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Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland


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I dunno if I want this or not. I might end up questioning my sexuality.


I'll wait for impressions.


Tingle isn't gay. Proof:


(but there's a character which is a Village People rip-off.:D ).


I just start to play this and I love it so far. Very funny. It's completely weird but that's what make his charm.

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Wow this game is just weird.

I just finished the first dungeon, whole lot of weirdness.


Lmao at the Zelda music bit, i was laughing my head off.

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That's cool more people are picking this up, it really is a great game.

I haven't been able to put it down, and have hardly played SPM! :eek:


The second dungeon was quality, and so funny. The way Barkle comes in to the game is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time, absolute comedy gold! :grin: (Such a cute character too, I think they should give him a spin-off game now!) The boss battle was also excellent...


...featured a nice Punch-Out reference. I'm thinking that might be a theme actually as the first boss battle had a Balloon Fight feel to it. Would be awesome if they were all based on old Nintendo games in some way.

Now you've made me feel even worse that I probably won't be able to afford to play it until next year! :cry:
Sorry mate. :heh:

But hey, at least you know you've got a great game to look forward to.

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I'm totally stuck as to what to do now then.


Go into town and the siren will be going off. Talk to the guard who will tell you his wife is ill. Go to the end of the town to the tree, there should be a new girl there. Talk to her and she'll tell you to bring her two ingredient's. Bring them to her and she'll give you a recipe for Tingle. Go make one and give it to the guard.

He'll let you choose how many rupees he gives you, though I have no idea how high he will go, and you get one chance so save beforehand :P


Then you just need to collect enough Rupees to make the tower grow again.


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It's very confusing isn't it? But it's also extremely original at the same time and uses the touch-screen much more then i believed it did. I like it!


Sadly my local Gamestation didn't get any in, thankfully GAME did.


I still hope it sells loads, otherwise NOE won't bring these odd games to Europe anymore.

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