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Wii Hardware Discussion


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i love the fact it has wireless built in, better than forking out 60 quid for an extra bit of plastic like i had to for the 360.


TBH most people will have wireless who have broadband so i think nintendo were right to prioritise wireless over an ethernert connection-as long as its stable that is.

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i love the fact it has wireless built in, better than forking out 60 quid for an extra bit of plastic like i had to for the 360.


TBH most people will have wireless who have broadband so i think nintendo were right to prioritise wireless over an ethernert connection-as long as its stable that is.


Same here. Hated spending that £60, but had too! :)

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TBH most people will have wireless who have broadband so i think nintendo were right to prioritise wireless over an ethernert connection-as long as its stable that is.


I don’t think most broadband users have a wireless router in their home yet, even if they do there’s still a fair number of people who don’t.


Don't get me wrong I'm glad the Wireless thing is built in but they should have put in the Ethernet connection in too.


Even if it had ethernet and classed as "online out of the box" it wouldn't be online out of the box, because you need an internet connection


Maybe I’m missing something here, but it goes without saying you need an internet connection to connect to the internet.

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TBH most people will have wireless who have broadband so i think nintendo were right to prioritise wireless over an ethernert connection-as long as its stable that is.


Where did you get this idea? I know lots of people with routers and certainly wouldn't say that most of them are wireless. Admittedly places like PC World are pushing wireless networks but that's just so they can sell you wireless network cards for all your PCs.


I don't have a wireless router, but if I'll have to buy an adaptor for my Wii from Nintendo to use an ethernet connection that might be enough to convince me to upgrade my router.

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you really should. even ntl these days are giving free routers away to people who sign up for wireless broadband with them. because i live in shared accomodation and i'm the only one with a computer i just got the lowest broadband package and bought the ds router. tesco though are selling the bulldog one (which tesco are advertising in store as "ideal for nintendo wi-fi connection" :D i've noticed) for rock-bottom prices and ninty recommend that one so you can't go far wrong if you can't wait for Wii and wana get your DS online.


i'd say since it's now likely the Wii's online service is going to be much more in-depth than the DS', ninty will release another router that will serve BOTH the DS and Wii, and i'll happily buy it.

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I'd get that (the Wi-fi USB key) - I just don't know if I want to have my Wii unable to go online if my PC breaks down on me. If I get a wireless router it will be a decent one, and certainly not one of the common ones that only supports 4 wireless devices. Since I live in a small flat there's no need for the desktop PCs to be wireless but a DS/Wii make two devices already, adding up if either myself or my flatmate buy a 360/PS3.

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I'd get that (the Wi-fi USB key) - I just don't know if I want to have my Wii unable to go online if my PC breaks down on me. If I get a wireless router it will be a decent one, and certainly not one of the common ones that only supports 4 wireless devices. Since I live in a small flat there's no need for the desktop PCs to be wireless but a DS/Wii make two devices already, adding up if either myself or my flatmate buy a 360/PS3.


this is true. although if you do decide to buy one that can access more than four surely your flatmate should split the cost... and if they don't have a device to connect to it yet, they're hardly going to fork out money. would you not be better buying a 4-way split model for now for Wii/DS/PC and then if a PS3 or 360 is bought you're still fine. if you or your flatmate wants to buy another machine after that you can then split the cost of a more expensive router....(?)


that way, if you don't go above four machines in the end you'll have saved urself a fair bit of dosh. and if you do get a fifth machine the cost of a cheap 4-way and half a more expensive one will still probs be less than buying a more expensive one yourself.

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I had considered just buying a Wireless access point and conntecting it to my router, another option. Basically I'm going to properly investigate once I know whether or not the DS can use the Wii to get an internet connection and play Wi-fi DS games. That way I might just get the USB ethernet adaptor for the Wii and have it connected by ethernet.

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Guest Stefkov

I don't have a wireless router in my house, sure i begged my dad to get one, and mentioned loads of good points, but he trusted some other guy, who mentioned some bad points even though i countered them poiints, like intruders=WEP! and such, but he still got a wired router, sure its good for my 360, i didnt have to spend £50 on a wireless thing for it. i got that nintendo USb adaptor, which was good. And i heard that you can use that for the Wii. However i dont want my PC on all the time.

I bought a usb to ethernet for my 360 to do that music and pictures transfer thing, but i havnt succeded in that :(

That only cost me about £7-£10, now if i can use that, plug it int my wii and the other end into one of my ethernet cables, then I'll be happy that my dad went with a wired connection.

I've actually entered a competition in the new ONM to win a wireless router. if i win that then ill be happy, cos theni can have my 360 connected up by ethernet that works fine, then my wii and ds can connect to the rrouter and my pc can be wired aswell.

/rant for no reason.

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So really....nothing is "online out of the box" by that definition.


The definition assumes a working internet connection, which no doubt will be stated on the box for any games with online functionality just like they have done for years.


You'll also need electricity to power the machine and a monitor/TV of some kind to view the games - in case anyone was unaware.

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At least we get free Opera without having to buy it. So howw is Opera going to work on it? I mean this in term of menus, will we get an option at the start screen even with a disc inserted like on the DS (manual mode) or will it be like the GC and we have to have no disc inserted.

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At least we get free Opera without having to buy it. So howw is Opera going to work on it? I mean this in term of menus, will we get an option at the start screen even with a disc inserted like on the DS (manual mode) or will it be like the GC and we have to have no disc inserted.


Hopefully like CG, where you can hold a button to go to the menu with a disk in.

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Guest Stefkov

not so much a hardware thing, but i walked into GAME in bury today ad they had a tv showing videos of i think the first wii video we saw. one guy stopped when Red Steel was showing and he looked slighlty interested. i watched quite a bit of i and realised how wierd it was watching it there.

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not so much a hardware thing, but i walked into GAME in bury today ad they had a tv showing videos of i think the first wii video we saw. one guy stopped when Red Steel was showing and he looked slighlty interested. i watched quite a bit of i and realised how wierd it was watching it there.


Yeah the Official Nintendo Magazine DVD of Wii is being shown on two screens in my local game, they're showing Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy, people look interested.

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not so much a hardware thing, but i walked into GAME in bury today ad they had a tv showing videos of i think the first wii video we saw. one guy stopped when Red Steel was showing and he looked slighlty interested. i watched quite a bit of i and realised how wierd it was watching it there.


they've had them in birmingham for a while-since just after e3 i think.


Game are really loving nintendo right now.

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we never got anything official, but we put the ONM dvd on for an hour one day when the manager wasn't about, but due to copyrights etc we took it off before he came back, just incase. while it was on, an awful lot of people seemed very interested, and very surprised at what Wii could do.


EDIT: just to clarify something... http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=7486 ... unlike that which was "reported" in q&a.

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Game in Colchester have been running the Wii – Rayman Raving Rabbids video, gets quite a lot of attention when I’m in there and its running.


I go in there! Yeah i think the Wii is becoming very popular in my area. mmmm


Which is good for Nintendo but slightly worrying for me when i have to run to get a preorder in early.


Clacton run out of preorders for 360, and not being rude alot of people are unemployed in Clacton and it's not exactly a well-off area. So if the Wii is only £150 i may have to get a move on when your able to preorder it because it will sell-out in preorders alone in my area.

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