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Trauma Center: Second Opinion


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I'm well aware that Trauma Center is a 3rd party title thankyouverymuch, but that still doesn't excuse Nintendo. They should be putting pressure on Atlus to get the game out over here - the mind boggles as to why they haven't since Trauma Center was a fairly big hit on the DS over here. Nintendo should be making a concerted effort to get all the AAA Wii titles out here that have been released elsewhere. This may just be Trauma Center (and to a lesser extent Elebits?) but gamers need games.

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I'm well aware that Trauma Center is a 3rd party title thankyouverymuch, but that still doesn't excuse Nintendo. They should be putting pressure on Atlus to get the game out over here - the mind boggles as to why they haven't since Trauma Center was a fairly big hit on the DS over here. Nintendo should be making a concerted effort to get all the AAA Wii titles out here that have been released elsewhere. This may just be Trauma Center (and to a lesser extent Elebits?) but gamers need games.


I totally one hundered percent agree with you.


I don't give a damn if Trauma Centre and Eledees are not Nintendo games either. NOE should get there arse in gear and make damn sure these games come out quicker and talk more to their third-party developers.


Eledees and Trauma are VERY good games, and even if they did come out when 'alot' of other Wii games were released, i'm pretty sure they would outsell them, but perhaps they don't want to take that risk?


Hurry up. Quite frankly. Before consumers decide to buy something else....


It's obvious that they are holding both games back till their is a gap in the market for them and they sell the best they can do. I totally understand this, but leaving it this long is a joke. I was expecting 'March' for Trauma and now we're going into May/June.


Eledees is out April, but it's been released 4 months in the USA which seems a tad unacceptable.


I think the Wii needs these two games and so do the consumers!


Whats also annoying the hell out of me, is that we're still waiting for these two games and then Nintendo of America go and give USA another release list with Super Paper Mario, Brain Training AND Mario Party 8!

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I don't give a damn if Trauma Centre and Eledees are not Nintendo games either. NOE should get there arse in gear and make damn sure these games come out quicker and talk more to their third-party developers.


Bullying and threatening third parties would only result in PR-disaster sooner or later. Funding certain 3rd parties localization efforts is also no-no, as it would give unfair advantage to funded company and royally piss-off other 3rd parties. These things aren't really so simple as you people are always making them to be.

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Bullying and threatening third parties would only result in PR-disaster sooner or later. Funding certain 3rd parties localization efforts is also no-no, as it would give unfair advantage to funded company and royally piss-off other 3rd parties. These things aren't really so simple as you people are always making them to be.


Sorry mister i know everything and should work in the business. ;)


No seriously. I understand what your saying, but you even must admit, the amount of time these two games are taking to arrive in Europe is a joke 'now', thats the bottom line. :)

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I'm well aware that Trauma Center is a 3rd party title thankyouverymuch, but that still doesn't excuse Nintendo. They should be putting pressure on Atlus to get the game out over here - the mind boggles as to why they haven't since Trauma Center was a fairly big hit on the DS over here. Nintendo should be making a concerted effort to get all the AAA Wii titles out here that have been released elsewhere. This may just be Trauma Center (and to a lesser extent Elebits?) but gamers need games.

What makes you think Nintendo has any sort of power over that? It's not as easy as you say it it. Bottom line is, whatever Atlus does is up to Atlus.

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Eh, I guess we just disagree. Regardless, I think Nintendo are just showing that they plan to treat Europe like shit for this generation too.


I have to say, this is the same case with the DS (we wait months) but at least the DS gets a steady stream of games a few months later than the USA. With the Wii, however, it feels like they're just stockpiling good games for no reason at all.


It's too late to "wait for a gap to release them", the time is now!! Consumers are complaining there are no games for the Wii, and while this is the norm after a console launch, there are no firm (or even vague) dates for any Wii games in Europe after the middle of April! This is ridiculous and frankly I'm losing patience. I'll keep my Wii because there are some games that will hopefully come out before 2010 that I want, but I certainly won't be recommending it as heartily to customers where I work as I was two months ago.

