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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Never listen to Matt Cassassamania, hes a fool he has lied to create hype- didn't he want to work for ps3/ps2-ign. If nintendo has said all small gestures will be on 1:1 scheme then i believe them
He's right on this one though, he's not creating hype he's actually saying that all these ruckus around this is overeacting, and finally someone is giving some insight into Zelda TP Wii edition that's not bashful. seriously though he is right on this one.


He didn't say TP is 1:1, neither will Nintendo.

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-Do you reckon that to get any speech correct in the mirror version, they run everything through sound recorder and then hit the reverse button?

-Or MAYBE the wii disc runs backwards! I wonder if this makes it easier to copy...

-Would be hilarious if Link goes to take a swig of potion but drops it because he is using his opposite hand... and in general, has problems with sword fighting because he is totally uncko at using his opposite hand!


Anyway. I've had my fun for the morning. I'm sure that you guys can come up with more witty remarks, just like me and Bender. Who I'm sure isn't standing in front of a mirror right now trying to talk backwards.


I'm happy with the way TP is shaping up, so if anybody has a problem with the backwards thing, maybe you should set up a mirror system next to your television so you CAN play everything in reverse.

It would probably be quicker doing that than making ridiculous posts about how the whole Zelda series is ruined because Link spanks with his right hand now instead of his left.

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I'm happy with the way TP is shaping up, so if anybody has a problem with the backwards thing, maybe you should set up a mirror system next to your television so you CAN play everything in reverse.

It would probably be quicker doing that than making ridiculous posts about how the whole Zelda series is ruined because Link spanks with his right hand now instead of his left.

Figured that much, still responded though.


I share your opinion, I'm happy on how TP is, but like I said above, I'd make some "changes" in there, I don't exactly love the inverted world being left like that, sure it works and it's great to show as a WIP, but they could put more effort (I like the inverted character models idea), but said this... but I won't bitch about it when I get the game, it doesn't anoy me, and truth to be told... it won't aflict the gameplay, graphics, sound...


As for link being a righty or a leftie... couldn't care less, and having the option is cool :P I imagine me playing with my left arm is pretty much as a "hard mode" in the game.


I'd rather have a mirrowed map option as a "master quest" for when I finish the game though.

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If the Wii version is the only one you play, and it will be the first one played for most people, then won't it be the Cube one that is mirrored?


I mean, I know this sounds silly... but seeing as nobody has played the game, you arent going to run around the land thinking

"oh my god the world is so strange and backwards!"


One simple example is 'what side of the road do you drive on?'. Think about it.

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Yeah and if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's there to hear it fall, then it makes no sound.


The GC version is what was programmed for years. The Wii version will be the mirror version, regardless of what people play first.

Or is a man makes a mistake in a forest, and there is no woman around to hear, is he still wrong?



What difference will it make to you if you play the Wii version first?

None. If someone were to play the game, and find it any less enjoyable because the trees are on the left side of the path instead of the right, they are clearly f%#ked in the head.

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YA, RLY!!1


Bigfoot, it's not about making a difference to me or not, it's not about playing it first or never playing it at all. It's a fact that the Wii version will be a mirror of the original product. I really see no case for discussion on this issue.


I never said I had anything against it being mirrored or not, I think you are assuming things (I'm saying this because of your reply to Raven later, you probably thought I was bashing the mirrored version, nothing further from the truth). I merely said it will be the mirrored version, wether you play it first or not, wether it makes a difference or not. It's a fact, period.


And finally, I don't give a rat's ass about it being mirrored or not, I'll play it anyway.

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Hmm it's still kind of weird they decided to mirror the ENTIRE game... I guess it doesn't matter if they've done it with care though. It even adds some value to the Cube version.


I'm with DCK on this one. I don't care that they mirrored it at all! But it is interesting that they decided to mirror the whole game rather than just Links character. I'm guessing this will be due to the effect that it would have on in game cut screens. For instance, the scene when he fights the boss boar ride on the stone bridge, he would be slashing to the wrong side. Problems like that would be occuring all over the game and I'm pretty sure there are going to be tons of these littlle cuts in there. It's very Zelda.

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Don't your realize that mirroring only the character could cause many bugs? A mirrorred Link fighting unmirrored enemies would take more than the deadline to debug.


Obviously Nintendo is smarter than you to mirror there game for specific reasons beyond than you care to understand.

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It's a fact that the Wii version will be a mirror of the original product. I really see no case for discussion on this issue.

