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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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Whats the actual release for TP now? Play.com say July 1st (my birthday) and Gameplay.com say sometime in August. I checked this earlier, the time I checked before it said March! Whats going on?

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Whats the actual release for TP now?

I would like to know that as well.


Play.com say July 1st (my birthday)

Some birthday present you´ll get, then?

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I would like to know that as well.


Some birthday present you´ll get, then?


I wish, My pressies get bought before. Also I could be in Basic Training for the Navy. I was hoping March so I could get some quality time with it.

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July 1st? Fuck, I hope they're wrong. It has to be April I can't wait any longer!!

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Whats the actual release for TP now? Play.com say July 1st (my birthday) and Gameplay.com say sometime in August. I checked this earlier, the time I checked before it said March! Whats going on?


I believe Nintendo said it would be out soonest March 31st/April 1 - the end of their fiscal year. Whether it was region specific, I don't know. I hope they do release it within a close timeframe though - I need my Zelda fix.

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Off Topic: In the new issue of Edge i received in the post today their main article about the PS3 mentions a few things about the Revolution, there is also a screenshot (not new) of Twilight Princess where it says in the corner that it will be one of the first titles to use the Revolution's controller. Now Edge is highly respected games magazine and i do not think it would lead it's readers astray.

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Off Topic: In the new issue of Edge i received in the post today their main article about the PS3 mentions a few things about the Revolution, there is also a screenshot (not new) of Twilight Princess where it says in the corner that it will be one of the first titles to use the Revolution's controller. Now Edge is highly respected games magazine and i do not think it would lead it's readers astray.
Then it's confirmed... Come Zelda TP... I command thee, willst it fulfill this emptyness of mine?

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i didnt doubt ngc either, we'll see wot they have to say in this months issue on 19th jan. I checked amazon.co.uk, which says may1st but ill bet usa will get it first... dam it!

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i didnt doubt ngc either, we'll see wot they have to say in this months issue on 19th jan. I checked amazon.co.uk, which says may1st but ill bet usa will get it first... dam it!
I didn't either, I can't picture any credible magazine to base a whole cover article to bogus, they must have confirmed information... when they re-stated what they said in the magazine... I believed them, anyway it's good to see other magazines stating the same information, but remember... NGC was the first :P

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there goes nintendo's plan of a suprise showing. Sometimes, they hold on to information too long, i mean the ps3 specs e.t.c have all been revealed, I suppose we will know at E3...

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Sometimes, they hold on to information too long

I understand why. Reveal something and, *poof*, there goes Sony stealing.

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I understand why. Reveal something and, *poof*, there goes Sony stealing.

sony are so funny with their stealing... they even got games about stealing things (sly raccoon, GTA games...) heh heh.


anyway, i wouldnt believe anything that any magazine says after ngc and their speculation and .. uhh.. everything.

i have to give nintendo a silent applause for hyping this game, must be a fair bit if it manages to get a mention in a talk about the PS3 *grins*


just on the xbox360 hype... uhh what? exactly.

there is a preorder thing in a harvey norman catalogue ($649AUD), and thats about all. it doesnt say how wonderful it is, just what is included in the box.

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I'm quite surprise nobody posted the Zelda news here already.

Well to sum it up, they will reveal something about Ganon in the game that will surprise us all or something like that and the enemies and bosses will be harder than in previous games.


source: gamefront.de


Don't want a too hard game, long + hard = frustrating (for me)

but harder than WW wouldn't be a bad thing.

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Id like along and hard game,make that bit more special than the others,wonder what the surprise will be with ganon,i want this game badly now.Im glad the enemies and bosses are harder make it more of a challenge

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I'm quite surprise nobody posted the Zelda news here already.

Well to sum it up, they will reveal something about Ganon in the game that will surprise us all or something like that and the enemies and bosses will be harder than in previous games.


source: gamefront.de


Don't want a too hard game, long + hard = frustrating (for me)

but harder than WW wouldn't be a bad thing.

