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Super Mario Galaxy


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I think there are plenty of things they could come up with in the second wave that would be incredible sellers for the holidays. I'm hoping that Nintendo times things so that there is always a blockbuster title less than three months away. Maybe Galaxy in March, another hit in June, Smash Bros in September, etc. That way people will always be hoping for something.

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I think there are plenty of things they could come up with in the second wave that would be incredible sellers for the holidays. I'm hoping that Nintendo times things so that there is always a blockbuster title less than three months away. Maybe Galaxy in March, another hit in June, Smash Bros in September, etc. That way people will always be hoping for something.


Yeah I know what you mean. That was the problem with the GC; it lacked consistancy when it game to big game releases.

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Yeah I know what you mean. That was the problem with the GC; it lacked consistancy when it game to big game releases.


It had a great first year and then it all fell apart. Surely Nintendo know by now though that if they want this console to sell, it has to feature some games.

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It had a great first year and then it all fell apart. Surely Nintendo know by now though that if they want this console to sell, it has to feature some games.


A great first year? It launched in May, Smash bros. came out, then there was a big dry spot......and the only good games that came out before xmas where Mario Sunshine and Starfox, and Mario had been out for months anyway.

The same thing happened with the DS, but that came back strong :D

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A great first year? It launched in May, Smash bros. came out, then there was a big dry spot......and the only good games that came out before xmas where Mario Sunshine and Starfox, and Mario had been out for months anyway.

The same thing happened with the DS, but that came back strong :D

I can remember at least Luigis Mansion, Rogue Leader, SSBM and Monkey Ball (I think).

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Yes but Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion were launch titles, THEN SSBM came out as Goron_3 said.


I agree with what people have been saying about Nintendo's inability to pace their games, and of course just giving up on the Gamecube after a few years. In recent memory I can think of Resi 4 and Animal Crossing as games that did well at retail. I really hope this doesn't happen with the Wii, although with the number of great-looking titles that are already in development I suspect I'll still get 5 or 6 awesome games out of it even if it didn't survive a year at retail.

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I'm trying to see this from the point of view from your average ps2 casual gamer...ok let's face it they ain't going to get metroid(too hard)elebits or zelda but they will get call of duty,red steel and excite truck.

does the wii have enough to satify the people with no taste in games?

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I'm trying to see this from the point of view from your average ps2 casual gamer...ok let's face it they ain't going to get metroid(too hard)elebits or zelda but they will get call of duty,red steel and excite truck.

does the wii have enough to satify the people with no taste in games?


Huh? I guess the average PS2 gamer has the same taste of games like any other gamer, no matter what console constellation he owns. Every system has good IPs and also a few which are lower quality types.


It sounds that only a Nintendo console has the right library of "good" games and this is simply not true.

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Huh? I guess the average PS2 gamer has the same taste of games like any other gamer, no matter what console constellation he owns. Every system has good IPs and also a few which are lower quality types.


It sounds that only a Nintendo console has the right library of "good" games and this is simply not true.


No he's talking about the PS2 casual gamer, the people who just go along with the trend, don't know very much about games, so they buy a PS2 and the yearly installments of FIFA. The wii needs a good and consistent array of less hardcore titles to attract them away from Sony. So far we have Monkey ball, wii sports, warioware, CoD3 and maybe Rayman.

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I'm trying to see this from the point of view from your average ps2 casual gamer...ok let's face it they ain't going to get metroid(too hard)elebits or zelda but they will get call of duty,red steel and excite truck.

does the wii have enough to satify the people with no taste in games?


I feel insulted. Please stop being a biggot.

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No he's talking about the PS2 casual gamer, the people who just go along with the trend, don't know very much about games, so they buy a PS2 and the yearly installments of FIFA. The wii needs a good and consistent array of less hardcore titles to attract them away from Sony. So far we have Monkey ball, wii sports, warioware, CoD3 and maybe Rayman.

exactly i didn't want to make it seem like i was having a go at playstation fans.just the playstaion is the most casual console.

i'm trying to see inside the mind of the average,uneducated gamer!FIFA are good games but buying it every year is very casual.


I wouldn't call Red Steel or CoD 3 casual. They're more likely for an impulse buy, sure, but they're not casual.

well i think we have establised the fact that the casual loves guns and violence.the american ones will eat up madden and blitz though

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A great first year? It launched in May, Smash bros. came out, then there was a big dry spot......and the only good games that came out before xmas where Mario Sunshine and Starfox, and Mario had been out for months anyway.

