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  Hero-of-Time said:
I dont like it how you dont have any idea how many Rupees you are supposed to give to people
I found it a bit daunting at first, but I really like that aspect of it now. Adds to the tension when making deals, plus you start to get a better idea of how much to offer after a while.


  Jordan said:
This game is... quite difficult.
I've found it alright so far (mind you I'm kind of pacing myself as I want it to last), what part are you up to?


I'm at the beginning of the Second Continent right now, did the final dungeon of the First Continent the other day...


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I got it yesterday, had a little bash, and I'm quite surprised on how bloody awsome it is, it's gonig to take a bit of use getting to the Rupee system but it's something diffrent. loved the first dungeon with the fat guy couldn't help but laugh when I opened the gate and he brought out the boombox for the zelda jingle, love it.


Im the complete opposite to Redshell at the moment. Im playing through and enjoying Super Paper Mario but struggling with this while he is loving this to bits while he is struggling to play through Super Paper Mario.


yep. I to got the second continent last night. Dungeon was great and the music for it was awesome. Boss was very funny. Need 2 more bottles now. Also completed the first 2 maps 100%.


I'm on the Deku Forest Level, but kinda stumped on where to go. Marked off the first three landmarks on the map. Gave the explorer guy a drink and hunted around-Where do I go from here?



Oh and I also spent 3,500 Rupees buying a Recipe for Ocean Soup, only to discover my cooking pot was still too small to make it. :(

  Gentleben said:
I'm on the Deku Forest Level, but kinda stumped on where to go. Marked off the first three landmarks on the map. Gave the explorer guy a drink and hunted around-Where do I go from here?


Search a little more and you'll find the Tarzan guy. Help him.


I'm currently in the snowy island. I just have to bring a little more rupees to reach the next one. The 4th dungeon was horrible and I have to come back to explore it completely.:shakehead


Now I have played this game, I don't mind having Tingle as a playable character in Smash Bros... Am I sick??

  Deathborn said:
Search a little more and you'll find the Tarzan guy. Help him.


Where am I meant to be looking? I'm just going in circles-And does that cave in the waterfall lead anywhere?

  Gentleben said:
Where am I meant to be looking? I'm just going in circles-And does that cave in the waterfall lead anywhere?


The Tarzan guy appears at the waterfall place >.>


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I've just bought this.

It's a bit, what do I do there's no guidelines with the whole rupee giving people money which is pretty cool actaully.


I started it but stopped, I'll have to give it a proper play through sometime.

  Deathborn said:
The 4th dungeon was horrible and I have to come back to explore it completely.:shakehead
Yeah it took me by surprise a bit...


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Got up to dungeon 4 last night myself. Had to retreat as I was low on Rupees though. I need to hire new body body guards as I found two places I need them for inside the dungeon.


Getting the Old Jungle hero guy past all those bugs was annoying. But I was able to enter the Deku Temple for the mere price of 1 Rupee-How much everyone else pay to get access?


Also after beating the Dungeon I only asked for 3,000 Rupees reward so was pretty short on making the Tower raise. Had to sell everything I owned in my tank and go hunting for more pearls to scrap together the extra cash.


So now I'm at the 2nd continent, and looking for enough cash to buy the map. Swampy looks far too misty/gassy for my liking.


From what I gathered, it's a collect 'em up. You collect rupees to throw in a pond to make a tower grow to get to Rupeeland.

I've only played 5 minutes though..


Woo, my 'sources' at Nintendo got me a free copy of the game! :) Just done the Hero's Shrine, and I'm really enjoying it so far, except, like many reviews have said, the bartering system can be a nuisance.

  Deathborn said:
Finished the fifth dungeon. The boss is amazing and use the touch screen in a nice way. Remind me some old school games.
Sounds cool, don't think I'm too far from that now.


  Mike said:
Woo, my 'sources' at Nintendo got me a free copy of the game! :) Just done the Hero's Shrine, and I'm really enjoying it so far, except, like many reviews have said, the bartering system can be a nuisance.

Wish I had 'sources' at Nintendo for freebies. :blank:


Anyway, glad to hear you're enjoying it. : peace:


Can someone give me a hand with this game? I have just got to the 2nd island ( not continent ) and I just seem to be walking around in circles. Also I have very little cash and was wondering who I can sell Fireworks to as thats all I can make at the moment :)


Do you need to find the recipies before you can cook the dish? If not anyone care to throw some my way so I can get some moola together.


Lastly what in the hell is up with that builder? He is as camp as Butlins what with his thrusting and Village People look, I LOLed when I first saw him.


Got thsi game the other day. Trying to scrounge up the money to grow te tower for the second continent, but I just put 500 in and nothing!


Like HoT, I'd appreciate some recipes and stuff, and general tips on wtf is going on! :)


You can sell fireworks to the weapon shop owner.

In the second island, there's no dungeon so just complete the map, sell things, do quests,... to earn money and throw rupees in the fountain until it grows.

And I think you can do recipes without the recipe but you'll have to remember how to do since it will not be written in the recipe book.


I just tried the last boss: a perfect example of how drugs can cause an very enjoyable boss. I'll get my revenge now that I know how to avoid his attacks (among the weirdest and funniest I've ever seen in a game).

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