FalcoLombardi Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 I just thought of this, but why not someone from Killer7? Suda51 seems to have a boner for Nintendo nowadays and I see it being a possibility. However, seeing as how the characters are all screwed up mentally and what not, I have no idea how Nintendo would translate them into SSBB. Another downside is that they use guns... Character list: Harman Smith Garcian Smith Dan Smith Kevin Smith Coyote Smith Kaede Smith Con Smith Mask de Smith Mills Andrei Ulmeyda Heaven Smile TRAVIS! Kess Bloodysunday Johnny Gagnon Kun Lan Jean DePaul Curtis Blackburn Punishing Rangers
FalcoLombardi Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Nor does bondage dude, but I don't see him really making the game... He is in bondage afterall.
Zell Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Maybe there will be that guy from Project HAMMER. He would work well for smash.
LazyBoy Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 FalcoLombardi said: I just thought of this, but why not someone from Killer7? Suda51 seems to have a boner for Nintendo nowadays and I see it being a possibility. However, seeing as how the characters are all screwed up mentally and what not, I have no idea how Nintendo would translate them into SSBB. Another downside is that they use guns... Character list: Harman Smith Garcian Smith Dan Smith Kevin Smith Coyote Smith Kaede Smith Con Smith Mask de Smith Mills Andrei Ulmeyda Heaven Smile TRAVIS! Kess Bloodysunday Johnny Gagnon Kun Lan Jean DePaul Curtis Blackburn Punishing Rangers Harman and the Killer 7 are my ultimate "I wish they were in it", but it won't happen. Would be awesome though, imagine turning into all of them in a Zelda/Sheik type function. I want to hear Con say 'Dangerous' again as well.
EchoDesiato Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Found this over at the Penny-Arcade forums, thought it was hilarious:
FalcoLombardi Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Dude from Project HAMMER would definitely work well. I like the idea. Plus its also more acknowledgement for that game. As for Killer7, I agree that theres no chance for them being in SSBB. :\ And about that gif... I don't find it funny?
EchoDesiato Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 FalcoLombardi said: Dude from Project HAMMER would definitely work well. I like the idea. Plus its also more acknowledgement for that game. As for Killer7, I agree that theres no chance for them being in SSBB. :\ And about that gif... I don't find it funny? Too bad, I don't think you get the reference. It's from the Simpsons, where the new dog character Poochy had to leave the Itchy and Scratchy show.
FalcoLombardi Posted June 4, 2006 Posted June 4, 2006 Well then, its definitely somewhat funny now. Why you lookin' at my anniversary thread yo? Haaa...
Kurtle Squad Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Yeah...Project H.A.M.M.E.R guy would rock, they could use Brawl to advertise it in a way, and maybe Day of Disaster guy? Though he uses a gun -_- Just give the characters their guns damn it!!!! They only need one move that uses a handgun, it doesn't have to look violent:wtf: If that makes sence...there's sorta no blood or anythin so...
Guest Jordan Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Maaan a Killer7 character would rock, Harman in his wheel chair turns into Con shoots the crap out of people and his super smash move would be his HUGE gun of his on the back of his wheelchair!
djamb3 Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3151198 While many of us have been grabbing at whatever information comes in on the official, English language Smash Bros. site, the Japanese version has been flooded with updates by director Masahiro Sakurai, as he responds to several e-mails from rabid fans. Smash World Forums poster SamuraiPanda has translated Sakurai's postings, and here is what has been revealed: The lineup: Not all characters from the previous games will return. Any non-Nintendo character must have appeared on a Nintendo platform before; the tentative number of non-Nintendo characters is 1 or 2 (Snake not included). Our guess is that other character will come from one of Nintendo's closest third-party developers: Namco, Capcom, or Sega. Sakurai, noting that Smash Bros is popular worldwide, does not want the title to feature characters that are only popular in Japan (though given the success of Fire Emblem, that may change). Sonic....I believe.... The gameplay: The speed of the game will be "moderated" (the translator guesses this means a slower pace). Every character's moves are being refined so that a player has "more freedom" in aerial combat. "This time, we'd like to stress easiness over the small details of combat, so overall it might become somewhat easier." I loved the game because it was the faster fight game...if it becomes slower.... noooooooooooooooo Online: There are no plans for an online ranking system (although win-loss records might still be recorded). It does not seem that Sakurai is placing high priority on an online system. Why? it wouldn't be that dificult...
