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Disaster: Day of Crisis

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Wouldn't survey's like that be carried out before the game had even started to be made let alone when it is a year into development.

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That's definitely Disaster. Where did you do that?





Wouldn't survey's like that be carried out before the game had even started to be made let alone when it is a year into development.


Yea. I doubt it has anything to do with Disaster: Day of Crisis. However, (wild speculation here) It could have something to do with a sequel ("Disaster 2: Day of Terror" anyone?)

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Maybe its a copycat game already in development.

Some high end graphical adventure on xbox360 and Ps3 here to steal disaster's thunder.

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That's definitely Disaster. Where did you do that?




I have been doing surveys with this website for about a year, they send me new ones through to my email. This one just came in today.


I remembered this game straight away when i started the survery, i have no idea if it is or not.

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Ex-marine, terrorists stealing nuclear warhead, it's Disaster. Online is intruiging... Can anyone make surveys on this or is it really Ninty?

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The main guy looks different though. In the trailers he has a distinctive anime hairstlye, this guy just looks normal though.



Doesn't mention anything in the survey about motion controls. So possibilities are that its a copycat game or a sequal.

Anybody got a release date for D: DoC? Wiki says 2007.

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hmmmmm :blank::hmm:


I did think "It could be a bit like Resi Evil....but it sounds more like the movies than the games".


Well, mystery solved.

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I did think "It could be a bit like Resi Evil....but it sounds more like the movies than the games".


Well, mystery solved.

I think that first image look very amateur'ish, I mean... Capcom has the 3D model's, why using a altered existing, public released image then?

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Resident evil with meteors? Seems quite a bit of a deviation from the norm.


Zombie meteors.

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This image:








hmmmmm :blank::hmm:


I knew I recognised that guy from somewhere!!!


Good work Pedro.

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Right! *Jamba casts Resurrect*


So after buying the studio who is making this game, a group who has had success developing on the GCN (maybe not huge commercial success but thats by the by) we have seen nothing.


Where was this at E3?! Metroid and Disaster are the 2 games that I thought might get the PS3 and 360 crowd playing the Wii. Not a jot, not a mention. NADA! This was a title that, when it was mentioned a year ago, made people say "Wow, Nintendo really has got a diverse line-up", yet we still don't really know anything about it!


What say ye brothers and sisters? Is Nintendo canning the project or keeping it under wraps? Or is there some legal reasons concerning the aquisition that stop them showing anything?

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Its been known that Nintendo has had issues with their stock as of late and were in March at GDC restricted from saying anything about new game announcements to avoid hiking the price up. But surely they've resolved these issues by now?

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They'll probably save it till TGS, or later. But maybe they'll surprise us and suddenly show it.

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We will definitely hear about something with this roundtable on Thursday, you can count on that, particularly third party support, maybe not this game but others perhaps...

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Storyline: terrorists steal nuclear weapons from the US while we are dealing with devastating natural disasters. The terrorists hold the US hostage with the threat of nuclear attacks. The player’s job is to stop these terrorists all while dealing with the natural disasters.


- Lots of voice work


- due out Q1-Q2 2008




Well a rumor from an unnamed source, so it could be true as we have been seeing a few of these lately, and as a 24 fan, the storyline sounds awesome!

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Yeah what you said does remind me somewhat of 24... well except the natural disaster part, unless I missed those episodes! Hopefully this'll be a decent game and a potential release in the first half of next year is very nice indeed.

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Hmm from that source it sounds VERY 24-like lol. It's quite new for Nintendo not to go down the whole 'Princess is captured' line, but hopefully they'll nail it. It's nice to know they ain't rushing it tbh.

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