Hmmm, I could try to guess what it is, infact... I will : peace:



I'll just say this, I think Ganon in Wind Waker wanted to die, when

sealed in flooding hyrule by Link, his last words are: "heh, the wind is blowing"

it's like saying "the life goes on", ganon's life lost meaning without hyrule,

makes sense, just like the King of Hyrule wanted to die along with his land,

ganon was human aswell, and he wanted his land back or die trying,

he probably didn't want to live in a world without his homeland.


I guess King of Hyrule will meet Ganon first in this game, also... in the end of

OoT, although Adult Zelda sent Link back in time, she stayed in the future.

While the zelda in this one is very young... Adult Zelda from OoT might be

her mother (or a familiar) remember this is a few decades after OoT... ;)


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Thats a good theory and so far ther isnt a date for TP in Q2 ,checked the new dates on NoE site,want this game badly now

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Hmmm, good thought Pedrocasilva! Here's another...



On the note of Ganon not being able to live without Hyrule... What if, Ganon isn't quite the bad guy we're used to and instead helps in the quest to save Hyrule from the "Twilight".... :wink:


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Since hyrule and ganons actual homeland are parallel,if hyrule is destroyed then so is his land so he seeks the triforce to protect it,and sonce hyrule got destrpyed he didnt want to keep on living ,since he said new winds are blowing

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Hmmm, good thought Pedrocasilva! Here's another...



On the note of Ganon not being able to live without Hyrule... What if, Ganon isn't quite the bad guy we're used to and instead helps in the quest to save Hyrule from the "Twilight".... :wink:


I doubt it... ganon always wants power above all, it's just that dominating

the ocean above hyrule isn't what he wanted in wind waker, the only thing that keeps him

living then... is to find the other triforces pieces to claim back his land, as you see there's

a new Ganon Tower under, I believe he was really close to get what he wanted in TP

before the flood, he wanted to take it from there again, because he was so close to

achieve it...


Now... this is not ganon from OoT... in TP he killed people, if I recall correcly in TP

there's the Kokiri sage (Fado) and Zora sage (Laruto) who were murdered by Ganon...


here's the evidence taken from walkthroughs:


"Fado of the Kokiri tribe will appear and ask if you are the new hero.

He will introduce himself and explain how he was attacked by Ganondorf."


"She introduces herself as Laruto, a Zora sage. Apparently, she has been praying in the

depths of the Earth Temple to keep the power to repel evil within the Master Sword.

Obviously, she failed.

When Ganondorf returned long ago, his minions attacked the Earth Temple and

stole Laruto's

soul to disable the Master Sword's power."



Ganon has to be in the game as the main bad guy...


Since hyrule and ganons actual homeland are parallel,

if hyrule is destroyed then so is his land so he seeks the triforce to protect it,

and since hyrule got destrpyed he didnt want to keep on living ,since he said new

winds are blowing

Presisely, that's my opinion, he chose to die.

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Fado in TP is an adult in links village so he cant be the sage

but there's one by that name, what we saw was a demo for E3 some names might not be final (they might have done it just to give a hint, nintendo likes to tease), I read the name in the text, but didn't actually know it was refering to a adult in the game...


but taking place between Ocarina and Wind Waker... I believe it has to explain what happened to those two, it'll also give more depth.


I didn't saw him, but... couldn't he be a kokiri? I mean... link starts in a village in the forest, a kokiri might be able to live there.

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Damn I wanted to see the cuccos go nuts and attack him. In fact the final boss should be a giant cucco. It made a deal with Ganon and then back stabbed him to reclaim the world for the cuccos before Links started tormenting them.

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The music from that is cool,they should have something like that when versing the final boss to get the adrenilin going :P

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Yeah, the music in that vid is ace. I hope TP has some fantastic music in it, I'd love to hear the new edge on the main Zelda theme.

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