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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I think the levels [level design] in Brawl are the least fun in the series, so I hope they truely deliver for the next installment.

Also, there's no need for third party characters in Smash Bros [outside of money making]. I didn't really enjoy their inclusion in Brawl [especially just the 2 of them, made it feel gimmicky] and would rather it remained a Nintendo experience.


Really? I don't even like Brawl (too much of a party game for my liking) but I think some of the levels are absolutely brilliant! Especially love Yoshi's Story, The Animal crossing level and I actually prefer Final Destination in this game compared to the GC version.


Oh and yeah 3rd party characters really aren't important. I think Melee had the best cast, maybe add in Pit, Metaknight and Lucario and stop the cloning of certain characters and it's perfect. I really hope in the future we see Nintendo do to melee what CAPCOM did to SSFIIHD:TR and just up the graphics, maybe add a couple of characters and tweak the gameplay a bit to make the characters a bit more balanced. Melee probably has the best physics engine i've ever come across.




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Really? I don't even like Brawl (too much of a party game for my liking) but I think some of the levels are absolutely brilliant! Especially love Yoshi's Story, The Animal crossing level and I actually prefer Final Destination in this game compared to the GC version.


Oh and yeah 3rd party characters really aren't important. I think Melee had the best cast, maybe add in Pit, Metaknight and Lucario and stop the cloning of certain characters and it's perfect. I really hope in the future we see Nintendo do to melee what CAPCOM did to SSFIIHD:TR and just up the graphics, maybe add a couple of characters and tweak the gameplay a bit to make the characters a bit more balanced. Melee probably has the best physics engine i've ever come across.




I not a fan of Brawl either and also think Melee is FAR superior. The characters, levels, character balance, controls etc... are all better.


The only level I really liked in Brawl was the Wind Waker level. It was the only one that felt fresh and inventive.

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Oh the wind waker level is beautiful :D

Brawl is a far better party game than melee ever was, due to it being easier to recover and almost impossible to combo. As a core fighter though melee is probably up there with 3rd Strike. There's a video being made about Melee atm by a guy called Gimpyfish and the trailer is up on youtube..it basically just shows highlights of each character and what they can pull off....it's insane how balanced melee was. here's the trailer, it's a pretty good watch simply because it makes you appreciate how deep the game was:



Retro me and you seem to have a bit in common now i think about it...what with the Kimi love aswell...:heh:


EDIT: Actually this is the reason i love Melee...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD_imYhNoQ4&feature=channel_page

Best. Combo. Ever.


But yeah, Brawl is still a good party game and there are several things it does far better than melee. I think we'd all agree music is one aspect where it beats melee hands down.

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here's the trailer, it's a pretty good watch simply because it makes you appreciate how deep the game was:


Retro me and you seem to have a bit in common now i think about it...what with the Kimi love aswell...:heh:


EDIT: Actually this is the reason i love Melee...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD_imYhNoQ4&feature=channel_page

Best. Combo. Ever.


But yeah, Brawl is still a good party game and there are several things it does far better than melee. I think we'd all agree music is one aspect where it beats melee hands down.

haha yeah, though aren't you more for the little Brazilian?


I just had such epic fun in multiplayer with Melee, me and cousin Eddage had some awesome times!


I don't know why, but Brawl just lacked magic for me. I think it may have been all the info released about it before launch.

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Being stubborn with the Wii-mote and nunchuck because it's a Wii game, really isn't worth it.

I was the same, wanting to use them, because it was a Wii game, but it really can hinder your enjoyment after a while.

I [for what ever reason] couldn't get my head around the moves assigned to the B button, because it was underneath the controller. I also was never comfortable with shield and grab and tried re-assigning moves, but nothing ever completely clicked.


The game was designed with the GC controller/Wavebird in mind right from the start, and the creator/dev team have always said it's the best option.

The Wii controls are there for those who either didn't have a GC, or are stubborn, but they really the best way to go.


