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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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All you really need to know about Dark Samus is that she was created from Phazon in Prime, and has some super dooper powers. That could be reasonably well explained during MP3 with a cut scene or two.


Or some logs. She's also Metroid Prime, which is pretty damn important.

They could also put in some logs that it has reality/dimension altering properties.

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Gametrailers has now a walthrough of the demo.





for better results download the video


She's also Metroid Prime, which is pretty damn important.


Yeah, i almost forgot she's the Metroid Prime. Now, what the Metroid Prime is i would like to know. A completely different race on it's species, that's for sure.

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I've only played the first one and boy was it hard have tried to get back into a few times but don't have a clue where to go



The game has a hint system that roughly tells you where to go.

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MP was amazing. I used a walkthrough, non spoiler (free with issue 15 of Cube!), but it didn't ruin it for me. Favourite part?


The eery, fanatasic music. The amazing graphics which made you believe Tallon IV was real. The fantastic story. But one thing comes above all else. Fighting Ridley. In 3D. One of the toughest fights ever, but fun nevertheless. And Ridley is a boss in MP3, so all is good.

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Yeah, i almost forgot she's the Metroid Prime. Now, what the Metroid Prime is i would like to know. A completely different race on it's species, that's for sure.


Isn't it just a metroid that has been massively corrupted by phazon?

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Didn't the Chozo place the Metroid Prime in the Impact Crater as a deterant for any species trying to exploit Phazon?

Wikipedia says this:

The first two installments of the Metroid Prime story revealed little information pertaining to Metroid Prime’s past. According to the Metroid Prime website, Metroid Prime is a native of SR388,[1] the home world of the Metroid species. Additional logs from the game reveal that the fictional Chozo race encountered the creature long before the events of the game. The game strongly implies that Metroid Prime was the leading cause of the Chozo’s decline on Tallon IV.


Prime arrives on Tallon IV long before the initial events of Metroid Prime. Samus Aran, the protagonist of the Metroid series, encounters the creature while investigating Zebesian Space Pirate operations on the planet. Amidst the struggle, Samus discovers the ruins of Chozo civilization, and learns about an astronomical object that brought the once glorious and peaceful society to near extinction.


Depending on the regional version of the game, there are two scenarios pertaining to Prime’s involvement with the Space Pirates. According to the North American version, the pirates capture Prime for an unspecified amount of time, but in the European and Japanese versions they are only able to detect its bio-signs. Furthermore, the North American release goes on to state Metroid Prime's name is eponymous to the Metroid species, due to unmistakable genetic similarities. Because the Space Pirates fail to capture Metroid Prime in the European and Japanese versions of the game, the whereabouts of Metroid Prime's name and how it came about its weapons are more inconsistent compared to its North American counterpart.

Which is weird, because I thought the Space Pirates brought the Metroids to Tallon IV.



Lore Entries from the PAL version of the game suggest that Metroid Prime arrived on Tallon IV via a meteorite infested with Phazon. After a short period of time, Metroid Prime, known by the Chozo as "The Worm", slowly began to produce malicious Phazon-based toxins that soon corrupted the planet, bringing a spiraling decline to the Chozo's once glorious civilization.


However, in the NTSC version, the capturing of Metroid Prime by the Space Pirates and Metroid Prime's imprisonment by the Chozo seem to contradict one another. In the Chozo Lore, it is claimed that "The Worm" was imprisoned in the Impact Crater, and that the would-be prison was sealed by the Cipher, a containment device created by the Chozo. However, some Pirate Data entries state that Metroid Prime is not only captured, but escapes and "Absorb various weapons and a shielding system". The Pirate Data entries also state that Metroid Prime was encountered "In a series of tunnels," rather than a sealed chamber. This would imply that Metroid Prime either had found a way out of its prison or had been freed by Space Pirate excavation. Furthermore, there exist other Pirate Data entries indicating that the Space Pirates' attempts to open the Cipher were unsuccessful.

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Didn't the Chozo place the Metroid Prime in the Impact Crater as a deterant for any species trying to exploit Phazon?
I thought it was a normal Metroid that had arrived on the meteor (that was originally part of SR388) that crashed into Talloon IV causing the Impact Crater, and had been feeding on the Phazon that meteor contained.
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hold up, i never knew the American version had different lore's.