ShadowV7 Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Damn I was hoping it was going to be faster,don't want it slower.I want to have a good fast fight with friends.
Hellfire Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 They better not make it slow. And they better give us a decent online mode! Do you hear me? And I liked the small details of combat.. grr... Anyway, we'll see how it turns up, however, I'm sure almost everyone will bash the game because it wasn't like Melee, ppl are too stuck on the past sometimes. With that said I don't want a slow paced over simplified fighter. I love it that even today there are things I haven't mastered in Melee
Dante Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Old! Dante said: From SmashBoards.Quote: Sakurai actually said this in the 3rd update of the emails! "Here it is: Sakurai starts by saying there wont be any manga characters. Then he starts talking about other companies characters to appear in the game. Among other things, Sakurai says that the character MUST have appeared on a Nintendo platform before. And to literally translate the last sentence (keep in mind this is in reference to the characters from other companies): "Anyways, at most we'll add another 1-2 characters, maybe?" Sakurai said it as a question, so it could still change." Also the castle is from the Fire Emblem series. Dante said: Bad news from the offical Japanese SSBB site. -Many characters will have their movesets remade -Not all characters will return -Game tempo will change -Aerial game will be expanded Translated by SmashBoard.
ShadowV7 Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Yea I can remember your post,just couldn't remember reading that it would be slower.
Stocka Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 I'm pissed off with this attitude to just making the online mode 'simple.' It's the perfect game to be online, yet Nintendo are acting as if they couldn't care less about it. FFS
Hellfire Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 If I can play with whoever I want, I'm happy. However, if things such as wavedash will still exist in Brawl, the online might suck. It's like playing with Snakers, but way worse. We'll see how it turns out.
Kurtle Squad Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 But Snaking's easy(ish). I hate the Mario Kart online, you chose RIVAL and then it makes you verse people tith like 2 stars and such!!!!!
FalcoLombardi Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 I haven't played any Nintendo games online, which is a pity. I'm really hoping for a Halo2-esque online interface with this game.
immy Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 FalcoLombardi said: I haven't played any Nintendo games online, which is a pity. I'm really hoping for a Halo2-esque online interface with this game. Not gonna happen, nintendo + online= dog poo
Goron_3 Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 Hellfire said: If I can play with whoever I want, I'm happy. However, if things such as wavedash will still exist in Brawl, the online might suck. It's like playing with Snakers, but way worse.We'll see how it turns out. How is wavedashing unfair and worse than Snakers? I snake and don't play Mario Kart anymore because it's unfair and boring, but Wavedashing barely makes a difference, all it does is keeps both players on their toes. I'm sure if you don't wavedash, your opponent won't, don't worry mate. As for a slower paced game...hmmmmm. I think the pace of Melee was perfect, and you really had to think fast to pull off combos and you felt great after you pulled one off, but if it's slower....
ShadowV7 Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 Goron_3 said: How is wavedashing unfair and worse than Snakers? I snake and don't play Mario Kart anymore because it's unfair and boring, but Wavedashing barely makes a difference, all it does is keeps both players on their toes. I'm sure if you don't wavedash, your opponent won't, don't worry mate. People will find SSBB online boring if people just wave dash,but like you said hopefully people who dont wave dash if their opponent won't either and those that can,can fight each other.Makes it more fun for everyone.
Zell Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 Hellfire said: If I can play with whoever I want, I'm happy. However, if things such as wavedash will still exist in Brawl, the online might suck. It's like playing with Snakers, but way worse.We'll see how it turns out. Wavedashing is different to snaking in that snaking requires little to no skill, whereas not everyone can wavedash effectively (or at all for that matter). I dont like the idea of it being slower. However they are simply refining the system (like they do in games like PES) so the changes in tempo and aerial combat may be for the better. They better try for the online mode or I'll be super pissed:mad: !
djamb3 Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 It would be so easy to put this game with a good online option... Please ninty please.... *starts praying* :hmm:
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