerised by them as I am with anime. I find that strange. :o

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I'm on ep 20 of Gurren Lagann and I'm terribly afraid of the ending of it, specially after hearing some rumours. I get incredibly moody after anime endings, even when its a happy ending.


I feel you man, I'm like that too. But Lagann is... different.

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Episode 6 of Soul Eater:

Was shinigami-sama's soul around the entire city? Is that why Maka could not see it? Because it was actually so large, it was around her? If so, doesn't that mean he is horrendously powerful, as the size of the soul seems to indicate that particular person's power IIRC. If so them DAMN!


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Episode 6 of Soul Eater:

Was shinigami-sama's soul around the entire city? Is that why Maka could not see it? Because it was actually so large, it was around her? If so, doesn't that mean he is horrendously powerful, as the size of the soul seems to indicate that particular person's power IIRC. If so them DAMN!


Yup, spot on =]

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Right, im going through the Ghibli stage. Got Yamadas, Totoro, Spirted, Kiki and Howl's. Got Mononoke and Fireflies on the way. What next? Thinking maybe Only Yesterday or Laputa. Opinions?


Oh and my friend has Earthsea so I've seen that.

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