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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Yea there is a castle I think this is a portal to the twilight realm,You beat me to Hellfire if it wasn't for cool IE,I clocked it when there wasn't a reflection of the torch in the mirror thingy then I saw the castle
maybe you really travel through mirrors on this one :bowdown:


I first had that impression and suggested it a few pages back when I first saw a mirror:

(...)also, I wonder... link always had a way to teleport in the games, be it by playing a music teleported to the temple stone (OoT), or by owl to certain checkpoints (MM) or by thornados in WW, I wonder what's in store for TP in that matter (I remembered this question because, when I saw the mirror I though/felt it would be nice if it somehow linked to somewhere).
Page 29 yay : peace:


but I never thought my impression could be correct, I'm really rooting for this one to turn out true now :D I wouldn't notice that reflection if you guys didn't though, although Link's background seemed a mirror rather than a door to me.


Also i'd say... get rid of IE :)

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Hyrule.net owned zelda fans.


If you looked closely, we could all see it. Not with your eyes, but with your heart. As many have guess, it was indeed mirror. A mirror into your heart. It showed the love we have all still got for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. For many, the silence around the game, the lack of information and media, made them lose their passion for this game. They lost the fire in their heart for this game, yet this screenshot showed you all that it was still there.


Some of you may be angry with us and go "TP-delay", vouching you will never visit us again, but sleep on it for a night and you'll feel much better about it. It doesn't change the service and entertainment we offer. It was fantastic to see how people went all out, looking for every single detail, going on a wild treasure hunt and I know many have enjoyed it as well. It was an interesting experiment, showing quite clearly at what point the community, Zelda and gaming in general, is at this moment. We are dried out, sapped of any life juice, longing for something new. Though it's a heads up to our webmaster Tawny (aka Twilight Princess), who has done a great job on making this picture, we've all been going crazy on something fake, simply because we've got nothing else to go crazy about.




It seems to many Nintendo is leaving us out to die. The contrast with the development of games like Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker is big.


Back then, Nintendo would provide us with a steady flow of information and screenshots. Not so much that everything is being spoiled, but enough to keep the fans happy.

Right now, it's one big bowl of mystery, where no one knows when it's coming out, how it's coming out or even if. If we didn't know any better, we might as well asume the game is dead!

I know this is how many of you feel. When Reggie told SpikeTV the game would be released in the fall of 2006, for many that was it. "I don't want it anymore!", "it's going to suck!" and "Nintendo is making fun of us!" are just a few of the responses that were heard. Many feel that Twilight Princess is going to be a big flop, that Nintendo has lost it when they delayed it, and now, people don't need it anymore. They're over it. Twilight Princess is no more and could never again be the pinaccle of gaming many once thought it to be.


Guess again. We could have just written this article and make you doubt if you had any love for the game, but rather, we'd show you. A slap in the face to wake you all up, to show you you still love and want this game. With this new screenshot, all of you were totally hyped again. Speculations were going all over the place, we were all excited again about the game and there is reason to! Think of Nintendo what you want, but they know darn well what they are doing.


Letting a jewel like Twilight Princess just go by and die, is something no one with a sane mind would do. As we have said before, Nintendo has it's own logic and it works for them, and that is exactly what is happening now with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This game is shaping up to be the best game ever.


As Mathieu Minel said: "this game will be a full set of surprises". though it is not certain yet if Nintendo will release anything at GDC later this month, they will take over E3 like we've never seen before. Even last year's insane hype will be like nothing to what we will be seeing in May. Heads up people! The reason Nintendo is silent is not because they have nothing to tell, it's because they have too much to tell. And all will be told at the upcoming E3 event in May. Nintendo will be there, as will we. As will the guy (or gal) who figured it out and 'has proven us wrong'.


Mr. Easton notified us of this 'proof' and he must have spend quite some time figuring it out. For his efforts, he will personaly be given the chance to come with us to E3 this year to tell you all what a wonderful experience Twilight Princess will give us when it releases. Leave us an e-mail on [email protected]


As thé media outlet who is always the first to attent people to rumours, what was with all the retail releasedates!, you all know there was a purpose behind this. We offer our apologies to all who didn't take this kindly, but when you wake up tomorrow, you'll feel all in love again with the game that is shaping up to be the best game in history. We all know it, the silence just clouded our minds. Just 2 more months before E3 will commence. We will be there and make sure, you, won't miss a thing. To make up for this little scheme, whether you liked it or not, we'll have a little big surprise for you in about a week to help you get fully prepaired for E3.


We all looked closely and we all saw something new. Or better yet, re-newed. We looked into a mirror and we saw in our hearts that there was still love for Zelda, still love for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


All cut and paste from ign videos


1. The scenery in the back is exactly the bridge with the castle from the fight with the boar-riding boss (see movie 10 at 00:12).


2. The hallway in which Link is standing is taken from movie 13 at 00:03. When link goes through the first doorway with the monkey, you can see that it is exactly the same: shape, colour scheme, lighting and even the patterns on the wall and also the little step up before the doorway is there.


3. The torch in the front is indeed from those movies too. see movie 11, 00:19. If you time it correctly, the flames will be exactly the same too.


4. Link himself is taken from movie 16 at 01:59, just before he lifts up- his weapons to put them away. His sword and left leg are hardly visible and in the picture. The maker of the picture must have edited them himself to make it look better. That’s also why people thought it was a different sword.


5. The little torches on the wall are the same (each others reflections, so in mirror view) and taken from the same movie (movie 16) at 02:02.


