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Chavs = scum [a sad tale of last night]


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Again, ty for the support folks. ^^


Went down to the today and gave my statement, they're gonna try and chase this up. I also told them about my witness and they said that they'll see him, and get a statement from him too. Those chavs are goin down.


I ws thinking of carring some kind of weapon as defence too from now on, though I don't want to get arrested/charged for being armed.


You're ginger!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Really, I am? When did this happen.... [/sarcasm :heh:]

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Hmm, I spent six months in America, the violence I saw on TV in the roughest parts of big cities is fairly troublesome (because they have guns, it would be a fairly quaint place without them, I think), but as a nation on the whole they don't have nearly the trouble with anti-social morons as we do with chavs. Chavs don't really exist there, the closest you get to them is rap/hip-hop kids and they don't go out of their way to cause trouble.


QFT. America is so focused on 'politcal correctness', no one wants to hit anyone, offend anyone or hurt anyones feelings anymore. Also most high schools are manned by at least one police officer at all times. Ironically, the biggest bully in America is the government, not its citizens.

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well its not really stone cold fact, its just observation from living here (in the US). Like Shorty said, the violence is usually in the big metro areas. Schools really are manned by police officers now. As far as the 'PC' thing, thats also just my observation, but here in America, hurting or offending someone, even verbally is just asking for a frivolous lawsuit.

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Ah I get you. See I was about to go off on one about how people who've never been to places shouldn't make snap judgements about them. But it's alright because you live there.


Is the suing thing really as bad as it gets made out to be?

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I was just walking home, a group of chavs followed me and then started throwing stuff at me, bottles, stones ect.


i was so tempted to turn around an hit them, but i didnt go down to there level.


I figuered that all they want to do is get my attention so they drag me down to there pathetic level. They are just jelous.

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i would laugh if they did it to the wrong person one day and they all got attacked with a samurai sword. i truely would laugh. i would send letter to their families and tell them that the chavs deserve to die. i hate them that much they are a drain on society and need to be exterminated.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i was attacked once outside a pub in my town in england. don't recall how the hell it happened as i'd had a fair bit of beer. but even in that state i don't ever look for trouble. next thing i know after leaving the pub there's some fucker punching me in the face. wasn't a good idea tho as that made the adrenalin kick in, sobered me up somewhat.


next day i was in hospital, with bruised knuckles :P

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Guest Ford Prefect

best thing to do if you get chance is to leave england, i have, as have my father, auntie and some other bits of the family. i think my mum and her bf intend to move to portugal in the next few years.


england's going nowhere fast but down tbh, will the last person who leaves please turn out the light! i say we all fuck off to africa or somewhere else, ship all them lot to europe (not be hard, they all want to) and then we do the one thing those useless bastards can't and make something of that continent. instead of shooting at one another with ak47s at arms length above our heads!

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I quite enjoyed my holiday in England last year.. But that's maybe because it was spent exclusively in the centre of London. I never saw, heard about or experienced any troublemakers. But I'm guessing it's different in the suburbs.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA......The cities are the worst parts :heh: But obviously not the inner city, because no-one lives there :heh:

I also don't think certain parts of London are that bad, since it's so big there are loads of different parts & communities.

I believe Birmingham is supposed to be one of the most anti-social places in the UK...

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best thing to do if you get chance is to leave england, i have, as have my father, auntie and some other bits of the family. i think my mum and her bf intend to move to portugal in the next few years.


Since your mum and her bf is coming to my country i think it's a good ideia to introduce them to the equivalent portuguese of the Chav:


THE DREAD or BASOFE(note that dread is not supposed to be interpreted with it's english meaning):









Just don't ask.



Anyway, they travel in packs of 5 or more, they think they'r man and they are also filthy cowards when they'r alone. But i think they don't cause as much trouble as chavs. Scum of the worst kind nonetheless.

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Guest Ford Prefect
Since your mum and her bf is coming to my country i think it's a good ideia to introduce them to the equivalent portuguese of the Chav:


THE DREAD or BASOFE(note that dread is not supposed to be interpreted with it's english meaning):









Just don't ask.



Anyway, they travel in packs of 5 or more, they think they'r man and they are also filthy cowards when they'r alone. But i think they don't cause as much trouble as chavs. Scum of the worst kind nonetheless.



find them in remote backwater villages full mostly of farmers?

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Damn , they have invaded Portugal as well , is nowhere safe.


I think its time that Elizabeth Duke created some gold-plated cheap as crap castration device to stop these creatures from breeding. Or maybe the Burberry Cap for her , of course we would have to hope that the female of the species would know how to use the aforementioned cap.


Failing that , it may be a case of injecting Big Macs with spermicides.


I only suggest these because whilst the North Sea Army/Navy Testing idea was a good one , I feel that there is far too much crap in there already.

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Since your mum and her bf is coming to my country i think it's a good ideia to introduce them to the equivalent portuguese of the Chav:


THE DREAD or BASOFE(note that dread is not supposed to be interpreted with it's english meaning):









Just don't ask.



Anyway, they travel in packs of 5 or more, they think they'r man and they are also filthy cowards when they'r alone. But i think they don't cause as much trouble as chavs. Scum of the worst kind nonetheless.


I will never look at my airsoft m92 in the same way again...

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Sorry to hear that man, i get it all the time because im "Emo" long hair and tight jeans dont work when living right next to a council estate.

I honestly believe chavs are going down the path of terrorism, because in essence thats exactly what theyre doing now when you think about it, theyre Terrorists, without the brains.

Ive been attacked twice by chavs (got shit kicked out of me first time, second time i gave a couple of them a big kick in the scrot before i pegged it)

If any of you have ever had a run-in with Gypsies before, believe me its alot worse.


So yah, walk confidently, never look at the floor, try to look away from them, but just enough so you can see what theyre doing, and always make your chin look big.... >_> <_< oh yeah, and always wear a nice belt buckle, heres one of my favorites:



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Guest Ford Prefect

you have to master the art of the african style "look out the corner of your eye" without moving your head at all. most people never notice it. its something some of the more dodgy brothers do so they can see who's watching them steal things :P

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