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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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This is just my personal opinion but I think Zelda is Nintendos key franchise now. You just have to look at how anticipated TP is. I know that the fat little plumber is still the mascot for Ninty but over the past few years, especially on the cube, he has starred in far too many spin off games. This IMO has caused the lack of impact which Mario has. Zelda/Link on the other hand hasnt been seen playing every sport going and slapped in a game.


There is also the other markets to consider. Many on the western side of the world who havent grown up with Nintendo and are the Playstation Generation dont see the appeal of Mario as it has that, dare I say it...Kiddy feel to it, whereas Zelda appeals to the masses due to mature look. Fair enough it hasnt always been like that but OOT encouraged many who wouldnt touch zelda purely for its dark/mature look. I suppose thats why many a peeps who didnt grow up with Zelda games kicked off with Wind Waker.


End of my rant.

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Mario was kicked off the scene of being Nintendo's most popular series when Zelda came out! it's just as far as sales mario is in the lead. but mario's been around longer than Zelda too... Mario games total over $1,000,000,000 and zelda only 40 something million I think. but you know Zelda will reach the billion mark one day.

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Mario was kicked off the scene of being Nintendo's most popular series when Zelda came out!


Damn man, you talk some BS. Firstly, Mario was more popular than Zelda up until 1998, when OOT was released, and remains more popular. After that, answer me this; how is Zelda the most popular nintendo title when Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine outsold their respective Zelda counterparts?


Mario is Nintendo's Flagship title, simple as. It is the title they will try and launch consoles with, and Mario is the nintendo icon. He will sell more game spurely because of this fact, and also that he is the most recogniseable videogame character in the world.


Fact is though, Zelda is the series that they treat a lot better. They have never, and will never whore it out like they have done with mario. Zelda is the gem in the nintendo crown, and always will be. Zelda may be the best nintendo series, but their is a difference between the best and the most popular.

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Not trying to start an argument here guys but I wonder what would happen if they released Zelda:TP on the same day as Mario DS. Sure the DS has a stronger user base now but it would be interesting to see which one would come on top. Of course it would never happen Mario on the same day as Zelda, it would be stupid manouver by any company.

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Zelda being the biggest GC title of all time would sell a pretty hug amount, espcially in the west, But I think Mario would have a huge edge in Japan.


I say it would be pretty tight, but Mario would sell more, especially in the long run.

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Zelda being the biggest GC title of all time would sell a pretty hug amount, espcially in the west, But I think Mario would have a huge edge in Japan.


I say it would be pretty tight, but Mario would sell more, especially in the long run.

Now they're releasing it near the Revolution launch I think sales will be dissappointing. Nobody buys Cube games then, and even though it'll be good, I think there'll be too much attention for Revolution to make it as big as, say, the Wind Waker.


But yeah, Mario games are more popular than Zelda games - probably because they're simpler.

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Damn man, you talk some BS. Firstly, Mario was more popular than Zelda up until 1998, when OOT was released, and remains more popular. After that, answer me this; how is Zelda the most popular nintendo title when Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine outsold their respective Zelda counterparts?


Mario is Nintendo's Flagship title, simple as. It is the title they will try and launch consoles with, and Mario is the nintendo icon. He will sell more game spurely because of this fact, and also that he is the most recogniseable videogame character in the world.


Fact is though, Zelda is the series that they treat a lot better. They have never, and will never whore it out like they have done with mario. Zelda is the gem in the nintendo crown, and always will be. Zelda may be the best nintendo series, but their is a difference between the best and the most popular.



ok yeah you're right. and you don't have to be so rude.

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Now they're releasing it near the Revolution launch I think sales will be dissappointing. Nobody buys Cube games then, and even though it'll be good, I think there'll be too much attention for Revolution to make it as big as, say, the Wind Waker.


But yeah, Mario games are more popular than Zelda games - probably because they're simpler.



lol you are TOOOOO funny! you think because of this, sales will be disappointing for TP? hello! this game is going to be the besst video game of all time and will definetely be the best selling video game for any console in the history of video games. OOT sold multi millions and this one will to. I bet it's ALREADY sold a million or two just in pre orders right NOW.

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lol you are TOOOOO funny! you think because of this, sales will be disappointing for TP? hello! this game is going to be the besst video game of all time and will definetely be the best selling video game for any console in the history of video games. OOT sold multi millions and this one will to. I bet it's ALREADY sold a million or two just in pre orders right NOW.

Man, your lack of common sense is really getting to me. Look, stuff isn't as simple as it works in your mind. Just because you're absolutely convinced it's the best game ever doesn't mean that it's going to be the best selling game of all time because you think it deserves it.


I'm sure it'll sell pretty well, but for the best selling Cube game, it's just too late.

