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  Emasher said:
I think the stage will be alot like Melee's pokemon stadium, in terms of how often the micro games appear anyway.


Nah, I think it'll actually be like Warioware. A constant stream of 5-second microgames that you have to play whilst fighting.


The sheer insanity...


IGN Super Smash Bros Brawl FAQ:


-> http://wii.ign.com/articles/809/809868p1.html


Q & A



Aspect Ratio

Question: Will Super Smash Bros. Brawl support 16:9 widescreen and 480p progressive scan?


The answer is yes on both counts. There's been some concern about Brawl's widescreen support over the past few months, because the vast majority of screenshots released by Nintendo have not been in 16:9 – but that's a deficiency of the Big N's screen capturing techniques, not the game itself. Look to the 16:9 videos that have been released for a better idea of what it will really look like on your high-end TV.




Wi-Fi, or no Wi-Fi?

Question: Will Super Smash Bros. Brawl be online?


All reports indicate that yes, it will. Brawl has been planned from the beginning to be a flagship title for Nintendo's free Wi-Fi Connection service, and though the feature hasn't yet been 100% confirmed, you can rest soundly in the knowledge that it's an almost surefire guarantee.




Frame Rate

Question: Will Super Smash Bros. Brawl run at 60 frames per second?


A third affirmative here. Expect your multiplayer matches to be silky smooth, locked in place at an unflinching 60 fps – an impressive feat, considering just how much mayhem will be ongoing on-screen at once.




Counting Down the Days

Question: When will Super Smash Bros. Brawl be released?


Nintendo has confirmed that, in the United States, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will arrive on December 3rd, 2007. That date is also the six-year anniversary of the release of Super Smash Bros. Melee for the GameCube, in the States. Japan will also be getting Brawl before year's end, but other regions will have to wait until 2008 – release dates have not yet been confirmed for Europe, Australia or any other region.

  Goron_3 said:
Easter for us then i'd think.

Yeah, don't expect it before March. January and February just don't get games.


I've been checking last week's updates and the awesomeness of this game is beyond awesome... The gameplay seems so smooth and fun :)


True, but that was launch period. March is commercially more attractive and Wii games supply is more stable now. I don't expect it to be out in January and February, but I don't rule it out. I'm just warning people to prepare to be disappointed with a late release date.


beautifull damn why is it soo long till this game comes and even to think of it that it comes later than december in europe :S they had to do a Worldwide Release for this game nintendo has enough money to make that work


Yay: hot box art.

Nay!: No WFC logo?!


I hope it has voice chat as well, if there's one thing this game needs it's the satisfaction of hearing a screechy voiced 12 year old call you a faggot after you send his Captain Falcon sailing into oblivion.

Guest Stefkov

New video is ace.

Graphics just looked awesome.


1. Loving the new cutscene.

2. The boxart's fake. So many of them look so clearly forced in, and Sakurai's head would end up on a pike within days if this game didn't have Wi-Fi.

3. I would love voicechat, it would be better if it was just among friends though. We need a headset.

  Deathborn said:


Surely some 3rd party characters would be on the box? I can imagine a "face-off" type of boxaer, with Mario, Link, Pikachu and Kirby on one side, and the 3 or 4 3rd party characters on the other. With some sort of ace background.


They need the boxart to say "Look Anti-Nintendo MGS fanboys. We've got Snake. Now you HAVE to buy a Wii. HA!" or something.

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