The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Ok, here's the deal: on the recommendation of Fierce_Link, I have created a religion thread, for the discussion of, well, anything to do with religion. Got something to say about creationism, you religion, what you think of other religions, or what you don't like about religion? Say it here. A few ground rules: No posting "I hate the Jews/Muslims/Christians/other lot! They are all dickheads!" If you have an opinion, say it, explain it, and, most importantly, BACK IT UP! Personally I am essentially an athiest. I do not believe in any religion, and as such I think it should give me some neutrality. Discuss whatever aspect of religion you want, but I'll start a topic: Evangelicalists. Are you one? Do you have experience with them? Have you been converted to christianity by them, or have they attempted to? I personally know alot of evangelicals through my school (it's christian), and they are generally nice people, but they have attempted to convert me several times, with obvious lack of success, as my attempts to counter their arguments are (generally) too complex for them to grasp, and they eventially get bored and go away. Discuss at will.
The Bard Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 WTF? Why discuss religion when there's something much more important at hand! The stargate movie is on on the Sci Fi channel. Jaffa! Kree!
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 The Bard said: WTF? Why discuss religion when there's something much more important at hand! The stargate movie is on on the Sci Fi channel. Jaffa! Kree! lol This just made me laugh. Please, please, say you arn't this shallow...
Solo Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Let's talk about Jedism, and it's many positive aspects, i.e. dark vs light powers.
Haden Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Ah man this is gonna turn into a disaster. I have nothing against you thefish and I understand some of your grievances against religion. However studying history I literlaly just cant let statements like you just said go as its factually incorrect. I think this thread like all the other ones will go to hell (boom boom) so I'm gonna keep my distance but if you want to chat about things msn me.
Solo Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 On a seerious note i guess i'm agnostic. I mean, seeing is believing for me. But I don't believe that there definately isn't a higher deity or anything, I like to have an open mind.
Haden Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Small msn symbol on the left tells you but its
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Haden said: Small msn symbol on the left tells you but its Oh, yeah, I guess you learn something new everyday...
Wesley Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 I'm slowly turning from agnostic to thiest...
The Bard Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 The fish said: lolThis just made me laugh. Please, please, say you arn't this shallow... Shallowness is a matter of perception and opinion. A person is only as shallow as they are percieved to be in the eye of the beholder. Shallowness/ depth is an illusion, nobody knows what drives another person to do the things they do, or be what they are, so in all honesty, no one is qualified to judge. I think you should stop throwing around such statements so carelessly. The fact of the matter is, I don't like religion, and won't ever, I was influenced strongly by it until about 2 years ago, and my family still devote most of their time towards it. Time, which, in other words, is wasted. If there is a god, or isn't, it is irrelevant, because it's existance is far detatched from ours. How is worshipping some entity going to help him or us, why, if it is so omnipotent, and omniscient, does it need our worship to begin with? Why are we told to abstain from things that will bring us happiness? And why are there so many evil deeds allowed to be carried out in the name of this god? Religion, is just an elaborate and very convincing mistake, after all, when you look at it carefully, what else could it be?
Shorty Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 I'm very agnostic. I'm a logical person so it's difficult to believe anything without proof. But then logic also raises the question: Why? Why do we exist if it's just going to end? This is probably the one question that keeps me from being a total atheist, and incidentally, from losing my mind. One thing that makes me laugh about religion: Google suggests that 2.1 billion humans follow Christianity and 1.3 billion humans follow Islam. Even if there is really a God from one of these religions, that's a hell of a lot of people who are definitely wrong.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 The fish said: Ok, here's the deal: on the recommendation of Fierce_Link, I have created a religion thread, for the discussion of, well, anything to do with religion. It wasn't really my idea, more like Aimless's. I was just backing him up. Yeah, i think this thread will be ok, as long as we can get some discussion going, and no "flaming". Religion seems to cause a lot of problems these days. It's crazy when you think about how many wars have been started or lives have been lost because of Religion. In my opinion, the whole point of Religion is to unite people, and to give us order. The 10 Commandments are merely rules, and they were meant to form the basis of order in society. Thou shall not kill, murder, etc. If you follow those, we'll have a decent society. What i don't like to see is people using Religion as an excuse for crimes. It pains me as a Muslim to see so many people associate things such as "suicide bombers" with Islam. I don't believe in any of this holy war babble, especially as how many of the religions are pretty damn similar to each other. What is the point in fighting over a few 'minor' details?!
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Shorty said: One thing that makes me laugh about religion: Google suggests that 2.1 billion humans follow Christianity and 1.3 billion humans follow Islam. Even if there is really a God from one of these religions, that's a hell of a lot of people who are definitely wrong. Most interesting... There is a not very widely accepted theory called Pluralism, which is that all religions lead to one and the same god. Of course, if I'm right, then at least 3.4 billion people will be wrong. I'll be the champion wrong-maker!
