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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I read somewhere that he doesn't do that anymore since the Genesis games.


Thanks. Good to know that SSBB brought the fingerwave back.:grin:


Sonic's side special was the one where you ran and pressed down, which was the only way to spin in Sonic 1. The down move is the one that appeared in Sonic 3(?). It's probably faster, more powerful, but you cant control it.


Yup, that's exactly it, except:


-The Side-B spin couldn't be used in the air in the MD games;

-The spin dash debuted in Sonic 2, not 3.


I strongly support your idea. I really think it should be in brawl. He's wicked sick and has some awesome moves that could be put to use.

But on a realistic POV I don't think nintendo is going to include it.


While I agree that Zant is a very cool character (probably the only new character I liked in TP), he has little chance of being playable.


But, who knows, maybe we can still see him as a boss or something.

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I strongly support your idea. I really think it should be in brawl. He's wicked sick and has some awesome moves that could be put to use.

But on a realistic POV I don't think nintendo is going to include it.


Why don't you think so?


Jonnas, yeah Sonic waves his finger in the MD games when you don't press anything...I think he says "I'm waiiiiting...." but from what I remember, he doesn't do it in the adventure games (haven't tried secret Rings). Shame though. No one seems to put much enthisis on that little bit of animation like Link in TP; in OOT he would sneeze if he was in a cold place, yawn when its morning or night and sweat in hot places.


Sonic's side special was the one where you ran and pressed down, which was the only way to spin in Sonic 1. The down move is the one that appeared in Sonic 3(?). It's probably faster, more powerful, but you cant control it.


Look at the sonic video, that down special move looks more like Mario's down special. Sonic's down special looks like it 'grabs' then grinds on them, whereas the right special moves and 'bumps' into people.

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Why don't you think so?


I don't think Zant will make it as a playable character as well. He was only in one game, where he

wasn't even the main villain after all.

And I think the Zelda series has enough representation with 4 characters, assuming Sheik and Ganondorf will return and I'm very sure they will. Zant could make an appearance as a boss (not very likely IMO) or at the very least a trophy.

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I don't think Zant will make it as a playable character as well. He was only in one game, where he
wasn't even the main villain after all.

And I think the Zelda series has enough representation with 4 characters, assuming Sheik and Ganondorf will return and I'm very sure they will. Zant could make an appearance as a boss (not very likely IMO) or at the very least a trophy.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere Sheik had been confirmed to return, Zeldas transformation move would stay, along with confirmation of the main Animal Crossing character being playable in Brawl, in the sames information piece...

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere Sheik had been confirmed to return, Zeldas transformation move would stay, along with confirmation of the main Animal Crossing character being playable in Brawl, in the sames information piece...


The team who made Twilight Princess, send Sheik's and Ganondorf's character models to Sakurai. Some people say he doesn't have to use them, but I'm counting that as confirmation + Zelda not being playable at the demo really points to them wanting to keep Sheik secret.


I believe that Animal Crossing article was proven fake, however. That was just a rumour. Not that we have a lot of other possible candidates anyway, so it could be the Animal Crosser after all.

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I'm very sure I've read somewhere that Sakurai wanted to slow down Brawl a bit to make it easier to do aerial attacks, but I can't seem to find it right now. Maybe he changed his mind? 'Cause to be honest, compared to the earlier videos, the newer clips seem much faster, so it's quite possible the game won't be slowed down after all, at least not as much as it was first intended by the developers.

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Jonnas, yeah Sonic waves his finger in the MD games when you don't press anything...I think he says "I'm waiiiiting...." but from what I remember, he doesn't do it in the adventure games (haven't tried secret Rings). Shame though. No one seems to put much enthisis on that little bit of animation like Link in TP; in OOT he would sneeze if he was in a cold place, yawn when its morning or night and sweat in hot places.


Sonic waved his finger in the title menu as well and, in official artwork, he was in the same pose. He never said anything when he waited, though.

To me, the fingerwave is as classic as the old Mega Drive Sonic games. Needless to say, even Sonic gave me nostalgia with that taunt.


Look at the sonic video, that down special move looks more like Mario's down special. Sonic's down special looks like it 'grabs' then grinds on them, whereas the right special moves and 'bumps' into people.


I'm pretty sure that what he did to DK was his Down Grab. Jigglypuff had a similar move.


His Spin Dash is charging the Dash and shooting it when you release the D-Pad/Stick. It was what he did to those baddies in the Subspace Emissary in that cave.


Why include Sheik, or a Zelda that transforms into Sheik over a new, possibly cooler to play with, character like Zant? Least we forget Sheik was also only in one game.


Actually, that is a good argument. Prior to melee's release, I doubt anybody thought that Sheik had chances. He doesn't even fight in OoT.

Therefore Zant may surprise us as well.

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Yesss. A delay to February for the yanks :D


Delay is till February the 10th. I'm happy already.


It's only fair isn't it? Hopefully that means we'll get it 2 weeks later or something...


Jan 24th for Japan

Feb 11th for USA

End-Of Feb for Europe?


Fingers crossed.

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I think it'll be like that. They would of all ready started translating to make the original release date. I'm confident the release date will be faitly close to each other.


This reminds me, better cancel Brawl pre-order from America. No need to import a Wii now.

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9:47 a.m.: Link and Sonic are now fighting in the Star Fox level. Wow. The ship is flying through wormholes as you battle. Other craft soar by in the foreground and background. Extremely gorgeous. So clean and amazingly fast with detailed particle effects exploding in every direction. The game is going to be an addiction, plain and simple. Sonic becomes Super Sonic, "which basically means he can just fly around and pummel me at will," explains Nintendo rep.


9:46 a.m.: Wii remote held classically simplifies the controls. Move with the D-Pad. Shield attack is mapped to the B-trigger, which takes the most getting used to.



9:44 a.m.: Match is up and running with very little (maybe no) load times. Game is running 60 frames per second and full 480p widescreen. Looks really crisp, clean, sharp. Smash Balls randomly appear on-screen. They'll float around and you'll have to pound on them for awhile before they release their special abilities. This is demonstrated as Samus and Mario duke it out. Samus gains her special ability and blasts Mario with a super shot that fills the entire screen. Afterward, Aran turns into Zero Suit Samus.

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Hands on at IGN: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/826/826602p1.html


Other attacks we've seen already include a floating Metroid that sucks onto battlers, a massive attack of multiple 2D Advance Wars sprites, various Pokemon, a dashing Drill Dozer attack, the Excite Bike attack (similar to the Advance Wars move), and then of course the fire flower, baseball bat, beam sword, and the like. There were multiple times within the fight where we got our butts kicked simply because we were captivated by nostalgia; priceless.





Since each character can also switch colors pre-fight, Nintendo took the opportunity to seamlessly include Dark Link as one of the character options. He fights the same, but looks totally badass, which is a must.



oh man!

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Other attacks we've seen already include a floating Metroid that sucks onto battlers, a massive attack of multiple 2D Advance Wars sprites, various Pokemon, a dashing Drill Dozer attack, the Excite Bike attack (similar to the Advance Wars move), and then of course the fire flower, baseball bat, beam sword, and the like. There were multiple times within the fight where we got our butts kicked simply because we were captivated by nostalgia; priceless.


WOOT!! Metroid was a must. Can't wait to see Advance wars sprites!

Jonnas will probably be sad that Jill will not be playable... sorry guy.


Since each character can also switch colors pre-fight, Nintendo took the opportunity to seamlessly include Dark Link as one of the character options. He fights the same, but looks totally badass, which is a must.


Still hoping for alternate costumes!

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