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Disaster despite only being shown as FMV looked interesting. Can't wait to see more of that. And I'm sure tomoz we'll see stuff on Sadness and I can't believe they won't reveal a price at E3.. There's no way that in 3 days time we won't know the price and launch date


What happens if you like to turn your console off at the plug? By what they have said, it seems to be plugged in and turned on at the socket 24/7.


"Yeah, this keynote was about as underwhelming as the Sony one sadly. No major announcements other than a speaker in the Wiimote... big whoop.


by Trachalio on 05/09/06 12:07 PM"


A comment left on Kotaku, did this person watch the confrence whilst wearing a blindfold?!


That show was freaking awsome! :yay::bowdown:


For all you people who think it sucked well I guess you were dumb enough to get yourselves sucked into all those krazy rumors. What the hell were you expecting? lmao. The third secret was either the speaker in the remote or the Wii 24 which are both great IMO :) The showcase of games was astonishing :D:bowdown:

do you reckon that was the third secret, the speaker in the wiimote?

Yes. Nintendo never really said anything about a third secret besides having 'several other exciting features'.


Then hype came around and overblew it. There was no third secret. The new features were the FHC speaker (such a brilliant move) and the 24 Connect.


Great stuff but disappointed a tad - I am stunned there wasnt even a mention of Smash Bros. Also very disappointed there was no Nights, Starwars, Capcom game, Konami game or any other EA game!


Mario looked in-fucking-credible though, as did Disaster (that coupled with Project HAMMER very surprising for NIntendo).


Starfox looked awesom, it is clearly a digfighting game though - hopefully wifi.


It all felt a bit rushed for me - so much info and not enough time! I wanted more gameply footage, and I cant believe Mario wasnt played!


Lastly do the players in Tennis automatically run towards the ball and you just swing? My feed cutout on that bit - looks awesome though - hope they're not 'too' simplified!!


It was amazing and I cant wait, but I wish more was revealed - online service, 3rd party suuport (there was a worrying lack of it), shell, virtual console etc etc.


Wii cant come soon enough - is a Mario trailer up yet!!?


Disaster looked good, I'd have rather had Exitebike than Exitetruck but it still looks good. Mario Galaxy looked lush! I want to watch it again, that footage had some awesome effects. I didnt see the Pilotwings cuz the stream cut out :cry: . MP: Corruption looked frantic but I cant make my mind up bout its graphics. I''l play (and try to finish if I can be arsed) MP2 again and watch trailers to compare. No SSB! Im worried it wont be a launch game now.

EDIT: Starfox DS! I fucking love Starfox!, my 3rd favourite franchise, despite recent poor form.



Lastly do the players in Tennis automatically run towards the ball and you just swing? My feed cutout on that bit - looks awesome though - hope they're not 'too' simplified!!



More than likely dpad controllable.


So many games, I jumped out of my seat when I seen the new Fire Emblem for Wii. I totally forgot about Saddness :$ But it will be on the showfloor I'm sure :)

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