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The Revolution Lifestyle has posted a preview snippet of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine. The preview implies that the next issue, due out March 16, will reveal new information on Zelda: Twilight Princess in the form of screenshots and additional game details.



Well I hope this is true, however more spoilers.....Please zelda come fast :bowdown:

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Man, you're lack of common sense is really getting to me. late.

Ah, true true. The thing is, people are to absorbed in their PS3s and 360s to buy a GC game, when new consoles are coming out. It's a very risky thing Nintendo is doing and I can't help but think that, best game ever or not, it won't sell what it deserves to.

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Its gonna take some serious advertising and hype for it to sell well. Cmon, do you really think that there will be many Xbox or PS2 games coming out by then? It will seem inferior. to the consumer because its a "last generation" game. I don't really see many ways in which they can get people (except us) to buy the game. What happened to the blue ocean strategy?

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I know that the fat little plumber is still the mascot for Ninty but over the past few years, especially on the cube, he has starred in far too many spin off games. This IMO has caused the lack of impact which Mario has. Zelda/Link on the other hand hasnt been seen playing every sport going and slapped in a game.

Yeah, its true, I mean they shouldn't of really messed with the Metroid franchise either, making Metroid Pinball. I'm not saying it is a bad game as I haven't played it and i'm sure it is good fun but I think games like this ruin the respect and reputation of such big franchises.


If Nintendo was to go and make Zelda Football I'd be sickened.

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The Revolution Lifestyle has posted a preview snippet of the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine. The preview implies that the next issue, due out March 16, will reveal new information on Zelda: Twilight Princess in the form of screenshots and additional game details.




Well I hope this is true, however more spoilers.....Please zelda come fast :bowdown:


Bad news :cry:


On the Official Nintendo Mag UK forums by one of the magazine staff members said.


"Just thought I should let people know about a few things that will not be in issue 2, despite the fact that we have asked you to look forward to them…


1. Twilight Princess has fallen through AGAIN. Whatever NCL is planning it had better be soon, but I’m guessing it won’t be until GDC now (March 20-22). Sorry, we’re gonna stop promising it now. I’m sure you can understand we get quite excited when we get told we’ll be allowed to print the new screens. . ."

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you guys are stupid if you think TP isn't going to sell as well because they " missed their oppurtunity" they didn't! it takes time to make a great game, but when it finally comes out, people will buy it! and the hype isn't gone! it's just people are not letting the wait get to them, they're occupying themselves in other ways like playing other games waiting patiently. damn. it's not like TP is dead. it's very much alive and will really come to life when it comes out and you all will see!

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you guys are stupid if you think TP isn't going to sell as well because they " missed their oppurtunity" they didn't! it takes time to make a great game, but when it finally comes out, people will buy it! and the hype isn't gone! it's just people are not letting the wait get to them, they're occupying themselves in other ways like playing other games waiting patiently. damn. it's not like TP is dead. it's very much alive and will really come to life when it comes out and you all will see!


Erm... a little off topic, but Stocka, Metroid Pinball is quite awesome :P

ONM is constantly screwing up isn't it?

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Personally... I like Link's Awakening better than Ocarina of Time :)


I must be the only one though :D


Link's Awakening beats Ocarina of Time anyday.


you guys are stupid if you think TP isn't going to sell as well because they " missed their oppurtunity" they didn't! it takes time to make a great game, but when it finally comes out, people will buy it! and the hype isn't gone! it's just people are not letting the wait get to them, they're occupying themselves in other ways like playing other games waiting patiently. damn. it's not like TP is dead. it's very much alive and will really come to life when it comes out and you all will see!


It's not really stupid to predict such a thing, there's a good reason for it. It may not sell what Nintendo want.


I suppose it's a pretty big risk, on one hand, it may sell bundles to Cube owners and may cause Revolution to sell bundles due to those who want to play and don't have 'cubes and want to play it. On another hand, it may be overshadowed my "OMFG NEXT-GEN hype". It's hard to tell really.

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you guys are stupid if you think TP isn't going to sell as well because they " missed their oppurtunity" they didn't! it takes time to make a great game, but when it finally comes out, people will buy it! and the hype isn't gone! it's just people are not letting the wait get to them, they're occupying themselves in other ways like playing other games waiting patiently. damn. it's not like TP is dead. it's very much alive and will really come to life when it comes out and you all will see!


Tp may very well be alive but the Cube isnt. Im a Nintendo fan but you just have to look at the release list and see what I mean. Like it was said before many people are awaiting the next gen and those who want a cube have no doubt got 1 by now. This is probably the whole reason for Nintendo to launch it near Revo, if that turns out to be true that is.

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