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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I thought I'd be missing this game a little bit more since selling my Wii. The game is ludicrously fun at times. I don't know why I bothered completing Subspace 100%.


Completing it normally took very little time so I'm not sure why people stuggle. Just look on the map and memorise a few doors you need to take to get to a shiny point on the map, then completely whoopass an opponent, do this a couple of times, then save. Make sure you have it on easy mode too. The tiny white dots with no lines attached to them are doors you've yet to open so if you're lost your best bet is to go to that location.



I can remember making some good diaramas and replays of meteor fun.

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One of the hints for a trophy/sticker is to "swim 100metres combined with all characters" :confused: How exactly do you do that?


Yeah, I did my "lengths" on the pirate ship level but anyone with water in it will do. You can check your progress in the data records for group brawls by pressing A twice and checking the stats for each character that you've used. The sim distance is right near the end. Oh and be careful that you don't drown, coz you can if you don't jump out in time! Don't stay in one place either or it won't count.

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Guest Captain Falcon
By the way, I'm stuck in the Subspace Emissary. I've completed it once before so this shouldn't be a problem, but I don't seem to be able to get to the flashing icon spots gathered in the bottom right corner of the Great Maze map. I've teleported all over the place (despite there being loads of flashing crystals, why can I only teleport to four spots?!) and walked through a load of levels and I don't seem to be able to get to them.


IIRC there are only 4 points you can warp to/from - one in each corner. There is an additional flashing point on the map (I think it's roughly in the middle) that acts solely as a save point. The other smaller flashing diamonds are the battles themselves. The lines on the map show where you'll end up if you go through the door at that particular spot.

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Ive just spent 1.5 hours trying to beat taboo(sp?):(


Any tips on how to beat him? Thanks :)


Well, whatever you do, don't try to beat him on anything other than easy mode first off. You shouldn't have a problem if you pick good aerial attackers like Kirby, Meta Knight, Rob, Pit, Link and Yoshi. Learn WHEN he is going to attack and be prepared to either evade or shield. Then count 4 times from when he first re-appears and go in for your biggest hits. Jigglypuff is a natural for this but you won't have got her yet if this is your first go.

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Beat him on my 3rd go, Normal difficulty, with a team of I think: Sonic, DK, Ike, Link, Pit, Pokemon Trainer maybe? not sure!


Anyways I lost a few due to Taboo's 1 hit KO's pretty early on, but DK really came into his own with his spin attack and some other aerial punches etc...


As supercube said ^ just make sure you shield or get out the way where you can anmd you should be fine.

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It's not really hard actually... I almost beat him with Fox (Dair) alone on Intense and got the Taboo trophy *cheers* You just have to know all of his attacks...

Oh and for the big circles he blasts out, you just have to spot dodge at the right time and you'll be able to evade all of his attacks...

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Anyone got tips for 100-man brawl? My best is 99 kills using DK's down-b, but I just can't get that one extra kill.


Donkey Kong's Down + B move is pretty good, as is Pikachu's Down + B. Any character with a good Up smash attack that can reach through the left or right platforms will be good. Wolf for example.


Try and use as many items as possible. Good ones are:

Fan - Throw this in the air above the left or right platforms, and it will bounce between spawning enemies with 1-hit kills.

Beam Sword - Left/right Smash attacks with this have enormous reach and again are one hit kills.

Almost any item can be thrown at an enemy for a one hit kill.


The alloys will not pick up items with the exception of the invincibility star which they can accidentally run into.

After each 25 kills, a character enemy will appear. Try and go after them straight away, as they WILL use items.

The last enemy will be whichever character you chose.


Perserverance is the key. If you've done 99 kills, then it's only a matter of time until you get 100.

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My tip for 100 man Melee... after TOO many tries.




His up smash, down smash and side smash are all one hit, plus his up smash goes through the side platforms..


Also you need the beam sword. Keeps the side enemies at distance.


On my first time of doing it (i.e. after ten's of failed attempts) I did it in 3mins 28 secs! So no need to do it again... EVER!!!


But Cruel Brawl.... WTF....???!?!?

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Lucas' up+A underneath the right-hand platform worked well in the 100-man brawl for me, though I don't know if I'll ever beat the 15 minute one. At the moment, I'm putting off trying it, because I don't want to sit there for ages wasting my time!


As for the Cruel Brawl, use Pit and just jump around off the side of the platform, before using UP+B to fly underneath and grabbing onto the other side. Drop down, hover and fly to the first side, and keep repeating this, going back and forth. It won't take long before the alloys start to jump off the edge trying to catch you, and if they're not the green ones, they'll often just fall to their deaths. This method still took me quite a while, though, because if you're unlucky you'll still end up getting hit.

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As for the Cruel Brawl, use Pit and just jump around off the side of the platform, before using UP+B to fly underneath and grabbing onto the other side. Drop down, hover and fly to the first side, and keep repeating this, going back and forth. It won't take long before the alloys start to jump off the edge trying to catch you, and if they're not the green ones, they'll often just fall to their deaths. This method still took me quite a while, though, because if you're unlucky you'll still end up getting hit.


Hmmm... I was kinda thinking they weren't impossible.. but seeing as forced suicicde is the only way to beat them... they're silly!

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As for the Cruel Brawl, use Pit and just jump around off the side of the platform, before using UP+B to fly underneath and grabbing onto the other side. Drop down, hover and fly to the first side, and keep repeating this, going back and forth. It won't take long before the alloys start to jump off the edge trying to catch you, and if they're not the green ones, they'll often just fall to their deaths. This method still took me quite a while, though, because if you're unlucky you'll still end up getting hit.


Great tip, thanks for that, just managed to kill 7 of the bastards there :D Is there any reward other than for killing 5 of them, I really don't want to do it again :(

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Spamming the same moves in 100 man brawl doesn't work very well, seeing as the power decreases with time and that the enemies are more intelligent and aren't all useless polygons. I did it easily by using a variety of moves with Marth. Items are also very important, because they can kill you very easily.


As for cruel brawl, you can do it with pretty much any character by making them commit suicide. The easiest person to do it with is Ganon, since he's got a great spike (d-air).

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So i got my 40" HD today for winning that Smash Bros tourny :)


Problem is however is that i was told i would recieve a 'samsung home cinema system'. Now correct me if I am wrong BUT a TV does not classify as a cinema system; my prize should also include:



Looks like I'm going to give them a call tomorrow about it. Maybe it's just coming seperately? Who knows..

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So i got my 40" HD today for winning that Smash Bros tourny :)


Problem is however is that i was told i would recieve a 'samsung home cinema system'. Now correct me if I am wrong BUT a TV does not classify as a cinema system; my prize should also include:



Looks like I'm going to give them a call tomorrow about it. Maybe it's just coming seperately? Who knows..


Holy shit, you lucky bastard.

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