Zell Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Religion is the cause of all life's problems. I totally mean that. EDIT: The Bard said: Shallowness is a matter of perception and opinion. A person is only as shallow as they are percieved to be in the eye of the beholder. Shallowness/ depth is an illusion, nobody knows what drives another person to do the things they do, or be what they are, so in all honesty, no one is qualified to judge. I think you should stop throwing around such statements so carelessly. The fact of the matter is, I don't like religion, and won't ever, I was influenced strongly by it until about 2 years ago, and my family still devote most of their time towards it. Time, which, in other words, is wasted. If there is a god, or isn't, it is irrelevant, because it's existance is far detatched from ours. How is worshipping some entity going to help him or us, why, if it is so omnipotent, and omniscient, does it need our worship to begin with? Why are we told to abstain from things that will bring us happiness? And why are there so many evil deeds allowed to be carried out in the name of this god? Religion, is just an elaborate and very convincing mistake, after all, when you look at it carefully, what else could it be? I completely agree with everything you just said. Religion brainwashes people. People need to open their eyes, see the truth and just think for themselves. Someone's life should not be governed by a fictional deity.
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Fierce_LiNk said: What i don't like to see is people using Religion as an excuse for crimes. It pains me as a Muslim to see so many people associate things such as "suicide bombers" with Islam. I don't believe in any of this holy war babble, especially as how many of the religions are pretty damn similar to each other. What is the point in fighting over a few 'minor' details?! Your a Muslim? Wow. I never thought you were. Well, I guess that deffinetly proves a lot of the media wrong, with their veiw of "all muslims are evil terroists." Well, I already knew this, as I personally know 2 muslims. One is a nice, timid, intelligent, guy, and the other is a bit of a knob. This shows that 2 very different people can both be muslims.
Solo Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Caris said: Im a Jedi, does that count? Sure it does, I mean, they believe in an all powerful Force that controls everything and binds the universe etc etc, they have something to believe in. I guess if you could physically see holy things happen (like the Force) would atheists believe it then? EDIT: I think my post made little sense.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 The fish said: Most interesting...There is a not very widely accepted theory called Pluralism, which is that all religions lead to one and the same god. Of course, if I'm right, then at least 3.4 billion people will be wrong. I'll be the champion wrong-maker! I was talking recently to my girlfriend and her mum about religion, and you'd be amazed about how similar some of the religions are. Christianity, Judaism (sp?) and Islam are not THAT different. There's some remarkable similarities. Here is what think: Imagine a man tells a story to 3 other men. When each man tries to recreate the story, they tell it in their own way. There will be differences, but the basics will be the same.
Shorty Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Zell said: Religion is the cause of all life's problems. I totally mean that. Yeah. I bet it was Jehova's Witnesses who put too much ice in my Coke at Burger King yesterday. Those bastards.
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Fierce_LiNk said: I was talking recently to my girlfriend and her mum about religion, and you'd be amazed about how similar some of the religions are. Christianity, Judaism (sp?) and Islam are not THAT different. There's some remarkable similarities. Here is what think: Imagine a man tells a story to 3 other men. When each man tries to recreate the story, they tell it in their own way. There will be differences, but the basics will be the same. Yeah, there is also a theory that Jesus (who I do believe existed, as a person) was a buddist, and if you look at christianity and buddism, you will see some strong similarities in their teachings.
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Zell said: Religion is the cause of all life's problems. I totally mean that. Its the not the Religion that's the problem, its the people who 'follow' it. The fish said: Your a Muslim? Wow. I never thought you were.Well, I guess that deffinetly proves a lot of the media wrong, with their veiw of "all muslims are evil terroists." Well, I already knew this, as I personally know 2 muslims. One is a nice, timid, intelligent, guy, and the other is a bit of a knob. This shows that 2 very different people can both be muslims. Well, muslims are just like everybody else. You're going to find some nice people, some not nice people, some happy people and some angry people.
The fish Posted September 10, 2006 Author Posted September 10, 2006 Shorty said: Yeah. I bet it was Jehova's Witnesses who put too much ice in my Coke at Burger King yesterday. Those bastards. I don' want to come across as any kind of racist arsehole, but Jehova's Witnesses are generally annoying and a tad thick. One women who was a JW at my dad's work came up with the statement "Santa must be evil, because it's an anagram of satan." The lack of reason and logic is scary. (My dad, by the way, went on to point out that "santa" is also Spanish for "saint", which shut her up.)
Zell Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Fierce_LiNk said: Its the not the Religion that's the problem, its the people who 'follow' it. Well, muslims are just like everybody else. You're going to find some nice people, some not nice people, some happy people and some angry people. Yes but those people are a consequence of the cause: religion. A difference in belief ultimately results in conflict. Maybe if everyone in the world followed the same religion... then the world would be a better place.
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