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Eternal Darkness??


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I seem to recall Nintendo have certain rights over the game, thanks to them doing the publishing, so if a sequal was likely to show up anywhere it would be on a Nintendo system. Unfortunately, sales just weren't good enough to justify a sequal, as it stands.

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It's become a bit of a cult hit though, so with a bit of publicity it would sell much better. But yeah, from what SK were saying they basically never want to work for Nintendo again.
they don't want to because they wanted unlimited funding, they wanted to be new rareware and with rareware gone they thought they could (SFA costed almost as much as a hollywood film) and Nintendo wasn't interested in funding them that way specially considering that the sales of their products were low.


They are the new Rareware though(being a nintendo second party that comes into M$ ground), I hope they are happy, and with Microsoft they really should have unlimited funding.


When they sold rareware it ammounted only to 4% of nintendo sales. I believe SK never even reached that.

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they don't want to because they wanted unlimited funding, they wanted to be new rareware and with rareware gone they thought they could (SFA costed almost as much as a hollywood film) and Nintendo wasn't interested in funding them that way specially considering that the sales of their products were low.


They are the new Rareware though(being a nintendo second party that comes into M$ ground), I hope they are happy, and with Microsoft they really should have unlimited funding.


When they sold rareware it ammounted only to 4% of nintendo sales. I believe SK never even reached that.

Mind you, it's been like 4 years and Rare have released a total of... errr... three games for the MS consolse. And I don't think any of them have done very well.

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Mind you, it's been like 4 years and Rare have released a total of... errr... three games for the MS consolse. And I don't think any of them have done very well.


They've made 4 games actually:

Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Conker: Live and Reloaded


Perfect Dark Zero


And Viva Pinata and most likely and new Banjo or Conker are in development aswell.


Don't forget that Rare have also been making tons of Gameboy Advance and now Nintendo DS games.

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They've made 4 games actually:

Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Conker: Live and Reloaded


Perfect Dark Zero


And Viva Pinata and most likely and new Banjo or Conker are in development aswell.


Don't forget that Rare have also been making tons of Gameboy Advance and now Nintendo DS games.

that is only a small team, the other two teams, the one who did perfect dark zero and conker remake are the big studios...


In graphics Rare always delivered, but that's a matter of money invested... in gameplay the last 5 years are to forget, also the guys who did conkers aren't in the company anymore, that's why they did a remake, because they probably couldn't match the argument for the better.


Rare has fallen my friend. I'll agree Viva Pinata looks good, but is it any good? well wait and see... I was hoping for Kameo to be awesome aswell and... meh.

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Guest Jordan

I'd have to disagree on some fronts with the graphics.

PDZ looked like someone went around spit shining everything. Nothing looks that shiney in real life.


The frame rate was pretty bad and the game itself was fairly boring and somehow had terrible aiming. Kameo was a totally different kettle of fish, its probably my fave 360 game i have.

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I'd have to disagree on some fronts with the graphics.

PDZ looked like someone went around spit shining everything. Nothing looks that shiney in real life.


The frame rate was pretty bad and the game itself was fairly boring and somehow had terrible aiming. Kameo was a totally different kettle of fish, its probably my fave 360 game i have.

We have to excuse that due to the "next gen lightning" that all developers seem to have the urge to use and abuse turning the games unrealistic, as for the slowdown, they had little time to work with X360 so that's excusable. Rareware is very capable graphics-wise, but that's something that can be bought, gameplay can't.


Rareware was never a company who did games at 60 frames per second, they really go push till they can, in N64 most Rare games struggled to stay in the 24/30 frames range with ocasional dips.

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There was only one game on the N64 (F-Zero X) that managed 60 fps so you can't blame Rare for that. I remember that Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had a target of 20 fps and sometimes dipped to <12 fps.


Kameo and PDZ really showed of Microsoft wanted to have their last Xbox games ported to the 360 ASAP. It's a shame really, but I doubt they would've been classics on Xbox.

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There was only one game on the N64 (F-Zero X) that managed 60 fps so you can't blame Rare for that. I remember that Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had a target of 20 fps and sometimes dipped to <12 fps.