Though since the PAL and Japan versions have the same info, i would like to think they take the majority vote :heh:


The idea of the Space Pirates capturing Metriod Prime is a good way to explain how it has beam weapons and such, but kinda takes away the intimadation factor, seeing as this is meant to be the ultimate Metriod, yet the Pirates were able to capture and contain it? :heh:


On a side note, when in the first game you first open the door to the final boss and at first it looks like it could be Mother Brain, did anyone else think "yes Mother Brain, this will be awesome", then when it turned out to be different feel a little dissappointed (until the fight started and you realise the reason behind the games name.... and how awesome a boss it is)

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On a side note, when in the first game you first open the door to the final boss and at first it looks like it could be Mother Brain, did anyone else think "yes Mother Brain, this will be awesome", then when it turned out to be different feel a little dissappointed (until the fight started and you realise the reason behind the games name.... and how awesome a boss it is)
Nope, partly because I knew the last boss was called Metroid Prime and secondly because it didn't really look like Mother Brain, it looked like a skull of some kind! I really wasn't expecting Metroid Prime to look like it did! Thought it was going to be just a giant normal metroid or something, but got something much better!
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Nope, partly because I knew the last boss was called Metroid Prime and secondly because it didn't really look like Mother Brain, it looked like a skull of some kind!


A skull yes, but when i saw it i thought maybe they changed the look of it for it being the first 3d game and all. I mean it is a Metriod game and suddenly a door opens showing a giant head like figure, i think they were trying to get people to think "Mother Brain".


When i first beat Metriod Prime i was damned happy with myself.... then i found out there was a second form and i only had like 2 tanks of energy left...son of a b****

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the PAL version is the definitive one, so it's the one we should take into account. Different species evolve on different places, so a metroid that went into space or some other planet God knows why could have involved into Prime and start making Phazon.

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Yeah they didnt really explain what Metroid Prime actually was did they?

This is a pretty good explanation:

I thought it was a normal Metroid that had arrived on the meteor (that was originally part of SR388) that crashed into Talloon IV causing the Impact Crater, and had been feeding on the Phazon that meteor contained.
This is confirmed in the scan logs and official sources. It seems that Metroid Prime was a Queen Metroid from SR388 that happened to survive a trip to Tallon IV, and then got mutated by the Phazon on Tallon IV. Weird thing is, that the meteorite it travelled on is from SR388 occurred before the events of Metroid II in which SR388 was destroyed.
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This is a pretty good explanation:

This is confirmed in the scan logs and official sources. It seems that Metroid Prime was a Queen Metroid from SR388 that happened to survive a trip to Tallon IV, and then got mutated by the Phazon on Tallon IV. Weird thing is, that the meteorite it travelled on is from SR388 occurred before the events of Metroid II in which SR388 was destroyed.

Oh yeah it was Zebes destroyed in the original game, ah well...

When Samus destroyed that planet it had ALOT of Metroids on it that were being researched on by the Space Pirates, it's likely then that one of these Metroids found its way to Tallon IV on a Meteor that was originally planet Zebes.

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Just gonna pop in a quick comment. Having seen more detailed hands-on videos of MP3 around the net, this game just shot up immensely on my most wanted list. I knew I would get it on day of release, but now i want it so badly!

Time for me to start on MP2 to get myself ready :)

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OK... that is AWESOME!!


WAY WAY WAY better than Echoes 'Press Start Music', but better than Primes, I'm not sure?



They are going to have to go some way to beat Metroid Primes 'Menu Music' as it is IMO, one of the best themes EVER...



Oh and sort out that 'Corruption' font Nintendo! I know you won't, but it's rubbish!

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Im not sure about the music but the actualy visuals of MP1s menu was the BEST i have ever seen in a game. I was totally jazzing myself when i first saw it in all its 60hz glory.


Yeah that corruption font is a bit icky but the music is great. Cant wait to hear it a full quality. God, the idea of having such an atmoshperic experience again is unfair! October is far away!


EDIT: You know how Metroid is very inspired by the Sci-Fi movies from the 80s? Especially Alien... well I just watched this:



And when you hear how simple the time signature is on the piano it makes me think of the music from Terminator. Just remember how cold and lonely it feels.

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