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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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Im definently keeping my cube for Zelda and thats the last game its probably going to play,and its funny to think that we could all be playin Twilight Princess this very moment

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Well I just watched all three trailers again(in order) and its got me all hyped up again...I recommend you do the same.


The music in the second trailer is fantastic I wish they'd release it on mp3 like IGN did for the 3rd one.

  Stocka said:
Well I just watched all three trailers again(in order) and its got me all hyped up again...I recommend you do the same.


On your recommendation I did the same, after the first trailer I was totally hyped again too. I like the first trailer best, the music, the environment and everything feels so epic.

I also payed particular attention to the light and concluded that the lighting effects are almost next gen (especially in the first trailer).

  Fierce_LiNk said:
Although backwards compatability is lovely, may i remind you that Ocarina of Time was meant to be played on the N64, A Link to the Past on the Snes and Link's Awakening on the Gameboy. These are how the games were intended. I will most certainly be keeping my cube to play the new Zelda game, just like i kept my N64, Snes and Gameboy, as nature intended.

I heard that many of the people that returned WW did so with the OoT bonus disc missing - not many people have the old consoles and i think animal crossing has a thing going with all the nes games you can play. i'd give any game a go with the funky revo controller.


If you missed the era or don't have the old console, then i can see the point. But, imo, there's simply no contest between Ocarina of time on the N64 pad and Ocarina of time on the Cube pad. The n64 controller is perfect for such a game. But, i can understand both arguments. :)


Just to let you guys know, i'm de-stickying this thread. Please try and keep all Zelda discussion here.


Whole soundtrack orchestrated? Yes please!


GIOVANNI: a. Can you tell us about any developments regarding Metroid Prime 3, or when we can expect some? / b. Retro said they're taking MP3's music in some new places -- could that possibly mean ORCHESTRATED?! / c. When can we expect to hear any news on Super Smash Bros. Revolution?


REGGIE: MP3 has been confirmed as a Revolution title. It's definitely in development. (Mentions Zelda Rev too, nothing specific.) As for the music, I'm pretty sure that's done in Japan! (Laughs, says he doesn't make the games.) If Retro Studios says so, then MP3 is taking the music in new places. But I can't divulge just what those will be. (Not sure if he knew / wouldn't tell. Didn't come off like he was a huge cog in the MP3 machine. Sort of laughed these questions off.) Twilight Princess will be fully orchestrated, though. Maybe you ought to take it up with Retro! (I laugh, mentioned talking about it here, said I'd take his advice! MP3 MUST BE ORCHESTRATED! Sorry... Reggie goes on As for SSBR, that's been confirmed as a launch title. I can't give you any more specifics than that -- although, I can say it will be another high-quality Nintendo experience, for sure! (Laughs again.) You'll see.




Let it be true...


It was getting just a little bit crowded up here. There were 5 stickied threads after i stickied Konfucious's thread.(sp?) And, to be fair, this board doesn't get as much attention as it should. This thread will probably still be on the first page for a while, so it's still fine. Also, the game is quite a way off, so maybe another thread could be stickied in it's place. Another GC release game thread?

  Fierce_LiNk said:
It was getting just a little bit crowded up here. There were 5 stickied threads after i stickied Konfucious's thread.(sp?) And, to be fair, this board doesn't get as much attention as it should. This thread will probably still be on the first page for a while, so it's still fine. Also, the game is quite a way off, so maybe another thread could be stickied in it's place. Another GC release game thread?


Well it was unneccessary in my opinion to sticky the charts thread instead, its updated every week anyway so when it needs to be discussed it is at the top of the first page because its just been updated.


There's no other MASSIVE GC games left that deserve to be stickied really...okay Baten Kaitos II but thats ages away, and probably won't be out till after Twilight Princess.


I say resticky this...who agrees?

  Stocka said:
Well it was unneccessary in my opinion to sticky the charts thread instead, its updated every week anyway so when it needs to be discussed it is at the top of the first page because its just been updated.


I say resticky this...who agrees?

I agree... but it's like fierce link said; it's not like the thread will run away, and this is the official thread in the forum for that, so it's a given that it's going to be sticked again...


Nintendo should give us a new trailer or something to discuss though.


The way i worked it out was like this:


5 Stickied threads. So i just reduce it to 3, to keep the place in order and to stop looking tatty. I think anything over 4 threads is a bit messy.

Another factor was that it is December, and coupled with the fact that the forum is (unusually quiet), the release date for this game has yet been confirmed. Also, we've been given little, next to barely given information about this game. Now, i think that when more information is release or more forum activity takes place, that this thread should be unstickied. This also allows for possibly another thread in the meantime to be stickied in its place, If there is need for it.


Makes sense, no?