Define Original. The game isn't even released yet, so in essence the wii original will be the opposite to the gamecube version. The fact that you say "original" when its not even out yet makes no sense.

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To me I know they made it easier to fire arrows, etc by putting it fire with the button, but I seriously am not lookin forward to the Wii version, if the graphics were outstandingly better than the GC version then maybe - but to me the immersion in a game isn't about control methods its about story and the gameplay and presentation of the game, and to an even lesser extent graphics. If the gameplay and graphics are average - with both story and presentation being very good, then i'll purchase the game in question if however its the other way around I won't buy it. Why do you think I've never bought a WW2 game. ;)

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Nintendo wouldn't choose to mirror the game if it wasnt the best option to go for. If it was easier and wouldnt cause any bugs then they'd just mirror the Link model, but that would cause a lot of problems as some members have stated. Nintendo have spent so long saying that this will be the perfect Zelda and mirroring the game wont change that, none of us have played the game so it wont affect us. If Nintendo hadn't shown any screenshots and hadn't told us they'd mirrored the game then you wouldn't play it and think 'hmm things should be the other way round'.


Anyone who wants to get the cube version then fair enough, that's your choice. But don't start saying that the Wii version is any worse than the cube because it's mirrored. It's just different. About the originality of the games... Both are unique, the cube version was in development and then Nintendo decided it would be better to release it on the Wii so that's what they did. They only carried on with the cube version because they'd promised it would come out on the cube. If Nintendo had thought of putting it on the Wii sooner than that promise then there most likely wouldn't be any cube version at all.

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To be honest, I don't care about Link changing hands, or the game world being mirrored. I'm sure that Nintendo put a lot of thought into the mirroring decision and are going/have gone through the game world with a fine-tooth comb looking for bugs and mistakes. :)


The only thing I would like would be to see Peer's suggestion on the sword controls be implemented in the final game:


Vertical shaking of the Wiimote = vertical slashes

Horizontal shaking = horizontal slashes


Of course, if that doesn't happen, it's not really a big deal to me as long as it is still possible to go through different attacks, and Matt has stated you can still do the different sword attacks from the old games.


I'm just looking forward to another epic Zelda title. :D (Now if only I could get a nice progressive scan TV...)

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Has there been any word on the Cube version of Zelda being released in the UK/EU or has it been canceled?
Reaffirmation of Cube Twilight Princess in Europe


A portion of a Jeux Video interview with Director of Marketing for Nintendo of France, Mathieu Minel…


JV: What about the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess?


MM: Regarding the GameCube version, it won’t release at the same time. You’ll have to wait since it is now expected for mid-december.


Nice to hear that the title is still on the way, and with a situation much like the US version. That IGN story we ran concerning the Euro version had me worried for our readers across the pond! Just curious, how many Euro readers plan on buying a Wii, but wanted the Cube version of TP?

Source: http://gonintendo.com/?p=5746


Here you go :grin:

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Yes game companies who don't act big an say it will have this in and this in and up with nothing they promised.


I don't trust game companies who put more graphics over gameplay.


I don't trust game companies who put a new controller concept over graphics.


I don't trust game companies who state they are going to bring a major franchise and end up being a crap half baked cheesy idea- FF Crystal Chronicals is one of these games.

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I don't like you. You don't realize that actual poeple have put there time and soul into the wii version. Since its gonna be the premiere version, maybe its because I actually make some games of my own that I understand, I can understand what they have to go through what they have to do to make there date. I guess thats why it pisses me off when poeple bitch about shit as petty as this.


If you don't want to play the Wii version than shut the fuck up and don't spend 250.00 bucks on the Wii and play the gc version.


These gay ass fanboys are about to make me quit this forum.


just hush up then and leave-and hey! i'm a gay fanboy-wanna make somat of it?! lol


i can totally see the point in the GC version. i myself want to play the Wii version first then i'll probs play through my GC copy after or if the controls annoy me.


mmmmmm 8/12/06 is looking closer with everyday . . . . well dur!!! lol


Yes game companies who don't act big an say it will have this in and this in and up with nothing they promised.


I don't trust game companies who put more graphics over gameplay.


I don't trust game companies who put a new controller concept over graphics.


I don't trust game companies who state they are going to bring a major franchise and end up being a crap half baked cheesy idea- FF Crystal Chronicals is one of these games.


that second point about the controller is lame, a change in the controller if done correctly will bring about much better gameplay which contradicts your other point.


you give me a lil migrane! lol

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