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Wii Price?

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According to the vice president of marketing for Sega the Wii wil retail for less than $200


Bet on the Wii will selling for less than $200, says Scott Steinberg, vice president of marketing for Sega, one of the major game publishers for Nintendo consoles. Prices for both the Microsoft and Sony machines are higher due to their heavy-duty processing power, and the PS3 will also feature Sony’s next generation Blu-Ray DVD drive.


Source: http://www.forbes.com/home/digitalentertainment/2006/05/10/nintendo-e3-strategy-rr_cx_0510game.html?www.dailytech.com


The price is not official and may be nothing but an educated guess


Thanks to conzer16 for the heads-up

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Nintendo Senior Vice President George Harrison spoke to Forbes about his companies’ plans in regards to the Wii’s price - and concluded that they did not need to announce a price just yet, saying one would be set in “August or Septemberâ€, as knowing what the competitors are up allows them time to think and price accordingly. Harrison added that he was “surprised†Sony announced their price so early.


Many believe Wii will be sold at a much lower price point than the competition, with one such person being Scott Steinberg, vice president of marketing for Sega, who believes the system will come in at less than $200 US. Steinberg is more concerned with how many units will be released upon launch, as Sega cannot finalise its own plans for the Wii launch without an estimate from Nintendo. However, due to the simpler Wii hardware, Steinberg believes that they will be able to get more units produced faster than Sony or Microsoft.

Just a guess from Sega,


Price to be set in August/September!

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I reckon there will be a few packages at different prices. Definately one with two wiimotes even if this is not the default. Two controllers fits with the philosophy of the whole "we" thing

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Good news, good news, even if we think this ourselves, Scott Steinberg is in a better place to judge.


That would mean 200$ / 400$ / 600$

for the wii / xbox360 / PS3

Get three for the price of one !


I personnaly think it's going to lunch with 2 wiimotes because some games will require this for solo play (music titles for exemple). A nunchuk is also needed, then why not add another one ? Don't forget there's two 'i' in wii and all the "we" concept... it's about wii. 2 wiimotes, 2 nunchuck. Final answer.


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Edited by Philoss

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Hopefully the price they decide on is reasonable, anything over $250 US at the very highest would be too expenisve. Consumers may invest in the "perceived" superior consoles that are more expensive if Wii is priced too high...

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It's going to have to be cheap. Let's face it, the games just don't look anywhere near as good as they do on PS3 and XBox 360. Fine by me, but I expect this to be reflected in the price. Around 250 euros (£199).

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It's either £129.99, £149.99 or £189.99.


Oh and i love the fact theres little worry of shortages due to the ease of making them. That makes me happy. :)

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£129 just like the cube I reckon. Remote and nunchuck will always come packed together but it will probably only be one with the console. I hope they throw in the classic controller as well as that is needed for Virtual Console games and also Gamecube games as some new owners might decide to experiance cube for the first time on Wii. but don't forget that Smash brothers will need the classic controller.

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price revealed aug sept? that would mean it wouldn't be out till atleast november. so far away. its not fair. Burning Crusaides is out at about that time aswell. this sucks. i will have no money at all.

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Personally I think (hope) the price will be announced sooner than Aug/Sept , otherwise there will not be much of a window to launch prior to the PS3.


Mind you , now the price of the PS3 has been announced I wonder if Nintendo will not feel so pressured into launching beforehand.

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€250/$250 is the MOST expensive it can possibly be - Nintendo would be doing themselves damage if they priced it higher.


I think €200/$200 is the perfect price for it.


2controllers + 2nunchuks + console = €200


2controllers + 2nunchuks + console + game = €240


+ 2 games = €270


+ 1 game + 1 "cheap" game = €260



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they're probably deciding what to include.

2nunchuck style setups, 2 classic controller set-ups?

1 nunchuck, 1 classic?


if it IS cheap enough, I may buy a couple of spare consoles

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One remote and one nunchuck will definitely be included because so many games use the nunchuck. The classic controller will most likely not be included.

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One remote and one nunchuck will definitely be included because so many games use the nunchuck. The classic controller will most likely not be included.


if SB Brawl uses the classic controller , it will be included!

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I would expect the price and date to be confirmed at TGS in September.


As for price. Well, with Zelda and Metroid at launch Nintendo, for me personally, can pretty much name their price. They're giving me the content I want at launch and I will pay what I need to pay to get it.


if SB Brawl uses the classic controller , it will be included!


Don't count on it. In an interview on eurogamer they've said "don't throw away your GCN controllers just yet".

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thats menas nothing, what about people who did not own a gamecube? they gonna have to buy a £20 controller to play Smash Bros, SNES, Mega Drive and n64 games? that is going to put people off.

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thats menas nothing, what about people who did not own a gamecube? they gonna have to buy a £20 controller to play Smash Bros, SNES, Mega Drive and n64 games? that is going to put people off.


I dunno, ask him - he's the one who said don't chuck 'em away. And he said it explicitly in relation to playing Smash Bros.


Maybe he's not allowed to reveal that the classic controller is in the bundle and just said the first thing that came to him.

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if SB Brawl uses the classic controller , it will be included!


Definitely not. Why would they make their Wii more expensive than it has to be? If they wanted it to be expensive, they would've included every launch game. I'm sure you'll be able to play smash bros with the remote and nunchuck just fine.

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Maybe its just not finalised but it would be sensible to pack in 1 classic controller at least.

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Anything more than £150, and I'll not be buying it until a price drop.

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we can all speculate but fact is it will be the cheapest console. who cares how they pack it i will be buying extra contollers anyway. probably go into game or something and get them to do me a deal on it.

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Anything more than £150, and I'll not be buying it until a price drop.


I take it your not going to be purchasing a ps3 then!!:D

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I take it your not going to be purchasing a ps3 then!!:D


Yep. I'm buying it mainly for GT5 and Winning Eleven though. I won't be buying it on release day, and will wait for a price drop. I can't justify buying consoles on release day like I used to unless they come out cheaply like the Gamecube.

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Yep. I'm buying it mainly for GT5 and Winning Eleven though. I won't be buying it on release day, and will wait for a price drop. I can't justify buying consoles on release day like I used to unless they come out cheaply like the Gamecube.


Well nintendo have stated that their console will be the cheapest and considering the 360 is quite expensive (even the lower spec one) and then the ps3 I think anywhere under £200 will be an instant hit.


Im gonna wait a while until the price for 360 and ps3 drops substantially. getting a wii at launch tho

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