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Super Mario Galaxy


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Say I have 20 lives by the end of a game and save and turn it off, when I come back to play I'm back to 4 lives. Also there's a letter from peach giving 5 1 ups but its the same word for word every time. Everything else saves except the 1 ups. Is this meant to happen?



Its abit suspicious especially with the recurring letter with 5 1ups.


It's supposed to happen. The game is easy enough anyway. Plus you get loads of 1ups, lik ethe 5 off Peach and there's a few dotted around the hub area.

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It's supposed to happen. The game is easy enough anyway. Plus you get loads of 1ups, lik ethe 5 off Peach and there's a few dotted around the hub area.




Thanks for the info


Makes 1 ups abit pointless then, well I mean , theres so many, I would like to have a collection.

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I've just started playing this again a couple of days ago, i'm on about 70 odd stars now. I have to say the graphics are amazing. Some of those Luigi purple coin levels are very hard. Who ever says this is a rubbish game because it's too easy, needs to get out some more because some of the levels are anything but easy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Captain Falcon
Wow! The final galaxy is so not worth it!


Can't believe I got 240 stars just for this!


Oh well - classic game - will go in my "never trade it in" pile


I think the final galaxy serves as a nice end to the game. Kinda brings it full circle don't you think? Plus it's got good music and a fantastic atmosphere.


So laid back and peaceful, it might jar a little with the imaginative galaxies found during the rest of the game, but for me, it just works.

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I've been playing it again lately, I forgot how much I fecking love it and how amazing the level design (and the whole game) is. I remember wondering why Miyamoto promised Mario Galaxy 2 at E3, but playing it again just makes me want more. Bring on Super Mario Universe!

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Damnit, i think Myamoto could at least give us a freaking difficulty level for Super Mario Galaxy 2, FFS, its not that hard, i just want it a little more hard.

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Damnit, i think Myamoto could at least give us a freaking difficulty level for Super Mario Galaxy 2, FFS, its not that hard, i just want it a little more hard.


Did you get all the stars?

Cause, damage from enemies isn't the big issue here as far as I see it, so a difficulty slider wouldn't fix anything and for those who want a challenge, there are a few stars that require skill. This is a game for everyone and mainly a game to enjoy and have fun, I honestly don't care that most of it was easy.

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Yes, i got all the stars, lol.


And the purple coins were as easy as the levels.


You're right there. I don't get what the fuss was about tbh (even Luigi's purple coins on Toy Town wasn't hard at all). The thing that makes the game easy (and NSMB for that matter) is that Mario used to be about timing your jumps. In NSMB you could wall jump most of the times you almost died and in this game if you miss time a jump you can do that spinny jump thing Mario has and it gives you enough air to land perfectly.


I'm not complaining though, it's pretty awesome Galaxy :heart:

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Oh come on now. You're clearly getting this confused with 'getting out of bed at the beginning of Zelda LttP'.




I think I only died once on Luigi's purple coins. You've got a lot of room for error thanks to the spinny move. There was one level I died about 10 times on but I can't remember what is was called. I'll have to find a video/screen of it sometime.

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Yep, i only died two times :\


And the first one was because i had to go away.


Overall, too easy for me, and im not that Hardcore, lol.

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I think I only died once on Luigi's purple coins. You've got a lot of room for error thanks to the spinny move.


Well done! I died about the same number of times that I died with Mario. I forget the exact number, but it was somewhere between twenty and a million times.

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Yeah I found Battlerock pretty hard too, though I got it done after a few tries. Luigi's Purple Coins was one of the tougher ones, but not that bad I thought. I think cos I enjoyed it, I didn't mind dying and retrying that one- I usually went for some pretty iffy long jumps so I deserved to be punished for it, haha.


What about that star where you have to bomb the garbage? Now THAT was hard!

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Yeah I found Battlerock pretty hard too, though I got it done after a few tries. Luigi's Purple Coins was one of the tougher ones, but not that bad I thought. I think cos I enjoyed it, I didn't mind dying and retrying that one- I usually went for some pretty iffy long jumps so I deserved to be punished for it, haha.


What about that star where you have to bomb the garbage? Now THAT was hard!


Battlerock was fairly hard...



but NOTHING compared to the bomb garbage! That took me ages! as I could never get the throwing right. I was so pleased when I finally did it and then destroyed when I saw there was another one to do which took just as long. :p

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The bomb garbage stars are moderately hard, but all you have to do is land the bombs on those yellow spots on the floor. You see, Nintendo even tells the player the spots where the bombs must be placed, then all you have to do is get the right speed of throw to get the bombs there.

It would be much harder if there weren't any spots on the floor to tell you this, but I guess I thank god it isn't harder, cause it would be very annoying.


Luigi's Purple Coins is all about understanding that you don't have to rush it. Seriously, if that Star had no time limit people wouldn't find it as hard. It's that goddamn time limit that pushes your nerves over the edge and makes you rush it. That is, until you realise that those 3 minutes are more than enough to pick up 100 coins and still have a beer at the pub on the way back to the star.


I am not complaining about the difficulty though, just pointing out a few facts. I enjoyed the game as is.

Well, to be honest I do think that getting the first 60 stars is a bit too easy, but if you go back to Mario 64 it's the same. You can get many stars in SM64 in very little time. The game is great pure fun and if you spend a few minutes long jumping around planetoids in stead of running towards the star you should be fine. :)

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Damnit, i think Myamoto could at least give us a freaking difficulty level for Super Mario Galaxy 2, FFS, its not that hard, i just want it a little more hard.


The best way would be to take out coins which heal - just have a couple of ? block containing a mushroom to heal on each level.

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What about that star where you have to bomb the garbage? Now THAT was hard!


Lols. that took me an age too! I was really annoyed at it, finally did it then..STUPIDLY. I went for a drink (leaving the screen idle with the reward right infront of me) yet as I came back, I stupidly sat on the nunchuck and Mazza ran off the edge of the platform. I had to do it all over again. Wasn't too happy. Think it took me a good half hour :shakehead


Happy days. Mario Galaxy was great. I lost patience trying to get the purple coins on the molten lava level (where you can't get hit once)...died about 10000000000000000000000+ times and gave up. Never got Luigi. Was a tad bored of it by then though, never lived up to the hype for me...Mainly because I prefer larger environments. Great, great game though!

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Lols. that took me an age too! I was really annoyed at it, finally did it then..STUPIDLY. I went for a drink (leaving the screen idle with the reward right infront of me) yet as I came back, I stupidly sat on the nunchuck and Mazza ran off the edge of the platform. I had to do it all over again. Wasn't too happy. Think it took me a good half hour :shakehead


Happy days. Mario Galaxy was great. I lost patience trying to get the purple coins on the molten lava level (where you can't get hit once)...died about 10000000000000000000000+ times and gave up. Never got Luigi. Was a tad bored of it by then though, never lived up to the hype for me...Mainly because I prefer larger environments. Great, great game though!


I think you mean the Daredevil comet on this level.


I found it easier if you have a second player so they can shoot those fire things before you get anywhere near them. That way, you can concentrate on not getting killed.


Hardest star for me was Daredevil comet vs Bouldergeist. Pissed me off royally.

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