Mikey Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 With the Wii being a new concept in gaming, I'm quite concerned that at first the control scheme may have a lot of bugs. This is putting me off pre-ordering the system, as I wanna see if people will have a lot of complaints about the system. Normally it wouldn't put me off, as my N64, and GC were very first versions of the consoles, and still work perfectly today, but this is something that really bothers me. Do you trust that Nintendo will have Wii perfect for launch, or are you not bothered, knowing your warranty will cover any big bugs you may encounter?
The Bard Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Nintendo wouldn't release a buggy system. Any bugs that are there can be rectified by patches downloaded automatically by the Connect 24 service.
The Bard Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Lol, how is hardware buggy? It can be malfunctional, not buggy, in which case, I'm sure Nintendo will replace the console for you.
SpinesN Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Actually hardware can be buggy (has intermitant problems as opposed to not working). Still I agree that nintendo would not let a buggy console out the door.
david.dakota Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 If, by "hardware bugs" you mean developers not getting to grips with the Wii-Wand (which I think you do), then this is more than possible. We are told that Nintendo are working with developers to ensure they make the most of the wand - and get it working properly. That said, i'm realistic and am sure some developers will release game with problematic controls - but then these issues have exist on Xbox360, Ps2 and GC and everything before. Either way, I'd spend no more time worrying about the possibility of a small proportion of games having buggy controls. Its unlikley that many games will have problems.
theguyfromspark Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Hardware and software are functionally interchangable, therefore hardware can be buggy, just like software - see the whole floating point calculation bug in some IBM processor models for an example.
djamb3 Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Regarding the past Nintendo consoles, I'm preety sure it won't have those issues. Nintendo don't launch buggie systems. That's a fact. period
blender Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 You can't, the cord would snap. (E3 was just for demonstration pods). I think you will find they are busy with Halo anyway.
Tyson Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 If it does have any bugs, they'll be cleared up before they get to Europe. They'll be discovered in Japan, recalled, then fixed.
blender Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Remember the botched job on the PSP directional pad... and then sony marketing turn round and said it was meant to be like that for extra difficulty. Though you may hope ninty and sony are different. I think there could be some unexpected problems with interference. Nintendo has already identified halogen lamps. e.g Could someone flicking through channels on a nearby tv cause problems. Infrared wireless headphones would also be a no no. The other probable hardware buggy might be ergonomic. Remember the arthritus from the N64 controller or even the DS (though I dont own the latter). I am not sure that I could have 7hour stints on zelda with the wiimote but it would be a sinch on the Gamerscube.
Blue_Ninja0 Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Yap, here in europe we're safe from any kind of bug. They test it on the guinea-pigs (Japan and America) and then we get the perfected unit.
djamb3 Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Then why don't we have progressive scan? would it be a bug??? Oh...
Sooj Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 This is Nintendo we're talking about right? Yeah, exactly. Nintendo are really reliable and will not release buggy hardware! I will definitly get one on launch
DiemetriX Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Weeeel. I have heard about "buggy" DS lites, those who turns off and those with yellowish screens.
Hellfire Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Those are just defective units, it happens with every console, even if it's rarer with nintendo ones.
Konfucius Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 I think anything that comes from Nintendo will be more than ok, hard- and softwarewise. However, I also have my concerns that other companies won't configure the Wiimote properly and therefore result in "bad" games - especially since Nintendo seems to try to launch the Wii earlier than expected by some developers.
Sparko Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 I have faith in Nintendo's ability to make the Wii hardware work perfectly. They've always made reliable consoles, so I have no doubt that the Wii will continue this trend.
Blue_Ninja0 Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Then why don't we have progressive scan? would it be a bug??? Oh... You have a point there. Just why the fuck have our gamecubes been downgraded? PAL Wii''s better be equal if not better than the rest of the world's. It's not a bug though, nintendo did it on purpose.
darkjak Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 I remember the "Gray gunk" on the N64-controller. I thought I was the only one, but then I started to buy brittish gaming mags, and every month there was someone writing in something that had something to do with the gray gunk. "Am I the only one", "Nintendo are lame, as in Mario Party you have to spin the analogue stick like a maniac in some minigames, tearing down the stick faster". Or the port on the underside of the controller. It got torn down if you swapped between rumblepack and memorypack too much, so what I got after playing Turok and Top Gear Rally for six months was a socket which disabled me from saving games (and custom paintjobs in TGR), and that made my rumblepack rumbling at random points of time. It could not rumble when it should, and then for no reason start rumbling like crazy, and keep rumbling for like five minutes. I just hope they wont have anything like that with Wii.
Black Storm Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 The only bug I'm worried about is the aiming being off (e.g. aim at something but thepointer is to the left) and things like that, shouldn't happen though.
DCK Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 Nintendo have the best consumer service and hardware decency in the universe, especially since the DS launch. I'm not worried. The Wii has a far lower risk of being faulty than the Xbox 360 or PS3, which are way too power sucking and too hot for their own good. The hardware is somewhat familiar too, it seems, so there should be lesser problems with that too.
Raven Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 after that little ign thing (see the other thread), i am slightly concerned about the wiimote getting affected by lights and the like.
Rick Dangerous Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 The controller will have been through lots of testing etc before release. Remember it is in thier interest for this thing to work or they wont make any money! Besides nintendo make suprising hard wearing products, my NES still works unlike some of my friends PS2's.
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