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Knock ginger: Up or down?


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We developed a hybrid "it". A lampost was chosen as base, two teams established, one defending, one attacking. Basically given a minute or two to run off and hide. But because the local area has lots of allieways the game was called Timp 'n' Allie. To win you just had to get back to base without being tagged.

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"It" all the way. Had? He? What's that all about.


Well, in primary school we called it had, then i went into secondary school and all the tottenham boys called it "he", i thought it was a gay name too mind you, the arguements and debates lasted a whole year.

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I'd never knock up a ginger. That's disgusting. Not only the act, but the prospect of creating another ginger is just a wrong to the entire world.


I'd knock down a ginger though. With pleasure.


It's funny how when someone is racist to black/asian people they get run down immediately but genetic discrimination such as this gets passed by. It's pretty sickening if you ask me.

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We developed a hybrid "it". A lampost was chosen as base, two teams established, one defending, one attacking. Basically given a minute or two to run off and hide. But because the local area has lots of allieways the game was called Timp 'n' Allie. To win you just had to get back to base without being tagged.


We had a similar game called "Block". The only differences were one person was on and the rest hid. We were only allowed in my street, but it was a big square with loads of places to hide so it was pretty good. I think you had to say something but can't remember. Block 1 2 3 maybe.

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We had a similar game called "Block". One person is on though and the rest hide, then the person that's on has to try and catch them whilst guarding the lamp post. The hiding players need to get home to the post, I think you had to say something but can't remember. Block 1 2 3 maybe.


I think we had a game like that at primary, it was called british bulldog.

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We had a similar game called "Block". One person is on though and the rest hide, then the person that's on has to try and catch them whilst guarding the lamp post. The hiding players need to get home to the post, I think you had to say something but can't remember. Block 1 2 3 maybe.


Now you say it, that is it! One person defended, and you said Timp 'n' Aliie 1 2 3.. Oh that makes my childhood a little less unique.


British Bulldog is different. Ah I can't remember.

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Guest Ford Prefect
Alright, me, Katie and ViPeR are on MSN talking about a game we used to play as kids.


In this game, you knock somebody's door, and then run off. I call this game Knock Up Ginger. Katie, however, calls it Knock Down ginger.


ViPeR's a freak and calls it Knock a door run.::shrug:



So, what the hell is the actual name of this game?!


viper has it right. whatever the fuck ginger folks have to do with doors and knocking i have no idea.

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We had a game in primary called kiss, cuddle or torture where all the girls chased the boys and if they caught one the boy decided on a kiss, a cuddle or torture, being horny lil guys we always picked kiss or cuddle only to recieve a severe knee blow to the balls.

p.s. In my area "Knock ginger up/down" is called, "chap door runaway" but that's mostly because we're poor and uneducated thus we have a say what you see attitude.

p.p.s. We also had british bulldogs, the rule was one person(it) stands in the middle of a street while the "players/victims" stand at one end. It would then call one person over and he would have to get to the other side without getting caught, once he was caught he joined the it player against the others or he got to the other side and was safe, both of these resulted in all the other players attempting the same journey at the same time, often ending in violence, police the occasional death.

The greatest feeling in the world is being the last player and making you're way past 15+ people a number of times which begins the bonus machete round.

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I editted my post because I realised I'd just repeated what you said. Don't worry Ramar I'm sure it was just you and me that knew about it!


British Bulldog is the one where there is one person on in the middle of the (car pack in my case) and the rest have to run to the other side without being caught. That's how we played it anyway. We'd sit at the other end of the car park and say lets have a cup of tea thinking we were hilarious. Me and my friend introducted it to school and we had 2 years playing it boys v girls, it was awesome.

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Knock down ginger is a childish game played in many cultures. It has many variations, one of which involves pressing the doorbell of the victim and then running away before they get to the door. In the UK, the doors of council estates were once stained ginger, hence the name, knock down ginger.


One of the variations known as "sour puss" involves pressing the doorbell of the victim, and then saying "sour puss" several times when they open the door.


Other names: Ding Dong Ditch and Ding Dong Dash.

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British Bulldog is the one where there is one person on in the middle of the (car pack in my case) and the rest have to run to the other side without being caught. That's how we played it anyway. We'd sit at the other end of the car park and say lets have a cup of tea thinking we were hilarious. Me and my friend introducted it to school and we had 2 years playing it boys v girls, it was awesome.


Thats that one.

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It's funny how when someone is racist to black/asian people they get run down immediately but genetic discrimination such as this gets passed by. It's pretty sickening if you ask me.


I know you're in love with Crono who is a redhead, and I know you have a red font which might say something for your defence of things also red, but why don't you dry those widdle eyes and man up, laddo? Nobody likes a crybaby.


Besides, I was just joking around. So, now knowing that, you can just go sing that sad little song of yours elsewhere, Cacofonix.



I'm joking up there too.


And just then again when I said I was joking.

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Guest Ford Prefect

*hurries off to wikipedia* must get knock a door run stuck up if it isn't already.....



british bulldog as we played it was one person or maybe more depending on numbers playing and they had to try and run thru the larger group of people who were in a line and try to reach the other side of whatever area we were on. it usually ended up in people clinging to one another as someone desperately crawled across the floor to try and reach the other side. then a pile on ensued. people turned blue from lack of oxygen and probably got fractured ribs......

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so, what can we agree upon the most painful playground game ever being, how about:

-Grandad - Knee peoples theighs, a whole class of people end up walking like zombies at the end of the day

-Slide tackling each other in the concrete football pitch, that was covered in ICE

-Play wrestling using wooden fences and chairs

-Keyboard fights


this one isnt painful, but was the sight for sore eyes: water fights, hot summers day, in year 10 with adolescent horny girls.

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Tig, he, had WTF happened to 123 home.

Also did anyone ever play stringer(something like that) the game were 1 person starts of as it and as you get other people they joined hands until you finished with a massive chain the length of the playground or manhunt a game with 2 teams 1 hides in peoples gardens etc and one hunts normally played at night?

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Tig, he, had WTF happened to 123 home.

Also did anyone ever play stringer(something like that) the game were 1 person starts of as it and as you get other people they joined hands until you finished with a massive chain the length of the playground or manhunt a game with 2 teams 1 hides in peoples gardens etc and one hunts normally played at night?


Yeah, that was called family he/had/tag/it

edit: wait u joined hands??


all i remember was that u got people, and they had to get the other people who werent got, last man standing wins.

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We played Manhunt but we were only about 11 so didn't play at night. It involved a lot of running across the main road to get back to base but it was so much fun. I loved sneaking towards the base then being noticed and having to run as fast as you can. Being the catching team wasn't much fun though.

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