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After selling my gamecube and all my games last year, i am going to need to build up a collection of games classed as "MUST OWNS" for this consoles. Everyone should put on their three favourite titles for the system and they must differ from everybody elses. I dont mind personal preferences, just aslong as its not a crappy game like wrestlemania. I have still to explore the full catalougue of the system and would like to rebuild before the Wii comes out. Hopefully this will be used as a reference for people hoping to do the same. Ill add my three games which i enjoyed the most which i WILL be re-buying.


1. Mario Kart Double Dash


2. Luigis Mansion


3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle


(please carry on the list in numerical order)


Wind Waker (My favourite game and well its Zelda!)

Resident Evil 4 (For a more punchy game and again a great adventure)

Mario Kart DD (For Multiplayer fun)


I rate Metroid Prime as a superb experience and think its better than Mario Kart and maybe Res 4 but having Zelda and Metroid means theres nothing to play when your not in an epic mood! Even though Res is an adventure I find it easier to get fun from straight away what with the headshots!


Not my favorites have already been mentioned so:


1. Super Smash Brothers Melee


2. Eternal Darkness


3. Skies of Arcadia


1. Super Smash Bros. Melee

2. Resident Evil 4

3. Metroid Prime


Seeing as Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime have already been said a few times I'll add;


- Super Monkey Ball

- Metroid Prime 2 (with Metroid Prime, to get ready for Metroid Prime 3)


3 that haven't been said that you MUST OWN!!!!:


Timesplitters 2

F zero gx

Power Tennis (unless you have the 64 version)


more unmentioned:


killer7 - crazy story, crazy graphics and you'll go crazy too. But not everyone likes it, still give it a try.

Geist - dodgy aiming but very athmospheric, great story and little things to solve

Battalion Wars - Wii need a Wiimote - apart from ordering the units lots of fun


Just a couple of reccomendations that i have


  1. Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes
  2. Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones
  3. Pikmen 2
  4. Timesplitters - Future Perfect


There's only two for me, and they're the only GC games I've got since I've sold the rest. They are:


Resident Evil 4

Killer 7


The reason for these two is that RE4 is so visually stunning it's a joy to play. Killer 7 is so unique and the gameplay is second to none. Even though it's on a rail, I felt more free in this game than any other.


Games I have sold:


Luigi's Mansion

Super Mario Sunshine

Super Monkey Ball

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

Sonic Mega Collection

Phantasy Star Online

Resident Evil 0, Remake

StarFox Adventures

Skies of Arcadia


Surely this thread would have been better if everyone lists their top 3 games then you could see which came up more often, then you would really see the must haves. I'm struggling to name 3 right now because they've all been mentioned.




Zelda: TWW

Super Monkey Ball



Trying to mention some that haven't been said already:


Monkey Ball 2

Billy Hatcher

I think there should be a sticky with essentials, anyway, I'll jsut say the ones I can think of even if they were mentioned:


Dude, he wanted you to only pick three.


I did, but I shortened it, I'm just saying to this guy don't make the same mistake, in a friendly way. Freekin hell, just because a guy doesn't have time to read a post when its 35 degrees and he's barely conscious doesn't mean that you should feel free to kill the poor sucker and rape his corpse does it?


- Resident Evil 4

- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

- Super Smash Bros. Melee


These are in no particular order. Also, these aren't necessarily my favorite 3 games, but some great games that I believe most every gamer should own and enjoy.

Oh, and since the top 3 games is not NEARLY enough to represent GCN essentials, I'll list a few others that you don't have to include:

- Tales of Symphonia

- Skies of Arcadia

- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

- Metroid Prime 1 & 2

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