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Games you regret getting...


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this thread i hav so many complaints

1, PIKMIN ROCKS i got it with my GC and smash bros melee(glad no ones mentioned tht) and i absolutely hated pikmin but knowing me i either had to sel it for £17 which woulda been the biggest mistake ever or 6 months later actually play it past the 2nd level. I regretted monkey ball about after the first week and thn 2 years later im loving it again its jus so damn good, ill agree with most peoiple who said billy hatcher and those who said FZero GX well there not really good at games. I regret selling banjo kazooie:( and regret buying any james bond game this gen cos goldeneye set a standerd almost 10 years ago and these games tht EA spits out are mediocre:(.

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..I had Pilotwings 64.. Turok 2.. Super Smas Bros.. and got rid of all of them to get Perfect Dark..


especially bad when you consider I found it impossible to obtain an expansion pak.. even to this day..

I love PD, but I have to get back at it someday. I love FPS games in general, but I'm pretty crap at them :D. I've completed Perfect Agent only up to the Chicago level..


I've got 2 expansion packs. I bought one with Turok 2 (which I also have to get back to someday, even though I'm less motivated to finish it all the way, but I don't regret buying it ;)). The second one I got shoved down my throat when I bought Donkey Kong 64.. I don't regret buying the first one, I just wished they didn't include one with DK64..


On the GameCube.. There are no games I really regret buying. I really hate Mario Kart, I already didn't have any hopes for it, and it still managed to disappoint me. But since it came with the Cube, I can't technically regret buying it. Maybe I should have bought the Resident Evil pack though (but then I had to find me a regular faceplate). Of the other games I have, Starfox Adventures is the biggest disappointment. I don't think I regret getting it though, it still has it moments, and it's the last Rare console game after all. Too bad they didn't make Dinosaur Planet though.

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Madden 2003 - What was I thinking? At least I paid next to nothing for it.

Cubivore - Decent game, but the way the camera jerks about when you jump gives me motion sickness so I can't play it.

Donkey Konga - You get to play boring, unnatural drumbeats along to atrocious covers of (mostly) terrible songs. Easily the worst music game I've ever played. The only reason I haven't sold it is that I want to keep the bongos for Jungle Beat and Bongo Blast, and the game itself is worth next to nothing.

Starfox Adventures - This was given to me as a surprise birthday present so I guess I can't complain...

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Oh sweet, that's worth getting an account for...I've forgotten the email and password for the old one, so I think I might just try that. Thanks a lot!

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1. Mario Sunsine - not fun

2. Metroid Prime - not my kind of game

3. Smash Brosh Meelee. None of my friends wanted to play it multiplayer, and I found the singleplayer boring.


You've just missed out 3 of gamecubes best games just to let you know... if you dont like those games then what do you like?

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Currently regretting Metroid Prime.


I spent all day Monday attempting to beat Meta Ridley , finally did it after numerous attempts.


I spent all Tuesday , attempting to beat Metroid Prime , and failed , so spent a big chunk of yesterday re-attempting it.


Today is Thursday , Metroid Prime is still unbeaten , and I cant play today because my wrist is cramping up thanks to the excesses of trying to beat these last two. I think I may need to find a few more energy cells , not for Samus but for me .... why do I suck at this bloody game.

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- Sonic Heroes. The Sonic fan inside me cried, and cried, and cried...


- Lost Kingdoms. Completed it. Asked "Is that all there is to it?". Sold it.


- Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The glitch ruined it. Is there someone who didn't get it?

Did you get all the saint beast in Lost Kingdom?


Yoshi's touch and go was rubbish...

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- Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. The glitch ruined it. Is there someone who didn't get it?


Yah, I didn't get any glitches in any of the POP games. In sands of time once though, I was playing and the screen froze and went all distorted and fuzzy with loads of purple. But thats all, it only happened once. The only other game I've ever encountered a glitch in was Ikaruga...which deleted my memory card, the bastard.

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Yah, I didn't get any glitches in any of the POP games. In sands of time once though, I was playing and the screen froze and went all distorted and fuzzy with loads of purple. But thats all, it only happened once. The only other game I've ever encountered a glitch in was Ikaruga...which deleted my memory card, the bastard.

Wind Waker did that. :weep:

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