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I'm just gonna say this.


What the hell Japan? There's barely any queues for the game apparently and retailers are reporting brisk sales, it's like the game doesn't exist over there. The sales better pick up.


Yeah just seen this on GoNintendo, its crazy I mean its Mario....MARIO!!!. I bet something like Wii Fit will outsell Galaxy over in Japan.


Man, man, the hype for this game is unbelievably huge... How will this possibly deliver? Miyamoto must be beyond exceptional.


Damn, can't resist myself from jumping on the bandwagon.

I'm just gonna say this.


What the hell Japan? There's barely any queues for the game apparently and retailers are reporting brisk sales, it's like the game doesn't exist over there. The sales better pick up.


I just read the article, and am severely confused as to how people have taken it as a sign of bad sales.


It's the first day, no, it's the MORNING of the first day where people have to go to work when it's raining. The game is going to sell fine.

They go to like 2 shops and see no queues...that means all of Japan must have no queues...


Yea it does, stores are all the same over there :indeed:


I'm sure it'll do fairly decent though. It better anyway...

They should just put Final Fantasy on the front cover, it'll sell out instantly...


Final Fantasy doesn't sell that big in Japan anymore.


Well, it still sells big, but not on the level of Mario / Pokemon / Animal Crossing / Brain Training / Nintendogs / Mario Kart :/.


Just has the most dedicated and crazy fans.

How about Metal Gear Solid and/or Biohazard, they along with FF used to be the ultimate 3 franchises for Japan, their tastes changed over time?


They're certainly not that relevent anymore. Not as much as they used to be, they can probably still pass 1 million in Japan alone but compared to the games I listed (4.5m+) then they're not.


Dragon Quest is the biggest RPG in Japan now too, God knows how incredible sales for DQIX are going to be.

How about Metal Gear Solid and/or Biohazard, they along with FF used to be the ultimate 3 franchises for Japan, their tastes changed over time?


MGS series and Biohazard series didnt sell well in Japan but the second games in the series did.

No need to worry about sales.


Sold over 130,000 on the first day alone :D


Well for THE BEST GAME on the Wii this year it is not that great. After all Japan loves the Wii and the hardware base is around 3.5 million units.



So 130.000 games for 3.5 million Wiis is not what I exactly call a great start - it will to quite well but there have been a lot more games which sell faster with a smaller userbase.


130,000 first day sales are not great! I mean New Super Mario Bros on the DS sold 420,000 in first day sales. Like I have said before, the actual Wii Userbase in Japan is something I would like to know more about. Will be interesting too see how many Wii's are sold this coming week as you would expect Mario Galaxy to generate new buyers.


If Galaxy doesnt do great than who are the people buying Wii's? my copy arrived today but I am at work. :(


If the Hardware doesn't have a spike or the sales die down slowly then I will really question things for Japan.


If it happened then that hard core base is next to nothing and just full of casuals who like Wii Sports.


Ace Combat 6 for the 360 sold 35.000 on launch in Japan .... how many 360s are there in Japan again ...


Well seems the Wii sales are really heavily depending on casual gamers who like Wii Sport, mini games, brain quiz stuff and don't care about graphics and stuff.

Ace Combat 6 for the 360 sold 35.000 on launch in Japan .... how many 360s are there in Japan again ...


Well seems the Wii sales are really heavily depending on casual gamers who like Wii Sport, mini games, brain quiz stuff and don't care about graphics and stuff.


its worrying if that is true as the casual games cannot last forever. Nintendo has to attract the hardcore gamer. Plus if Mario does not do aswell as we all think it should 3rd parties will be put off from releasing more traditional games.





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