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Issue 1 of NGamer has arrived


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I got the mag yesterday and I think its amazing. The DVD footage is really good, mario sunshine, sonic and the plane game look amazing. Most of it footage I hadnt seen before anywhere.


Also if you have a problem with the scores it encourages that you write in if you disagree with any reviews. Smash Bros and metroid are too far down definetly.

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I used to subscirbe to NGC, but when it started going severly downhill towards the end of last year/beginning of this one, I decided not to re-subscribe, and din't buy it again. It's great to see NGamer, an interesting magazine that is packed with information and good reviews. The DVD wasn't bad, either. I'll buy a few more editions before deciding upon whether to subscribe, but the prospects look good.

It's also great to see that members of the NGC team have stayed on, along with some new people, and I think Greener deserves his new position.

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I got the mag yesterday and I think its amazing. The DVD footage is really good, mario sunshine, sonic and the plane game look amazing. Most of it footage I hadnt seen before anywhere.


Also if you have a problem with the scores it encourages that you write in if you disagree with any reviews. Smash Bros and metroid are too far down definetly.


all tge footage was of future publishings OTHER nintendo mag aka the official one. most of the footage was of what went into the ONM DVD but i loved the extra mario stuff, boy do i want that game now!!!


although i did say i wouldnt buy the mag or many more ones this new one is well worth whatever price they charge the content is flaberghastingly good, soo much to read and laugh at. a true heir to the NGC and previous mags in the series. and Jes Bickham and Geriant are still there :D:D:D

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My only problem is with the layout, it's just a bit too disordered for my liking also too much colour (call me boring but I am 27!!)


But the writing prose is good and quite funny, especially the picture captions...


i would always give smash bros a 8.0.i don't care what anyone says,as much as i love the idea the gameplay needs improving!


Too true, I mean pressing up to jump is just the worst idea for a quick fire game ever!! I hope this is sorted for Brawl!!!!

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At the back of the mag it says



The galaxy's lonliest woman returns! We'll

have the inside track of her next 'episode''


can anyone tell me what that means? does it mean exclusive interview or just more footage?

Probably just means they'll be doing an extra big feature next month, though there is a good chance they've obtained something special. They're not like ONM - they just give you the goods.

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Probably just means they'll be doing an extra big feature next month, though there is a good chance they've obtained something special. They're not like ONM - they just give you the goods.

I hope youre right, I'm eager for some good news now and news doesn't get better than metroid corruption, or any metroid game for that matter. When i play metroid i just dont care about anything else. Pretty sad but hey.

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i think im going to subscribe later today to get that free Wavebird and stuff.


if you subscribe are you locked into a 12 month type subscription?


how easy is it to change delivery address?


what kind of condition will it arrive in?


anyhelp greatly appreciated guys :)

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i think im going to subscribe later today to get that free Wavebird and stuff.


if you subscribe are you locked into a 12 month type subscription?


how easy is it to change delivery address?


what kind of condition will it arrive in?


anyhelp greatly appreciated guys :)


The condition of the mag will be sound. My new issue of ONM arrived today and it's in perfect condition.


I subscribed to ONM and got a free Wavebird, planned to get one of those buggers for years...


(thinks about subscribing to NGamer..."then I will have 2 Wavebirds"...oooh, two.)

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i would always give smash bros a 8.0.i don't care what anyone says,as much as i love the idea the gameplay needs improving!


Too true, I mean pressing up to jump is just the worst idea for a quick fire game ever!! I hope this is sorted for Brawl!!!!


Me, Hellfire and Demuwan will go round your houses and murder your children.


If you can't press up to jump then bloody press X or Y instead you fool!


P.S. I myself would give SSBM 9.9 because it's the best multiplayer game ever.

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I swear if I hear any more retarded criticisms of smash bros gameplay. I will personally shoot someone.


Use X to jump FFS


The fighting system is virtually flawless. *yeh I said it*

Multiplayer is the best gaming experience humanly possible.


Smash simply is superb.


Me, Hellfire and Demuwan will go round your houses and murder your children.



Nah I wouldn't murder your children.





Just you!

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I've been looking for this since it came out and haven't seen it anywhere.I'll look again tomorrow.I thought my local ASDA would of had it since they picked the Sonic ONM as a readers choice or something.


EDIT-Appears H-o-T is having same problem as me.

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Me, Hellfire and Demuwan will go round your houses and murder your children.


If you can't press up to jump then bloody press X or Y instead you fool!



It's not the pressing X or Y to jump that the problem it's the 'accidental' jumping that occurs with over enthusiastic analogue stick wiggling!! Especially with characters that seem to be more affected by gravity... i.e Fox: how many times have I died with that b******d falling off a platform!!!!!!!


I mean apart from that 'oversight' I believe the game is fantastic - even as a single player game (as I have no friends to play it with... :cry: )


Ever since the analogue stick was used for games the idea for up for jump has been a bad one... in fact it used to p**s me off on my Amstrad 6128k's joystick... and that was 15 years ago!!!!!!!!

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It's not the pressing X or Y to jump that the problem it's the 'accidental' jumping that occurs with over enthusiastic analogue stick wiggling!! Especially with characters that seem to be more affected by gravity... i.e Fox: how many times have I died with that b******d falling off a platform!!!!!!!


I mean apart from that 'oversight' I believe the game is fantastic - even as a single player game (as I have no friends to play it with... :cry: )


Ever since the analogue stick was used for games the idea for up for jump has been a bad one... in fact it used to p**s me off on my Amstrad 6128k's joystick... and that was 15 years ago!!!!!!!!

At least someone is honest and agrees

my complaint is the entire combat system.2 buttons!?In any other beat em up it would be a joke.

there is no combat in fact it is merly button mashing!

First:it should have a decent block system, not just that bubble crap.Perhaps try a soul calibur reverse system.Or something similiar.i know nintendo are trying to keep it simple but it isn't working!

second:the one player was quite bad.yes it is better than most nintendo multiplayer games,but still needs improving,a co op mode would work wonders


i would say a couple of minor complaints.the main complaint is i believe the combat needs an overhaul!

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The smash combat system may seem simple but it is very deep. There must be about 30 moves you can do using just using the dstick and a or b, I dont have to memorise a stupid button combination to do a move I want. I thought the bubble shield worked really well, it allowed for an instant block which you could use to reverse the attack by grabbing out of a shield.

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