6. And last the flags beneath the torches are taken from movie 3 (Tauro Village) where they are seen for a couple of seconds starting at 00:12.

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jeez how can I be mad at them (if it was a guy to make it I'd probably be) ^_^ but they fooled me... hehe :love:


anyway... I'm always hyped about this game


EDIT: I found link's legs to be strange at first glance like if they were kinda blured out, but didn't even think it was a fake

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I didn't even know there were any fans like that! hating TP and saying it's gonna suck just cuz we don't have any new info on the game! and actually not being interested in the game anymore!!? that is so stupid! anyone like that is NOT a true Zelda fan, not at all. A TRUUUE Zelda fan would wait for this game till...2013!!!!!!!!!!! cuz I mean, it's gonna be way worth it! when it finally comes out...I could imagine...if nintendo DID wait that long...gosh...just think about how LOOOOOOONG that game would be! a gamw with over 10 years in development...it would have to be like a 12 disc game! and like geez I dunno....4500 hours of gameplay??!!!!! it would be totally AWESOME I know that! it would truly be an EPIC...no epic isn't even the word...so it would be...an I don't even know the word for it adventure!! :P * just dreaming* lol

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I didn't even know there were any fans like that! hating TP and saying it's gonna suck just cuz we don't have any new info on the game! and actually not being interested in the game anymore!!? that is so stupid! anyone like that is NOT a true Zelda fan, not at all. A TRUUUE Zelda fan would wait for this game till...2013!!!!!!!!!!! cuz I mean, it's gonna be way worth it! when it finally comes out...I could imagine...if nintendo DID wait that long...gosh...just think about how LOOOOOOONG that game would be! a gamw with over 10 years in development...it would have to be like a 12 disc game! and like geez I dunno....4500 hours of gameplay??!!!!! it would be totally AWESOME I know that! it would truly be an EPIC...no epic isn't even the word...so it would be...an I don't even know the word for it adventure!! :P * just dreaming* lol
remember how many people said they won't play WW because it's kiddy? remember how many people sold their cubes as soon as they saw the game? of course gameplay-wise those guys are fools, but they represent the normal gamer I guess...


Then there's always people rambling like "oh no, it's gonna suck" when they don't mean it, and they'll be there to buy it on launch.


also I don't want a Zelda with that much hours on it, it's a story it has to have a beggining and an end, if you keep it going for too long it'll loose that...


look at RE4 15 hours and you're done, but before the last boss you think "it's time to end this", ocarina of time was the same, they don't need to be bigger than that...


more than more than 100 hours of game we need every hour to be fun, every single moment, that's what zelda always gave us, and that's what we expect.

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Man, zeldafan2020, could you please post like you're actually 17 - I can't believe you're older than me.


Anyway, now Hyrule.net is being sad that they're trying to prove the readers that they still 'love' the game. There's more in life than Twilight Princess, it's allright to be dissappointed in it.

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Let's not start bashing/trolling each other.


Hmmm; friendly discussion:


When did you first get into Zelda?


1989: Legend of Zelda on the NES; my mom was gonna get it me for my fourth birthday(in the feb following), but I opened it on Christmas Day and nearly exploded.

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My first Zelda was OOT... I got into it quite late. I remember getting it for Christmas and gawping at the box for like 10 minutes :D and then later on not being able to beat the Water Temple for the life of me until I got a little older.


P.S: it turns out that screenshot was fake.

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My first Zelda was OOT... I got into it quite late. I remember getting it for Christmas and gawping at the box for like 10 minutes :D and then later on not being able to beat the Water Temple for the life of me until I got a little older.


Yeah I also hated the Water Temple on OOT, now I find it pretty easy. Only thing I dont like about it is the fact you have to keep changing your boots during that temple, was just plain annoying having to press start every 5 mins to change your clothing.

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I got into Zelda quite late too, my first experience of it was OoT and what a game that was! For me it set the standard for all other games to match up to, I managed to get hold of the Collectors edition on the cube too which let me see some of what I'd missed. I wish I'd played Zelda when I was younger, it's a fantastic series.

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The first Zelda game I played was OoT. I hate myself because I didn't notice these über cool games earlier :/


I want TP to be about 100 hours long if you get everything. Games get too boring if you have to play 200 hours to complete it and another 200 hours to get every unnecessary thing.

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the first one I played was The legend of Zelda on the NES, then A link to the past and then Ocarina of time then all the others. My favorite one was OOT then my second favorite of all Zelda games is Wind Waker, I just loved that game and personally I thought the graphics were stunning. I didn't care if they didn't make it ultra realistic, but when they surprised everyone in 2004 with that trailer...let's just say I was shocked. in a very good way.

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Heh, I only played Zelda for the first time somewhere in 2001 - it was Ocarina of Time and one of the first games I ever beat. The N64 I got then was only my second console after a SNES with Mario Kart and the at the time waaaay too difficult Super Mario All-Stars.

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i had the Game Boy Zelda, whatever it was called. That, though i didnt like it much made me get Ocarina soon after it came out. Then the obsession began :)
Personally... I like Link's Awakening better than Ocarina of Time :)


I must be the only one though :D


For me it's Majora Mask, then Link's Awakening and only then Ocarina of Time.

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My first Zelda was OOT, too. I was aware of all the hype leading up to it before its release, but just didn't see what all the fuss was about. Then just after its release, a friend of my parents' came over our house for dinner, and brought his copy along. I had a play, up to the entrance of the Deku Temple, and absolutey loved it. Needless to say, I was down the shops that weekend with some Christmas money, buying my own copy!

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