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Dr Kong

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I was just walking to the computer room at college so I could sit down and browse this very forum when I bumped into an old friend from school that I havn't seen in aaaaaaaaaaaages! Like years! She's like grown up and woah! Such a shock! It was so nice to see her face again :)


Just felt you might want to know :)

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Guest Ray Falling

With me it's usually the other way around n_n;;; no one recognizes me.


But it's pretty cool that you found yer old friend again n_~ keep us informed

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It's awesome when you meet old friends after so long.


Unless you don't remember them but they remember you.


Like at the pub a month ago a girl came up to me and said, "hey wesley!" and then hugged me, I didn't have a clue who she was . . .


i work on the railway here, on the trains themselves... it can sometimes be like being a mini-celebrity when you go out in belfast and someone (never the girls you fancied on the trains tho, d'oh!) comes over and says "i know you! do you not remember me? you sold me a ticket three months ago!" ????? lol, they always think you're their best friend coz you had to be nice to them on the train!

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It's awesome when you meet old friends after so long.


Unless you don't remember them but they remember you.


Like at the pub a month ago a girl came up to me and said, "hey wesley!" and then hugged me, I didn't have a clue who she was . . .

i get that all the time, but i really don't have the ability to say no when people ask for my number so i'm always getting texts and phone calls from people i have no recollection of meeting. alcohol is to blame, as usual.

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if any of the girls i fancied ended up recognising me...and saying..."adam is that you?"


i would jump on them and give them a passionate kiss of a thousand tea cups.


and i would say..."yes darling it is me"


yes...you heard me




You win the Ramar Humour of the week award. That truly made me burst into laughter. :grin:

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i work on the railway here, on the trains themselves... it can sometimes be like being a mini-celebrity when you go out in belfast and someone (never the girls you fancied on the trains tho, d'oh!) comes over and says "i know you! do you not remember me? you sold me a ticket three months ago!" ????? lol, they always think you're their best friend coz you had to be nice to them on the train!


Wonders if you ever sold me a ticket, if so...............



Hey remember me :p

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When i meet a person i haven't seen in ages my first reaction is, strangely, to ignore them. It's been ages ago, the both of us have changed, i don't really care about him/her anymore and it would just be another awkward situation you'll remember days later (hate those).

This actually happened to me a few months ago. Saw an old friend i hadn't seen in years, our eyes crossed and we both just ignored eachother.

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Bumped into Keira Knightley a few months ago....

...she was an old friend.


Just thought I'd share that with you....


On another note, I love bumping into old faces (especially old female friends) that have suddently turned very attractive. Easy pickings. Yummy.

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It's awesome when you meet old friends after so long.


Unless you don't remember them but they remember you.


Like at the pub a month ago a girl came up to me and said, "hey wesley!" and then hugged me, I didn't have a clue who she was . . .


I just go for the generic "Hi, hows it going" if I forget their name, and avoid in depth conversation as to not reveal the fact I don't know who they are.

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