UK Nintendo Magazine NGC has revealed in its latest Jan 06 issue that one of the reasons Zelda Twilight Princess was delayed was to add functionality with the Revolution Controller.

Here is the quote from the magazine



NGC can exclusively reveal that Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller.


Now we all know that the Revolution features backwards compatibility but the ability to play Zelda: TP with the innovative controller is excellent. Back in September when Nintendo announced they we're taking extra time to add some incredible elements they weren’t kidding. Basically what will happen is when you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring.


This is very cool, No word on how it will be used but most likely for fishing sword fighting and the like.


Heh, it was kinda obvious it was going to happen anyway. I think I'd prefer to play through it first normally though, and then possibly play through a second time using the Rev controller.

  Stocka said:
Heh, it was kinda obvious it was going to happen anyway. I think I'd prefer to play through it first normally though, and then possibly play through a second time using the Rev controller.
Let's hope they also ehance the graphics... using the extra pipelines for bump mapping, ehanced alternative 3D models/characters (non playable and playable) and use the extra fill rate to render realistic grass all over hyrule, all this would be simple and easy to achieve with more power, it would just be a matter of including extra code to be recognized by revolution, like they're doing with the control system...


I hope they make zelda TP a game between last gen and next gen (seeing as it already seems next gen...) enhancements would make wonders to it.


the idea is very simple really, since cube didnt sell that much, they are gonna make zelda as a flagship title for the rev. so people who want zelda but dont have a cube, just might aswell buy the rev in the first place. hence all the extra features


You know Nintendo should really come forward with this, it kind of seems they're confused. If the game releases that close to Revolution it might suffer from "OMG crappy old-gen graphics!" and the sword swinging will be passed of as a a gimmick. Of course that this MIGHT give Revolution a boost in sales. Who knows. Just make the game awesome Nintendo :*


Yeah right let’s believe a magazine than Nintendo. Nintendo said they want to make sure that the game will be better than Oot and have over 100 hours and more dungeons than Oot. :indeed:


With the ability to play it with both a Gamecube controller and a Revolution controller, it'll have a very large re-play value. Play it with the GC controller first, then have a go a the Rev style.

  masaki86 said:
It's like that in the oracle games; they build a statue for you commemorating you victory. The people express their thanks and praise, their lives continue, with some moving countries as they are finally free from the evil that lurked in their lands.

thats pretty much what happens in fable well at the end of the good quest anyway

  Destiny Blade said:
thats pretty much what happens in fable well at the end of the good quest anyway
that's a spoiler and I didn't play Fable as of yet :sad:


EDIT: (3 A.M. update)



(click on the images to enlarge)


here it is, the NGC Magazine article scans, pretty good read.


to be completely honest, i cannot be stuffed swinging a sword.


seriously, i think the prospect of playing a zelda game with the revo controller to be completely insane.

i can see the controller being used for minigames (eg. fishing)/ but for general gameplay it will be stupid.

dont get me wrong, i love the zelda series, i thought WW was amazing and think the MM was the best of the lot. but come on! when i play a game, i cant be stuffed jumping around like a dickhead swinging a remote at the screen! dont get me wrong, i am an energetic person (i do part time work at a farm), but this sounds like to much energy for gaming!


believe me when i say that i would love nintendo to prove me wrong.

  Raven said:
to be completely honest, i cannot be stuffed swinging a sword.


seriously, i think the prospect of playing a zelda game with the revo controller to be completely insane.

i can see the controller being used for minigames (eg. fishing)/ but for general gameplay it will be stupid.

dont get me wrong, i love the zelda series, i thought WW was amazing and think the MM was the best of the lot. but come on! when i play a game, i cant be stuffed jumping around like a dickhead swinging a remote at the screen! dont get me wrong, i am an energetic person (i do part time work at a farm), but this sounds like to much energy for gaming!


believe me when i say that i would love nintendo to prove me wrong.

well... you dont have to swing the controller like you saw in the video, you may just tilt it a little it's a matter of taste I believe, a small tilt in the direction you want may do the same as a swing in the same direction, as for the rest... it gives you more overall liberty for slashing in the direction you really want to, in a manner that the joystick could only dream off, also it could be much more involving to the gamer. because you control the sword movement with one arm and the mobility in the other... did you hear wind waker was suposed to let you control the sword action with a joystick at first?


for instance: how do you aim arrows in a revolution controller? you may use the main controller as the arrow position and camera and use the analog joystick to pull the arrow back and forth, adding more pressure or less pressure to it, it would work like a charm wouldn't it? all this while giving you more control over the game.


Excuse me for for the ignorance but are they the first actual in game screenshots? and also there going for the same top right corner display for the items so how on earth is that going to work with the revo-mote? even though the pictures are a bit blurry it does seem to look good enough to be the kinda next- gen game it's probably going to be touted as. :bouncy:

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