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Nintendo Conference Disscussion


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Wii = Almost certain to fail, will probably be priced too expensive, inferior graphics, appears as though games are rather gimmicky, but i'll wait until some hands on reports are released before I make my final decision on purchase.

:nono: I smell a Sony fanboy...

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Solitanze, better than a hands on report, we had people playing live from half way around the world.

They were all loving it.


I hope they can keep momentum with regard to games.. but even if they don't I'd be happy my purchase was not wasted money.. I am speaking just for the launch titles alone. I am happy there are enough games.


My friend (die hard fanboy) said that was the downfall of the Cube, and he wouldn't be suprised if it happens again.

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Is it me or did anyone else think they briefly shown footage of a flying sim at the start of the conference? Possibly Pilotwings?


Or was that part of another game I completely missed.


According to IGN it is. Looking forward to it.

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Sony got screwed, GTA on Xbox360 first and possibly exclusive aswell. So Sony will loose the Japanese market to Nintendo, and US to Microsoft and maybe loose EU aswell.


Sony has lost big time so far this E3.

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Sony got screwed, GTA on Xbox360 first and possibly exclusive aswell. So Sony will loose the Japanese market to Nintendo, and US to Microsoft and maybe loose EU aswell.


Sony has lost big time so far this E3.


exclusive content, not exclusive game


no gta for wii ... dissappointed to say the least, looks like nintendo hasn't learned from the last gen war, you NEED games like GTA if you really want to win the console war.

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exclusive content, not exclusive game


no gta for wii ... dissappointed to say the least, looks like nintendo hasn't learned from the last gen war, you NEED games like GTA if you really want to win the console war.

They are getting it the same time, and that's a kick in the teeth for Sony (corrected this was)...........


Nintendo needs no GTA nowdays.

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A damn good E3 for Nintendo, imo. They've shown just what the controller can do and there are so many great games in the pipeline.


wrong, nintendo needs games like GTA and MGS.



That's funny. I could have sworn that the PSP had GTA and MGS games but were getting walked over by the DS.

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wrong, nintendo needs games like GTA and MGS.

I disagree. You can't place all the PS2's figures purely on GTA. It's good for attracting the chavs, but that's about it.


That's funny. I could have sworn that the PSP had GTA and MGS games but were getting walked over by the DS.

I was going to say that aswell, and that's more evidence it's not needed........but I didn't want to bring the portables into this.

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I agree with Wiredchild on some things.. how long will this style of playing be fun? I dont see myself swinging and stabbing away 3 hours long. I'm afraid I will be missing the basic controller type of games. Just like on the Gamecube, sure Donkey Konga/Jungle Beat/Mario Party (with mic)/Mario Dance Stage are fun for a couple of days, but they get boring and I long for games like Super Mario World/Mario 64.


Also, they haven't shown any new games, and the upcoming games list doesnt look too good. Smash Brothers, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Mario Kart, a 3D fighting game.. where are those titles? Mario Galaxy seems to be some kind of new Sunshine type of game, but in space and not in the classic Mario worlds (which I was hoping for). It is also mentioned that u point where mario has to walk in this title, and that it will not use the classic control style.


They also haven't shown ne online features, I wanna know what games we will be able to download and if theres a chatroom/msg system/voice communication etc.


In short: I'm afraid that all games will get too gimmicky, just like some of the GC titles. I just want modern versions of Mario/Diddy Kong Racing/Donkey Kong/Goldeneye/Kid Icarus/Starfox/Kirby etc. but I dont want them to be gimmicky, cuz it will get boring in a few days.

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BTW: y is Red Steel called Red Steel? I didn't see any blood, not even in the sword fight :mad:


No new games? Did you miss Project hammer and Disaster? There are others as well.


you can't really compare those titles with Mario/Halo/MGS/Tekken/GTA etc.


I was expecting more surprises, of titles which were not yet announced. Nintendo didn't really have exciting news.

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A damn good E3 for Nintendo, imo. They've shown just what the controller can do and there are so many great games in the pipeline.





That's funny. I could have sworn that the PSP had GTA and MGS games but were getting walked over by the DS.


lol that's handheld, that's different

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how the hell do you know?


if they where such big games, there would have been more rumours on it, like red steel. Which does look like a big title (too bad that there probably won't be blood in it :S)

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