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Atomic Boo

Worst Fears

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Hate the little blighters, lurking around on the seabed so you can't see them, just waiting to lop my toes off. *shudders*

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Hate the little blighters, lurking around on the seabed so you can't see them, just waiting to lop my toes off. *shudders*


I thought you ment the STD because I hear that those can be pretty scary.:indeed:

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That scares the shit out of me too. I use to lie awake at night thinking things like that, scary times.


How i understand you...


Nothingness... it's suposed to be just neutral, not good, not bad. But as a living being i can't help but be scared like shit of that.

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I hate going out and don't like being around people I don't know.


I have the same problem :(


I also feel very uncomfortable around dogs. I don't mind the little ones but for example a Dobermann scares me a lot.

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when you hear creaking in your house when you know ur by yourself... im so paranoid... but yah thats kind of pathetic but it just gives me the goosebumps haha

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I also have a bit of a fear for social situations sometimes. I hate going out and don't like being around people I don't know. Speaking in public is a killer. But then on the other hand I love going to concerts and festivals and the like. Plus I'm just trying to get over my social fear a bit right now.


I have exactly the same thing. I used to just sit in all day and not go out. I used to feel like I was being watched by everyone, like if I got on the bus I'd feel like everyones eyes were fixed on me. I'm starting to get over it now too.

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I am scared of well I call it "Nothingness". IDK if anyone has ever experienced it. It happens alot of times in the dark, but also in the day time. It starts in your head and once it does its hard to stop it, usually someone or something has to bring you out of the trance.


It starts with silence, and then you notice the silence and you concentrate on it by accident. It then begins to get louder, and it starts to sound like static. Then your breathing gets louder, and not because you're breathing louder, it just sounds like it. And then you start to freak out but you can't move and you think to youself "WTF is going on?" Your breathing gets harder and faster. And when you do come out of it you think to yourself "What the hell was I scared of?!?"

Well thats what I call "nothingness" and it doesn't happen often, but when it does man.... I HATE it!!


How can you be scared of that? I love it, it's fuckin' brilliant. (edit: reading page 2 it seems that people agree with me there).


I'm uncomfortable at heights when I'm not secured. I used to be scared of the dark (not as bad as some people but it was there). I hate insects and all things creepy crawly. I also hate have something tight around my head like a helmet. I get scared that I wont be able to get it off. It's like claustraphobia but only with my head. I also hate those noises you hear at night that sound like a person. They seem to start downstairs, walk up the stairs, across the landing to my bedroom door then either pace the landing or go back downstairs. No-one else in my family notices it either because I'm the only who hears it (eg i'm imagining it) or because they fall asleep as soon as their head touches the pillow. I also hate being the nly one awake at night. I'm not as bad as I used to be though. Most of my fears seem to be disappearing as I get older. They are other things that make me cringe and wince but they are the main ones.


A lot of people seem to be scared of death. Don't be scared of death. Death is the greatest adventure you will ever have. Just live out your life until the wonderful death comes. Also how can you be scared of not existing after death? If you don't exist you cannot be scared or sad.


I have a query to do with the fear of flying. When you have a phobia of flying that phobia doesn't incorporate crashing as that would be rationable. But I always thought that people who were afraid of flying were afraid of crashing. if you are not incorporating crashing then what are you afraid of?

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doesn't the phobia incorporate crashing, but it is unrationale since crashing almost never occurs?


I don't have many phobias etc, atleast not any I can come up with now. I was afraid of the dark as a kiddo, but I overcame that rather quickly. My worst fears are probably things like losing family and friends, but it's not some thing I lie awake from. Right now I'm a bit afraid I will totally fuck up things in Buenos Aires, since I'm leaving to live there for a year soon, and I don't have any friends there and I've never even been to that continent.

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If my computer won't start i get scared. Also spiders and getting old are big fears.

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I'm scared of your mum :P


Not really, I don't like slugs, dunno why though, because I'm fine with snails...

I don't like (this sounds stupid) low heights. Things like scafolding and even stepladders. I think it's because they are things you may actually realisticly fall off, something like the top of a skyscraper is going to be fenced off, and I wouldn't go on top of something like an unstable cliff.


I'm also slightly scared of Sony thinking that there were giant enemy crabs in feudal Japan...(


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