I dunno, I'm starting to get really used to the Wiimote and Nunchuk controls now. I think the reason I've found jumping odd is because I normally press the buttom with my right hand, and now it's the C button on the left hand (nunchuk), so it's a bit strange.


It's a great game. Really enjoying it. :) Been doing some event matches and little random things. I've done the first 20 event matches, and 100 man-melee. So, got Falco. I want Ganondorf!

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I think those combos people could get in melee are annoying. Brawl is much more balanced in the way it always gives ur opponent a chance to fight back.

most combos just feel more cheap than skill.


Not really, combo's are all based on reading your opponents DI. Combo's like that require a great amount of skill because if you even a frame or two you could find yourself getting combo'd. On top of that, the person getting combo'd has a lot of input on which direction he'll go (DI), so it needs to be read very well.


And I wouldn't say brawl is balanced at all. There are some characters which are just so heavily broken that they will always win (Metaknight, Snake, Pit) and then you have others which are just, well awful. I dunno, I guess the fact that it's like the only fighting game EVER to completely get rid of combo's is abit of a downer. Melee is far more balanced imo.

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I was kinda talking about combos like falco's throw that u can keep doing for a while no matter what the other person does.


And I have never played a pit, snake or metaknight i couldn't beat.


Falco's throw? What are talking about? If you're referring to chain throws they can be gotten out of of, you've just got to DI a different way each time to keep the person throwing you guessing.


And trust me the competitive scene is just ruled by those 3 characters. Infact it'll get to the point where it's just metaknight, im sure of it. He's the only character with combo potential and has one hell of a recovery.

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Not everyone is on the competitive scene you know...


I never said they were. Hence why my first post said that as a party game brawl is amazing, because that's what it is. But as a fighter Melee is far ahead. It's up there with 3rd Strike in that regard.

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Its a fighter to most people, just because you don't count frames anymore it doesn't turn it into a party game.


True but they've gone into making this game with the vision of it being a party game. Well, a lot more so than melee. No comboing, making it really easy to get back on the stage (most of the time not needing to use any up+B move), the fact that using a wiimote is actually a way to play, just..oh dear. They've taken out pretty much everything that was in melee, and the advance techniques they've added in are good but don't add much because there's no combo potential.


Oh. And tripping. Tripping.

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I've been using the wiimote and chuck option for a while now, and whilst i've mainly been getting beat, im starting to get quite used to it. The huge drawback to this system is that so many advanced techniques can be pulled off soo much easier by changing the control scheme on a gamecube pad, and having specials (rather than smashes) on the c-stick.

I tried to replicate this idea by putting specials on the wiimote d-pad, but this just sets every direction to neutral-B.

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Man.... I miss the way we used to post the daily updates and fap over them lol. Anyone prefer Classic Control here? I'm doing very well with it.


As for a sequel, do you think this series really needs one? I think all it really needs are updates and DL content. Like for new characters, stages and online modes.

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Man.... I miss the way we used to post the daily updates and fap over them lol. Anyone prefer Classic Control here? I'm doing very well with it.


As for a sequel, do you think this series really needs one? I think all it really needs are updates and DL content. Like for new characters, stages and online modes.


Slow down there, Batman! You got a Wii again? :o


If Nintendo's next console is vastly built upon and allows for a really complete experience, with DLC, HD, a decent online mode (all the bells and whistles), then I think there will no longer be any need for a sequel.


Maybe they should skip the next generation actually, it'll feel more fresh if we don't keep getting a new installment every few years.

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Slow down there, Batman! You got a Wii again? :o


If Nintendo's next console is vastly built upon and allows for a really complete experience, with DLC, HD, a decent online mode (all the bells and whistles), then I think there will no longer be any need for a sequel.


Maybe they should skip the next generation actually, it'll feel more fresh if we don't keep getting a new installment every few years.


Yeeah... :) and I will never part ways with it again. Its wonderful how there seems to be a lot of stufff out.

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