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The flap development..


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Notice how the guy is having to wear protective goggles, though, presumably to avoid being blinded by the laser being used. So, even if we do get freeform holography, you'll probably still end up wearing goggles or a visor.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned (or not deemed relevent, it isn't exactly a major point :heh:) but didn't someone say earlier in the thread that maybe they thought the Wii was sloped up a little when stood upright because there could be a camera in there? Is it not just sloped up so that when the discs are ejected they dont fall out..?

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****To all those people who haven't read the thread entirely****


The Wii was officially designed to lay flat as well as upright (they stole that idea off Sony ;) ). So can we please stop linking the Wii being upright and the (lack of) potential for a camera!

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Why are you (indirectly) having a go at me Jamba? I was just trying to point out the actual (probable) reason why the Wii is sloped up (when it is in its stand). I know it is not because there is a camera in there, as indeed it can be laid horizontal aswell. I think you misinterpreted my post and I apologize if it was too confusing and making you think I'm an idiot.

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If Wii has Bluetooth, and BT can connect to 7 wireless aplications (@spelling, my eng. spelling is bad), and Wii will have four controllers max, doesn't that leave 3 spaces for other aplications (again @ spelling) to connect.

If it does, it could very possibly be camera, and still have 2 spaces left.

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Welcome to the boards zora_prime :smile:


A camera will probably be connected by wire - otherwise you'd have to change batteries over and over and that's just crazy for a thing you don't take everywhere. The only thing I can imagine the left over Bluetooth space (if Nintendo hasn't got it limited to 4) to be used for is a future handheld with Bluetooth.

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Aye, welcome to the boards zora_prime.


I think DCK is right (usually is:p). I can't see the camera being wireless as it would be a drain on its batteries. But, you never know with these things. I still don't see what the problem is with it connecting to the USB port by a wire. That's my bet anyway.

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possibly a camera that is wirless (dosent have a cable going to the wii) but is still pluged in to power.

... What would be the point of that?


Woohoo no wires to the Wii but a big fat cable taking up a power socket... That's just silly :heh:

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Thx for the welcome, sorry for offtopic, and don't worry for th, I probably won't post very often (I've been watching this forum for about 7,5 months and just registred), and also THX for reply, I guess that is logical because of the batteries.

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i have no excuse im young and stupid........:bouncy:

dont beat yourself up. you're not that young...


anyway. i agree with Jamba. any camera attachment will be external. we should just wait until nintendo reveal whats under the mysterious flap, and then be disappointed. rather than go:

"OMFGZOR!!!11one!11 i beT teH sySteM iS SIDEWAYS COMPATIBLE!"

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