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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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In sales maybe... we don't have a numbered Final Fantasy sure, but in all honesty, gameplay of such game has been sucking and FFXIII seems to have crisis core gameplay, that's "run and press A" (and see a cutscene in the middle) it sucks.


I can pull a list of RPG's that I think that kicked FFX (well, almost every RPG kicked FFX) and FFXII last gen, yeah they were the more expensive ones to make, yeah they were the biggest sellers. But were they the best ones? hell no, for me.


It's time for square to step up, yes, but I want them to step up as an example for companies that follow, such as atlus.


The game I'm antecipating the most from Square-Enix is Sigma Harmonics, I think that says a lot for what I think of newer FF's and other stuff.It's sort of confirmed to US :)




If some RPG ever gets a better gameplay and story than FF 12, warn me, im a RPG fan (only of the normal battle system type), i have a friend with a lot of RPG's that i play weekly for 4 hours (while he plays my wii), and nothing, AND I MEAN.. NOTHING, has ever defeated FF 12.

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I've just completed Final Fantasy XII (my first of the series) and I honestly thought it was terrible! (Suppose I'm daft for completing it really!) Glad you enjoyed it though, Maase! :)


I've just started Dragon Quest VIII, and that gets everything right and just shows what was so wrong with FFXII. It's light-hearted, colourful and has simple, confident storytelling.


I suppose my point is that, to me, the overall design of the game matters more than whether it's turn-based. FFXII had real-time combat, but you didn't actually control the fighting. The Licence system meant you spent too much time organising what your party could use and the Gambit system was like writing A.I.


It also took ages to get anywhere and generally felt tedious and a drudge.


Funnily enough, I also thought Okami (although action-based and not an RPG) had similar problems in that there was so much to collect and do, I felt compelled to do too many side-quests and such.


Turn-based or action-based, it's the design that counts. :)

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If some RPG ever gets a better gameplay and story than FF 12, warn me, im a RPG fan (only of the normal battle system type), i have a friend with a lot of RPG's that i play weekly for 4 hours (while he plays my wii), and nothing, AND I MEAN.. NOTHING, has ever defeated FF 12.

You need to play more RPG's, there, I'm sorry... But I said it.


Also, regarding FFXII I wasn't even including it in the list, quite simply because it shouldn't be a numbered FF, all FF's prior to it didn't take place in existing universes, which it does (Ivalice) and all that... And most of all, we have a game that got it's huge budget for being a numbered FF, but also suffered down the spine the stupid mentality that company has [i could give more examples on that, how FFX was supposed to be the story of a dying man trying to get home and got revamped to appeal to teenagers for instance], the androgynous girly boy nomura induced crap (even though he wasn't involved directly on this one) whom they went to the point of stripping it to be topless so you could point "oh, so he's not a girl"... to the useless character Vaan is, playing in cutscenes while Basch and Balthier get things going, to the even more useless healing type clone named Penelo that's only there to serve as a love interest for some reason nobody understands... And I could go on.


If FFXII wasn't FFXII you'd have all that, all the stuff matsuno wanted in, instead without the crap, despite being a pretty good game still, but the miracle is that it is still good being a numbered game, again... due to the team and matsuno; who, btw... got sick of all that crap and left midway. There are better RPG's out there, although I agree despite the fact that it shouldn't be a numbered FF is still the best since FFIX, but that's not a compliment considering we're talking about FFX and FFX-2 quality (or lack of).


Now play homage to almighty matsuno and go play Vagrant Story.

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I thought so, the Japanese couldn't bear the thought of Europe getting a game first for a change. I'm waiting for the announcement that America are getting it next week...


Haha. It's probably in the shops right now*, waiting for Nintendo's go ahead to put them on shelves.


I love the way the game has been in development for ages without much info and then *BAM*, it's out in a few weeks. No-one has any idea how good it's going to be.


*along with Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

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Haha. It's probably in the shops right now*, waiting for Nintendo's go ahead to put them on shelves.


I love the way the game has been in development for ages without much info and then *BAM*, it's out in a few weeks. No-one has any idea how good it's going to be.


*along with Project H.A.M.M.E.R.


That's why the wise money is on it being a stinker! Games that just sneak out without any marketing or fanfare after years of dev time are usually crap. Just like when movies are released without any prescreens for critics!


Sad but true, personally I hope I'm proved wrong as this looked really promising and I loved the concept.

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That's why the wise money is on it being a stinker! Games that just sneak out without any marketing or fanfare after years of dev time are usually crap. Just like when movies are released without any prescreens for critics!


Sad but true, personally I hope I'm proved wrong as this looked really promising and I loved the concept.


Couldn't agree more. I think they had a great original concept, coupled with a new control method which should have produced a very original game. I wonder, though, if they struggled to translate that concept into a good game mechanic.

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Couldn't agree more. I think they had a great original concept, coupled with a new control method which should have produced a very original game. I wonder, though, if they struggled to translate that concept into a good game mechanic.


Yup I agree too, normally games that get sneaked out, without much press coverage are normally poo.


But on a more optimistic note, it was quite similar with Batalion Wars II. Even to the point where demo's on show floors were limited to one type of play even though the game was finished.

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Yup I agree too, normally games that get sneaked out, without much press coverage are normally poo.


But on a more optimistic note, it was quite similar with Batalion Wars II. Even to the point where demo's on show floors were limited to one type of play even though the game was finished.


Yeah Battalion wars was great though. However, I did see spreads in mags, youtube gameplay videos and there were plenty of hands on impressions from IGN etc before hand, not only that but we all knew how it would play.


Sadly with Disaster, we've not even got a playtest, in fact there's still speculation to how it will play!

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Yeah Battalion wars was great though. However, I did see spreads in mags, youtube gameplay videos and there were plenty of hands on impressions from IGN etc before hand, not only that but we all knew how it would play.


Sadly with Disaster, we've not even got a playtest, in fact there's still speculation to how it will play!


Yeah true, I suppose it won't be too long before a famitsu review comes out. And there's still some time for more info to out before it drops here. But yeah it's quiet....too quiet :smile:

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This game SOUNDS so good! I would love it if it turned out to be the surprise hit of the year; all signs point to it being a bit shit, but I'm hoping! Next year looks incredible for the wii; I just want a few really good games this year; and I mean REALLY good, Disaster is my main hope from Nintendo (some exciting 3rd party stuff)

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I like the way the name of the characters are in the boxart, just like a movie poster. It goes well with it's description of a movie-like experience.


If this is the cover art for the European version though, I just hope they change the font color to white. Apart from that, the image is cool.


The game was announced in E3 2006 and we still have yet to see more than a few seconds of footage and some screenshots. They should start releasing some videos so we can have a clearer idea of what to expect.

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