Kameo and PDZ really showed of Microsoft wanted to have their last Xbox games ported to the 360 ASAP. It's a shame really, but I doubt they would've been classics on Xbox.

indeed you are right, 60 frames per second in N64 was a big feat, but rareware never did a game with the target for 60 frames, and I don't know if they ever will, it's just their inner philosophy, they didn't cease to be rareware at that, they usually think the trade-off of the visual advantage is worth having the game locked at 30 frames.


as for Kameo and PDZ being ported over to X360 by Microsoft's order... I think if rareware had it their way Perfect Dark Zero would come this december on Xbox... but the game was never meant to be on Xbox, I think, they'd have unvielded it in 2003 in that scenario, they just kept developing it for what they did to advance work and then they did a quick port with enhanced graphics.


I was very pissed at Kameo not coming on Xbox, because I was thinking of buying one just for that game, but for what I played and the fact that the game started development in N64, passed through GC and Xbox and ended up on X360 (wasting 7,9 GB on the DVD) for a 12 hour game? I feel lucky for not wasting money, then. I was hoping for something epic, with that large budget and development time.


(this is getting way offtopic)

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Jamba, I think you're entirely wrong. Where have SK indicated that they never want to work with The Big N again. Proof would be nice.


Denis Dyack has consistently made it clear he has a massive respect for Nintendo, and that he/SK enjoyed and benefited from the relationship with Nintendo. At times he has indicated that more may be on the horizon. Look at the critisism laid out by Denis at Crystal Dynamics (?) over the Kain series - he has never repeated this towards Nintendo. A very positive sign towards the Japanese Giant.


SK wanted Too Human to be tech heavy, and neither Gamecube or Wii/Revolution would have been an appropriate system for Too Human. The decision was made to look elsewhere - the 360. Its not about dumping Nintendo, or anything else sinister, its about making a clear artistic decision. NO one can argue that Too Human would be better suited to Wii than the 360.


An Eternal Darkness sequel is mentioned in IGN weekly, and Dyack admits to having plenty of ideas but DOES NOT CONFIRM OR HINT a sequel is in the works.


As it stands, Too Human is the game that is convincing me to buy a 360 (after price drops etc).

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On this whole 60 FPS issue, I was thrilled when alot of this generation games was 60 FPS, it felt so nice, so smooth, but now I'm seeing more and more games going back to the 20-30 FPS for "better" graphics. I don't mind 30 FPS, but it's very rarely those games can keep it up at 30 :/

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Jamba, I think you're entirely wrong. Where have SK indicated that they never want to work with The Big N again. Proof would be nice.


Denis Dyack has consistently made it clear he has a massive respect for Nintendo, and that he/SK enjoyed and benefited from the relationship with Nintendo. At times he has indicated that more may be on the horizon. Look at the critisism laid out by Denis at Crystal Dynamics (?) over the Kain series - he has never repeated this towards Nintendo. A very positive sign towards the Japanese Giant.


SK wanted Too Human to be tech heavy, and neither Gamecube or Wii/Revolution would have been an appropriate system for Too Human. The decision was made to look elsewhere - the 360. Its not about dumping Nintendo, or anything else sinister, its about making a clear artistic decision. NO one can argue that Too Human would be better suited to Wii than the 360.


An Eternal Darkness sequel is mentioned in IGN weekly, and Dyack admits to having plenty of ideas but DOES NOT CONFIRM OR HINT a sequel is in the works.


As it stands, Too Human is the game that is convincing me to buy a 360 (after price drops etc).


Straight after they split their support from Nintendo, they made a whole bunch of statement (on IGN) that gave pretty poor and inexplicable reasons as to why they left. It was the gaming equivalent of "musical differences". No real reasons means that the real reasons don't sound very professional. I doubt there will be an SK game on a Nintendo system for a while, especially after how well ED was supported (ie. not at all). I doubt they will make a sequel either because the franchise is not easily expandable without losing all originality.

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Taken from IGN.com. Surely doesn't sound that negative. Just, as you say "creative differences".


Asked if today's news meant Silicon Knights would not continue to develop for Nintendo platforms, Denis Dyack said: "No it doesn't. It's possible that we may do another game with Nintendo, actually. It just means that we've decided to break our exclusivity with Nintendo

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