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Isss There A God!!


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I'd like to point out that science already has a lot of proof on how the universe was created. So the theory of god creating the universe seems a like a fantasy story to me tbh.

Personally i don't believe in god, or a certain higher force. I believe in cold hard facts, science, math, the laws of physics and evolution.


Man that makes me horny, you rock. This man is correct everyone.

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I'd like to point out that science already has a lot of proof on how the universe was created. So the theory of god creating the universe seems a like a fantasy story to me tbh.

Personally i don't believe in god, or a certain higher force. I believe in cold hard facts, science, math, the laws of physics and evolution.



Not trying to influence anyone or anything, but there is a small idea about that that does make sense. Basically, you could say how the universe was created, but you could then go on to ask what caused that to create the universe, and then go on to ask what caused that to cause the the thing that created the universe, and so on until you come to an uncauseable cause, many say is God.


I learned that in R.E., its something to do with science and religion living together or something.

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To be honest I just don't know, there's no way to prove god exists or not - it's beyond our power.


No matter how far Science advances they will never be able to be certain if it exists or not, I like to rely on certainties not speculation.


I'd like to think we have our own personal gods with our consiences though.


It's all just a big freakin' mystery. :heh:

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I personally think God was just a creation to stop our fears about life and death. I don't actually believe that he exists. I think Jesus might of existed, but I don't think he did anything signifigant. And no way did mary get pregnant while still being a virgin.


Ahh... you are awesome. (Except it's "Jesus might HAVE existed", but no matter).

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Is it? I doubt it bothered you much before you were born; so I doubt it will bother you much when you're dead.


There's a difference between never having existed and a future not existing. Prior to existing I hadn't had a consiousness with which to fear the unknown, and even once born life consisted merely of human instinct and learning. Now we're at the stage where our head is full of theorising and what-ifs. Not only that but prior to being born, the future involved life. After death, the future involving nothing means an end, not a beginning.

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There's a difference between never having existed and a future not existing. Prior to existing I hadn't had a consiousness with which to fear the unknown, and even once born life consisted merely of human instinct and learning. Now we're at the stage where our head is full of theorising and what-ifs. Not only that but prior to being born, the future involved life. After death, the future involving nothing means an end, not a beginning.


The future, as it now and before we were born, is a state of transience. We are never nothing; just something else.

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Science - the way we can prove there is no god.


Go on then.


As Blackfox stated there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of God with science. We can have theological discussions but there is no solid evidence, which, I believe, is what science requires.

Anyone that is an atheist is merely a faithful follower of their own ideas and not a believer in science. Agnosticism is what they should adhere to.


Who believs in afterlife here?


I do, and I believe that I can be with those that I love too.

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Go on then.


As Blackfox stated there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of God with science. We can have theological discussions but there is no solid evidence, which, I believe, is what science requires.


It's difficult for science to prove the existence of something that doesn't exist, by virtue that IT DOESN'T EXIST.


The burden of proof is on the believer; not the skeptic.



I do, and I believe that I can be with those that I love too.


Awww... isn't that cute. Fortunately you will be with the ones you love: In the ground. Dead. Decomposing into compost.

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It's difficult for science to prove the existence of something that doesn't exist, by virtue that IT DOESN'T EXIST.


The burden of proof is on the believer; not the skeptic.


You believe that God doesn't exist. You too are a believer, so the burden lies on you.


Awww... isn't that cute.


Do not patronise me.

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