The same thing happened with the DS, but that came back strong :D


there was Pikmin as well in there i think and then eternal darkness in the gamecubes first october 31st.


i didnt think the new mario was so great till i saw the spider boss fight on the NGamer DVD and i cant bloody wait for this game, it will be a true equal to Mario 64 and if Miyamoto has enough ideas in his crazy mind (which we all know he does) it may even surpass 64 in terms of design, inginuity and fluidity of control.


maybe im being heritical but this may well be the best 3D mario game.


do people thinnk theres going to be a multiplayer game for it? either in the mario vs luigi or the Mario 64 DS minigames fashion?

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do people thinnk theres going to be a multiplayer game for it? either in the mario vs luigi or the Mario 64 DS minigames fashion?


Minigames in mario galaxy that use the controler like the minigames in SM 64 DS that use the stylus pretty well. Mmm, i would bet on that.

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Minigames in mario galaxy that use the controler like the minigames in SM 64 DS that use the stylus pretty well. Mmm, i would bet on that.


The DS minigames are flipping crazy, but what was so good was that they appealed to non-gamers. My mum played the mini-games for hours (especially the ones with the black bombs and red bombs...she got a score of 361, and Zell told me he only got 150 lol).


It'd be great to see some mini-games on the Wii.

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The DS minigames are flipping crazy, but what was so good was that they appealed to non-gamers. My mum played the mini-games for hours (especially the ones with the black bombs and red bombs...she got a score of 361, and Zell told me he only got 150 lol).


It'd be great to see some mini-games on the Wii.


Ha ha, parents can go pretty crazy when playing games. My mum got addicted to Columns on the megadrive (quite a while ago now) and she constantly played brain training on holiday (her brain age was 40, not bad for a 52 year old).


For me, Galaxy doesn't need any minigames or mutiplayer because I think that Galaxy will be so good that it would surpass sm64. The footage I've seen has looked amazing and it has received really positive feedback from critics. This could end up being Wii's best game.

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Ha ha, parents can go pretty crazy when playing games. My mum got addicted to Columns on the megadrive (quite a while ago now) and she constantly played brain training on holiday (her brain age was 40, not bad for a 52 year old).


For me, Galaxy doesn't need any minigames or mutiplayer because I think that Galaxy will be so good that it would surpass sm64. The footage I've seen has looked amazing and it has received really positive feedback from critics. This could end up being Wii's best game.


Kudos to your mum :P


I think thats what the gamecube lacked (as opposed to the 64)...A strong mario flagship title at launch that showed how great the console was. Everyone wanted to play Mario in 3D with the new N64 controller and it worked perfectly, but sunshine didn't really have that effect.


The same has happened here; people wanted to know how they would be playing Mario on the Wii controller, and Nintendo showed something that worked perfectly! This will be something really special, i just know it.


On a side note, Zell...can I have my copy of Mario 64 back? I want to complete that game in under 30minutes (i know how, I just can't get the backward long jump glitch timed :( )

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My main concern with Galaxy was that the whole game would be set on thousands of random stars that you darted across quickly forever and if you missed one then you wouldn't see it again.


However, in the ONM preview they said that the place on all the e3 stuff and everything was all on one level - called Star World. I am now hoping that there will be more normal levels based on a giant planet instead of tiny stars. Also, being hyped for this has made me want to play Sunshine again - and it is good - but not fantastic as I remembered it...

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Also, being hyped for this has made me want to play Sunshine again - and it is good - but not fantastic as I remembered it...


I never really rated Sunshine that high anyway. Dont get me wrong I thought it was good but it lacked that Mario feel, in fact the only thing I did really enjoy about the game were the "bonus" levels where you had no FLUDD. I think it is the only Mario game that I have finished only the 1 time.

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From what I've seen, they've removed the entire "episodes" thing where once you entered a level it said something along the lines of "episode 1: get the shine on the windmill!" and had to get that star/shine before you could get another. Galaxy looks like it you can get any star in any order, so it looks like Galaxy wil have that exploration aspect which Sunshine never had.


On a side note, Zell...can I have my copy of Mario 64 back? I want to complete that game in under 30minutes (i know how, I just can't get the backward long jump glitch timed )


Yes, yes you can. Happy now?

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From what I've seen, they've removed the entire "episodes" thing where once you entered a level it said something along the lines of "episode 1: get the shine on the windmill!" and had to get that star/shine before you could get another. Galaxy looks like it you can get any star in any order, so it looks like Galaxy wil have that exploration aspect which Sunshine never had.

i thought sunshine was taking the piss with the 8 episodes!64 only had 6.

good away with the episodes i say!

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