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Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?


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Aye, usually. Not in this case though.


I really do expect a lot of gamers to own more than one next generation console, as each system offers its own reason for purchase. However, it'll be very interesting to see which consoles they own. Wii60? PS3 and 360? All three?

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I think sharing games is going to effect sales a lot too. I mean for the obvious reasons but also three friends could all just buy one next-gen console then share em all. Thats what i usually ended up doing.


I always had the GC and then 2 other friends had xbox and ps2.


NOw this generation ill have the Wii and 360 and they will have the ps3.


But if that thing about ps3 not letting you share games then yah thats gonna mess with things big time.

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lol, you guys are just hilarious!:laughing:





But guys... what about massive crabs?

Weak points?




AND $599USD?!



yeah, we need that! and a big pile of shit too! because it's NEW and INNOVATIVE (damn it, i would've needed a sarcasm tag right now.)

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This whole Xbox 360 + Wii thing is nonsense tbh, it makes the people who are buying a PS3, seem not informative as as gamer, WHICH IS TOTALLY BOLLOCKS. If someone said that to me I'd punch them in the face. I will be buying a PS3 at somepoint, maybe not at release because of the price, but I will get one.


It will have RPGs, alot more than any of the other systems, you can count on that for sure. Also series that won't be hitting the other systems will hit the PS3. I'm sorry but I just don't buy the whole two console thing. I want Suikoden and it won't be on Xbox 360 or Wii.

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Nobody said that not owning a PS3 would make them any less of a gamer.

Thing is, the price is a very big factor to look at. A larger price will alienate many people who perhaps can't afford it. On top of that, you have to pay for games.

The two console idea is quite plausible. For the price of one console, you can buy the other two.

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Nobody said that not owning a PS3 would make them any less of a gamer.

Thing is, the price is a very big factor to look at. A larger price will alienate many people who perhaps can't afford it. On top of that, you have to pay for games.

The two console idea is quite plausible. For the price of one console, you can buy the other two.


It certainly doesn't seem that way. There's so much hatred towards that console, it's just a shame, it's suppose to be about playing games, not dissing things. *Sighs* There's a thousand people just wanting to shout at me for wanting a PS3. Sorry but no matter what you say you won't stop me. Too many games will come out for that system that I want.

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There's always some hatred towards Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. With Nintendo, it's the kiddy console maker image. With Microsoft, it's more to do with their image in the Computer market. With Sony, it's the view that they copy things. None of these actually have anything to do with the games or the console itself, which is a shame.

But, they're just views. And we all have our different point of views. :)

If you really want the system and can afford it, then go for it. The ideas in this thread suggest that maybe other people don't see as much potential in the PS3 (the blu-ray player) and see the price as a hindrance. But, we're all different. I'm just curious at to whether the fact that you can buy two other next gen consoles for the price of the PS3 will affect the console in any way.

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It certainly doesn't seem that way. There's so much hatred towards that console, it's just a shame, it's suppose to be about playing games, not dissing things. *Sighs* There's a thousand people just wanting to shout at me for wanting a PS3. Sorry but no matter what you say you won't stop me. Too many games will come out for that system that I want.


And that's your call man. Don't let anyone else tell you how to enjoy videogames. If you want a PS3, get yourself one. There are a thousand reasons to not get a PS3, but probably a thousand that vote in favour of the machine.


It's all down to opinion.

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Im really on the fence at the moment. I will be getting a Wii there is no doubt about that and I already have a 360 but the PS3 im still not sure about. Sure Sonys press Conference was a joke and we all had a good laugh at it and at the comments that are still coming out but like Dom said its all about the games.


I love my RPGs and I know PS3 will no doubt get the lions share of them then there are the game frachises such as Metal Gear and Final Fantasy. The 360 and Wii may get a few spin-offs here and there but I doubt that they will ever get the "core" games from the series that I mention and as such I will be "forced" to buy aPS3 to experience them.


Fact is I will get a PS3 at some point but it will no doubt be a very long wait before I do as MGS4 and FF games usually take a while to make and nothing that Sony has shown yet in terms of exclusives have interested me.


BTW a very good topic to discuss indeed.

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