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Theres too many good Wii games between now and April...


SSX Blur is the only one which is 'good' at the moment though. We don't know about the rest. MOH, Heatseeker and GodFather look pretty good, but you never know...

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Sorry to double-post, but the game is released July 26th 2007 in Europe...


Which is quite frankly a crap date.


On the brightside we have a good-great game being released up until July 2007 now. Which is much much better then the Gamecube. :)

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WHAT THE FUCK!!! This was one of the titles I was really getting into. Wow now we get it 8 months, EIGHT MONTHS!!!! After the USA release? What the fuck is up with that, talk about getting face fucked. As you can tell I aren't happy about this. :(


At the end of the day, it's both Atlus and Nintendo's wrong doing. The game is ready so if they wasn't so bothered about different languages it would of been out ages ago I bet.

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What the hell. How is that possible or beneficial for the company producing it? (Atlus?)


At Launch, it would have been a must buy. Couple of months after, I might still have bought it. But JULY, there is better games now, better competition.


I can't understand why this would be done, there is no way localisation is the answer but I can't see why such a late date is useful either.


No sale for me.


EDIT: I'm late. What Dom said, just less angry, more disappointed.

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I can't understand why this would be done, there is no way localisation is the answer but I can't see why such a late date is useful either..


Localization is main reason why its late. Those who haven't never done localizations can't understand that it isn't just about translating something language A to B.


In many cases, localization team needs to literally re-code some parts of game, because developers didn't reserve additional space for other languages in the first place*. If code's structure is changed, you must also debug whole game and make sure that changes didn't broke anything. Then you need to fucking proof read each translation, and make sure translation is coherent. Then there is reserving studio time for re-dubbing, etc. All this stuff takes combined lots of time, especially if your localization team isn't that big. And because company must reserve printing time many months before localization is finished, even minor slip on scheducle can mean that game gets into print month or two later.


* For example, Alltp's japanese version text was stored in pure ASCII format. Localization team couldn't get english translation fit into 1 MB cartridge, so they were forced to write simple, but effective compression algorithm to save space. In this algorithm, most common words and syllables were compressed into single characters, making translation possible without using bigger cartridge, and adjusting certain parts of code.

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What annoys me that it was confirmed for a Q1 date over here in the first place and was a launch title in America.I mean a game from Q1-Q3 is plain annoying.I was really looking forward to this and now I have to wait untill July.


I'm blaming this on both Atlus and NoE.


Good thing I have DBZ and hopefully another couple of games to pass to July.

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Why is it all X360 games are released almost simultaniously in US and Europe then? Why can't the same thing be done with Wii games?


Western companies are much better when it comes to localizing games, and most X360 games are from western developers*. Same is true for Wii. If you haven't noticed, EA and Ubisoft release titles near simultaneously worldwide, but japanese companies like Bandai, Konami and Atlus have serious problems with localizations.


* And those few japanese developed titles for X360 tend to have same problems with localization as Wii titles. For example, it took over six months before Bullet Witch was localized.

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WHAT THE FUCK!!! This was one of the titles I was really getting into. Wow now we get it 8 months, EIGHT MONTHS!!!! After the USA release? What the fuck is up with that, talk about getting face fucked. As you can tell I aren't happy about this. :(


At the end of the day, it's both Atlus and Nintendo's wrong doing. The game is ready so if they wasn't so bothered about different languages it would of been out ages ago I bet.


UK had to wait for Paper Mario 1 for nine months.

I am worried that we have to wait that long for Super Paper Mario.

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UK had to wait for Paper Mario 1 for nine months.

I am worried that we have to wait that long for Super Paper Mario.


But the difference between TTYD US and UK launches was only month. If we look Gamecube release list, Nintendo did decent job on localizing Gamecube games, with only exception being Animal Crossing.

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