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They gave me a ISFP which at the moment I believe stands for INCREDIBLY SUPER FUN PERSON.


This apparently labels me as:


* moderately expressed introvert

* slightly expressed sensing personality

* slightly expressed feeling personality

* slightly expressed perceiving personality



Moving on, traits of my "kind" are:


* Keen awareness of their environment

* Live in the present moment

* Enjoy a slower pace - they like to take time to savor the present moment

* Dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought, unless they see a practical application

* Faithful and loyal to people and ideas which are important to them

* Individualistic, having no desire to lead or follow

* Take things seriously, although they frequently appear not to

* Special bond with children and animals

* Quiet and reserved, except with people they know extremely well

* Trusting, sensitive, and kind

* Service-oriented; they're driven to help others

* Extremely well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty

* Likely to be original and unconventional

* Learn best with hands-on training

* Hate being confined to strict schedules and regimens

* Need space and freedom to do things their own way

* Dislike mundane, routine tasks, but will perform them if necessary.



Moving onwards, jobs suited to us include:


* Artist

* Musician / Composer

* Designer

* Child Care / Early Childhood Development

* Social Worker / Counselor

* Teacher

* Psychologist

* Veterinarian

* Forest Ranger

* Pediatrician



I find these results quite accurate and am thrilled with the PARK RANGER career. Watch out, Yogi Bear.

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Hmm, I'm INFJ, which apparently means I'm:

* Intuitively understand people and situations

* Idealistic

* Highly principled

* Complex and deep

* Natural leaders

* Sensitive and compassionate towards people

* Service-oriented

* Future-oriented

* Value deep, authentic relationships

* Reserved about expressing their true selves

* Dislike dealing with details unless they enhance or promote their vision

* Constantly seeking meaning and purpose in everything

* Creative and visionary

* Intense and tightly-wound

* Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it.


Which is generally correct-ish.


But the carears are drab to say the least:

Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:


* Clergy / Religious Work

* Teachers

* Medical Doctors / Dentists

* Alternative Health Care Practitioners, i.e. Chiropractor, Reflexologist

* Psychologists

* Psychiatrists

* Counselors and Social Workers

* Musicians and Artists

* Photographers

* Child Care / Early Childhood Development

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Don't need no crappy test to know my purpose in life.

I'm here to make evryone else feel inadequate.


You're failing.


Im an INFJ which apparently means im caring and want to help people and stuff. Nope.

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I'm an ENTP or a 'visionairy'


Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:


* Lawyers

* Psychologists

* Entrepreneurs

* Photographers

* Consultants

* Engineers

* Scientists

* Actors

* Sales Representatives

* Marketing Personnel

* Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist


Sounds about 73.6% right


You are completely wrong...


(this is a test to see if you're a true ENTP)

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I´m an Enfp, a Champion idealist :Þ



Possiple careers:


* Consultant

* Psychologist

* Entrepreneur

* Actor

* Teacher

* Counselor

* Politician / Diplomat

* Writer / Journalist

* Television Reporter

* Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist

* Scientist

* Engineer


Most of it is something i´m thinking about

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Apart from my gargantuan stature this test literally proves bugger all.

Just look at the resuilts that have come up so far, nothing conclusive for one single person.

Vagueness in the estreme.


Was conclusive for me...


Oh, and if your not bothered about what we're talking about, then why post...just makes you seem.....inadequate snd useless.

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Hmm, I'm INFJ, which apparently means I'm:

* Intuitively understand people and situations

* Idealistic

* Highly principled

* Complex and deep

* Natural leaders

* Sensitive and compassionate towards people

* Service-oriented

* Future-oriented

* Value deep, authentic relationships

* Reserved about expressing their true selves

* Dislike dealing with details unless they enhance or promote their vision

* Constantly seeking meaning and purpose in everything

* Creative and visionary

* Intense and tightly-wound

* Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it.


Which is generally correct-ish.


But the carears are drab to say the least:

Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:


* Clergy / Religious Work

* Teachers

* Medical Doctors / Dentists

* Alternative Health Care Practitioners, i.e. Chiropractor, Reflexologist

* Psychologists

* Psychiatrists

* Counselors and Social Workers

* Musicians and Artists

* Photographers

* Child Care / Early Childhood Development


Me too. I enjoyed reading this http://keirsey.com/personality/nfij.html it's very true.

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INTJ, sounds ok:


* Scientists

* Engineers

* Professors and Teachers

* Medical Doctors / Dentists

* Corporate Strategists and Organization Builders

* Business Administrators / Managers

* Military Leaders

* Lawyers / Attorneys

* Judges

* Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts and Computer Specialists


I'd like to be osme sort of business guru or something - we'll see how the future pans out.

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How can you say that when you've never met me.

Believe me, I make evryone I meet feel inadequate, one way or another.


If you really intimadated everyone, you'd intimadate me, without me having to see you. But to be honest, I was just pissed off last night.

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