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This is Real - Wii Price & Date - Nov 19th US & $250 USD


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Hmm, I don't think they would announce a releasedate for Europe that's too far from the US and Japan dates.. I'm hoping for a date in between.


I think we'll get the exact same set as the US, only for the price of € 250,- (they always do that :P).


I'm a bit disappointed about Metroid, and the white-only console, but you never know, maybe they'll announce a black version just for Europe, just like the DS lite :P.


I hope I have the money by then, but maybe I'll hold out for a black version, gives me more time to save money :D.


Lots of cool little things though, even when I'll not be using them (much).

Photo and video playback? Even music playback? And a mix of Pictochat and Animal Crossings communication functions, through WiiConnect24? Looks very cool. And the Flash plug-in for Opera.. News and Weather channels.. Very cool. I like how they suddenly announce you can communicate with your cellphone and things like that, something Microsoft also announced with Windows Live.. Maybe not on the same scale, but still, looks like fun.

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Nope no dvd playback apparently, this is from ign


"Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing and corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan, confirmed to IGN Wii today that its forthcoming Wii console will not play Hollywood DVD movies. The decision to remove the functionality was made in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players."

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Wii Sports included is nice, it adds a bit too the value.


Quite honestly I was expecting less and earlier, but bleh - everything seems decent enough. 4 million Wiis worldwide this year is pretty awesome though. The 360 only managed 1 million and Sony will be lucky to get past the initial 500000 they're shipping.

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I'm still a tad surprised at both dates, i really am.


and the USA price isn't that popular either!


Oh i don't know...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow now, and the i wish we were shown more new games.


Also: I hate the fact we have to pay for Opera Browser, Metroid was delayed, no games are online till next-year, the Nun-chuck and Wii-mote are sold seperately! :hmm:

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I really liked the look of Wii bowling and table tennis.

That article up above was a good read. One thing i hate but new was coming was we had to buy Opera with points :( oh well. still will be wiorth it. I cant wait!!

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I hate the fact we have to pay for Opera Browser


I was quite surprised by that too. At first I thought it was a nice little extra, but now I don't. If it's something like 500-1000 Wii-points it would be ok, but any more than that and I don't need it anymore...

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I'm still a tad surprised at both dates, i really am.


and the USA price isn't that popular either!


Oh i don't know...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow now, and the i wish we were shown more new games.


Also: I hate the fact we have to pay for Opera Browser, Metroid was delayed, no games are online till next-year, the Nun-chuck and Wii-mote are sold seperately! :hmm:




$250 us ... so 350 canadian ...


xbox core is only $50 more and is way more powerfull


I'll just wait until the next zelda (after tp) game comes out to get wii, it will be cheaper by then. I'll just play tp on my gamecube.

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I'm still a tad surprised at both dates, i really am.


and the USA price isn't that popular either!


Oh i don't know...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow now, and the i wish we were shown more new games.


Also: I hate the fact we have to pay for Opera Browser, Metroid was delayed, no games are online till next-year, the Nun-chuck and Wii-mote are sold seperately! :hmm:


For Gods sake stop complaining, Its not liek you cant offerd the one off £15 for the web browser, and comparing it with a xbox core, cores are shit everyone says the same "they come with no hard drive though there crap" And coming to MP3, its not like theres not gonna be enough games at launch, finally the Remote and chucknun, whats wrong with that? it would be shit if theyw ere together, what happens if yout remotes fine but the chuck that nun breaks?


I never praise ninty on launches but there doing fucking awsome this time i think, longs if out date is before Christmas im happy, rmeber as well alot of kids wont get to play on theres till Xmas, and when there friends see it etc they will spend the money they get for Christmas on one.

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I believe the consensus is that Nintendo would like to make Opera free to download, but obviously they have to negotiate things with the developer first. It isn't really Nintendo's call, I don't think.


Opera on the computer has been free about a year now. I dont find anything wrong for Nintendo letting you download it.

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For Gods sake stop complaining, Its not liek you cant offerd the one off £15 for the web browser, and comparing it with a xbox core, cores are shit everyone says the same "they come with no hard drive though there crap" And coming to MP3, its not like theres not gonna be enough games at launch, finally the Remote and chucknun, whats wrong with that? it would be shit if theyw ere together, what happens if yout remotes fine but the chuck that nun breaks?


What wrong with selling them seperatly and together,why pay £15 for a browser when you can go on the PC ,not everyone will get it and there's only 2/3 launch titles I want now,and MP3 was gonna be the second game I would play on my Wii.

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xbox core is only $50 more and is way more powerfull


Except that retard pack doesn't come with either HD, game or online. If you add all of these to retard pack, you look package that costs 530 dollars. If we add another controller into mix, price will go up to 580 dollars. If you decide to go only with memory card** and Live, we are looking for 470 dollar package. Suddenly it doesn't look so cheap anymore, eh?


No offence, but person must be real idiot if he really considers core package as a realistic choice.


* 100 dollars for HD, 69 dollars for Live, 60 dollars for game, 50 dollars for wireless controller.


** If you don't have HD, you can't download demos from Live, use backward compatibility or play HD only games.

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