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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Yeah, I'm gonna try out the Nunchuk option, too. I want the game to have a Wii feel (i.e. no GameCube controller). At the same time I don't want to give up the Control Stick (the Wiimote alone seems too simple) and I don't own any Classic Controllers, nor do I like them. Of course I want to try them all and I'm keeping an open mind, so if it turns out one of the other control schemes fits me better, I'm gonna use that.

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Number of update days: 104

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Trivia: A stage every 8 days on average, or every 9.5 updates; stages account for ~10.5% of Dojo updates


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Combined items: 24

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Fierce Deity won't be an assist trophy, as it's basically Link. If Link was attacking himself, it'd be...weird to say the least. Not that MArio beating the crap out of Pikachu isn't weird anyway, but you know what I mean. Character self-continuity.


I'll probably use the GC controller.

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What Top 3 Assist Trophy characters would you like to be in this game?


3. Bulbear and its dwarf (the spotted main Pikmin enemy). Move: charge and bite.

2. Zant (if his not a playable character). Move: rapid fire balls with pushing power.



Top 3 are:


1. Raiden: Only goes after male character and pulls on there balls. :p

2. Zelda:MM Moon

3. Paper Mario Folks.

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Yeah, probably GC controller for me. I have 4 of them, all my friends are acustomed to it already, and it seems like the only one without a real drawback. The Wiimote doesnt have enough buttons, the Wiimote/Nunchuk (looks like) its gonna be really unnatural, the Classic Controller is either an awkward analog stick or a D Pad. The GC controllers drawback is that it's wired. But then, I can just choose to lose the rumble which is only on one of the other three properly anyway.

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Top 3 are:


1. Raiden: Only goes after male character and pulls on there balls. :p

2. Zelda:MM Moon

3. Paper Mario Folks.


Majora's Mask moon is a freaking good idea!!! It could be like a FF summon, or maybe like the Pokemon move Future Sight, where once you unleash the doom is impending...Or maybe you can see it in the foreground like in the Melee MM stage and then it hits...CLASSIC.


Fierce Deity won't be an assist trophy, as it's basically Link. If Link was attacking himself, it'd be...weird to say the least. Not that MArio beating the crap out of Pikachu isn't weird anyway, but you know what I mean. Character self-continuity.


I'll probably use the GC controller.


Yeah, I see your point. But it could be an AT that appears when Link isn't fighting.

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This game looks awesome :o


I can't wait to fight 1 VS 1 VS 1 VS 1


Pokemon Trainer VS Solid Snake VS Mario VS Sonic: Sony VS Nintendo VS Sega VS POKEMON, The final showdown :P


I hope a Story Mode and not a Arcade mode, that sucks

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Lucas looks too much like Ness at this stage. The snake move is basically just a substitute for Ness's yo-yo, where hes looking up, variation of PK Flash... I don't like Ness's chance of being retained in Brawl, I really think hes gonna get the cut... Maybe like Dark Link, Ness will be an alternative skin to Lucas, seeing that they're so similar in appearance and moveset...

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